The Space Sciences Observatories (OSU) are tasked with carrying out long-term observations in the field of space sciences. To that end, they bring together teams and research laboratories on core themes, such as astronomy, Earth physics, oceanography, or the environment. They have three tasks: observing, researching, and training.
The missions of the OSU are threefold: observation, research and the dissemination of scientific knowledge, notably through university training.
The OSU are parts of the National Space Sciences Institute (INSU) of the CNRS, and are internal structures of the universities.
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The School of Earth, Environment and Space Sciences (OSUC), founded in 2009, is an internal training school of the University of Orléans. It brings together several research teams and laboratories in the field of space sciences (ISTO, LPC2E, Nançay Station), as well as several laboratories included in the Orléans Grand Campus (CBM, ICARE, PRISME, the INRAE's Earth sciences unit, IDP). The OSUC is managed by 3 institutions that define its gloabal strategy: the CNRS, the University of Orléans and the Paris Obervatory (Observatoire de Paris-PSL). To carry out its various missions, the OSUC benefits from a Support for Research Unit (UAR 3116).
It is currently managed by Professor Christophe Tournassat, from the University of Orléans.