Prof. Rachid Harba graduated from the ENS Cachan in Electrical Engineering, Paris, France, in 1983, and obtained his PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering in 1985 in INPG Grenoble, France. In 1988 he became an associate professor at the Orléans University, France, and he is now a Professor at the Orléans university, in the Polytech’Orléans department.
He is teaching signal and image processing, computer science, and statistics. He has been Director of the LESI research laboratory in Orléans more than 10 years, responsible of a master program in electronic, administrative responsible of the teachers in Electrical Engineering in the University of Orleans, and is now responsible of the Mundus international teaching program at Polytech.
His research interest’s concerns statistical signal and image processing, with emphasis to medical and industrial applications. He has developed a fractal analysis system to assess the quality of bone architecture. More recently, he has focused on the analysis of thermal images for the early detection of diabetic foot, and on the development of watermarking methods for the industry.
He is the author or co-author of more than 120 international publications. He has been the director of 17 PhD students, is currently director of 3 PhD students, and has been member of the jury of more than 60 PhD defense. He received an annual grant of excellence research from the French government for 12 years. He had numerous contracts with the industry, and has been involved in several international research programs (Ecos-Nord with Colombia, Toubkal with Morocco, and FinCyt with Peru). He is presently coordinator of the STANDUP European project which involves worldwide 5 universities, 2 hospitals and 2 high tech companies. International experiences also include a 3 months sabbatical in the University of Rhode Island, USA. He is reviewer for several international journals, has been chairman at IEEE IECON 2007 and invited speaker in AMINA 2006 in Monastir, Tunisia, CONEIMARA 2009 in Cusco, Peru, and in ICHICS 2016 in Kenitra, Morocco.