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Fire, Detonation and Deflagration Platforms

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“VESTA” experimental fire platform:

"NexGen" burner for carrying out ISO 2685/FAA AC 20-135 standard fire tests, in particular for aeronautical composite materials.
The test rig can be fitted with a wide range of instrumentation, depending on the measurements required: mass loss, radiative or total heat flux, front and rear face temperatures (thermocouples and thermal camera), gas sampling and GC/MS analysis.


Detonation platforms are used to experimentally simulate the detonation of gaseous charges and their effects, as well as the propagation of shock waves in confined or unconfined, obstructed or unobstructed environments. The transition from gas to pyrotechnic charges and the change of scale are applied.
The deflagration platform can be used to experimentally simulate industrial gas explosions (such as hydrogen) or dust explosions in a variety of scenarios: injection rate, site geometry...

The resources are as follows: Hartmann tubes (dust explosions), LIQUIM bench (laser ignition of gaseous mixtures at rest), LILOVEM bench (laser ignition of energetic materials).


Our industrial partners have recognized and validated these applications.