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The PRISME laboratory is a research laboratory of the University of Orléans and the INSA Centre Val de Loire (EA 4229)

It also has a hosting agreement with HEI.



Its area of expertise and methodological approaches are part of the Science and Technology (ST) scientific field.

They cover as well Engineering Sciences (SPI) as Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST).

The role of the PRISME laboratory is multidisciplinary in the general field of engineering sciences and technologies over a wide spectrum of disciplinary fields including:

  • combustion in engines,
  • energy,
  • explosions,
  • aerodynamics, fluid mechanics,
  • signal and image processing,
  • automation,
  • robotics.

The structure of laboratory is in two scientific departments organized into thematic axes. 

Keywords : Fluid mechanics, combustion, energy, propulsion, explosions, automation, robotics, signal processing, image processing, vision, complex system modeling, diagnostics, control command

Staff: 90 lecturer-researchers, 50 doctoral students, 9 engineers, technicians, administrative staff