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ECM Test Benches

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11 test cells in two buildings to investigate everything from flame structure to powertrain control

The PRISME laboratory, via the activities of the ECM Area, owns various experimental facilities in order to:

  • validate control strategies and manage available energy within a hybrid vehicle or other system
  • characterize the impact of fuel on mixture preparation and combustion in thermal machines
toit du hall euler


Dedicated resources for studies on the combustion of dihydrogen / ammonia / bio/syngas:

  • High-power multi-cylinder engine cells
  • Single-cylinder engine cells:
  • Specific chambers
    • fast compression machine for auto-ignition delay measurement
    • spray (non-reactive) and NOSE (New One Shot Engine) chambers for studying liquid and gaseous sprays
    • combustion sphere for laminar and turbulent flame speed measurements

Dedicated resources for validating physical models and control strategies:

  • Hot fuel cell bench
  • Heat exchanger bench for battery thermal studies

Facilities made available to Stellantis as part of EXPLO'E: 2 specific test cells for the study of new energy converters for mobility.


pile à combustible de type SOFC
C11 - Turbulent Vessel


The European Regional Development Fund has strengthened these resources.