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platforms for environmental innovation, promotion, and technological optimisation


Hosts :

Véronique Daële (ICARE), S. Dupraz (BRGM), Fatima Laggoun (ISTO), Isabelle Cousin (INRA val de Loire), Mohamed Azaroual (ISTO-BRGM), Antéa Groupe, C. Vautrin-Ul (ICMN)

Platforms for environmental innovation, promotion, and technological optimisation is a coordinated set of 7 experimental and analytical platforms that is dedicated to developing engineering and environmental metrology for natural resources intensive activities, a theme that is considered a priority by the Centre-Val de Loire region as a part of the European policy for smart specialisation.


PRAT -  atmospheric reactivity platform

PRIME - remediation and innovation for environmental metrology platform

PESAt -Platform on Soil-Atmosphere Exchanges in Peat-lands]


PESAa - Platform on Soil-Atmosphere Exchanges dedicated to agricultural soils

O-ZNS - Observatory of transfers in the unsaturated zone

PERMECA - Research Trials in Collaborative and Applied Environmental Mechanics Platform

DECAP - Platform for Sensor Development

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EQUIPEX : Experimentation planet: simulation and in situ analysis in extreme conditions

Host : Bruno Scaillet

PLANEX (Experimentation planet: simulation and in situ analysis in extreme conditions] intends to create a high-pressure, high-temperature platform (HP-HT) enabling in-situ chemical, structural, and isotope analyses on fluids (silicates and molten salts, aqueous fluids, gas) as well as simulate fluid transfer processes in geomaterials or their synthetic equivalent.

To that end, it combines the skills of 7 laboratories:


ISTO (experimentation on HP-HT silicate fluids)

CEMHTI (HT in situ spectroscopy of silicate fluids and molten salts)

LPC2E (isotopes, gas spectroscopy)

GREMI (X-ray flash source)

CRPG (isotope analysis by ion probe)

BRGM (simulation of reactive transfers)

LECIME (molten salts and fuel cells).





Animateur : Jean-Louis Rouet

Orléans and Tours Scientific Computation and Modelling – CaSciModOT

Among research programmes, many fields use modelling and simulations. To meet the needs for high-performance computing of the laboratories in the Centre region, the CaSciModOT federation implemented the creation of a computing mesocentre. This structure provides academic and industrial research laboratories with access to high quality technical facilities and a place to share ideas and experiences in the field of high-performance computing.


Architecture :
1 500 cores
Theoretical peak power: 15.5 TFlops
46 To de disques de stockage
« green-computing »

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