Pour suivre ce parcours il est obligatoire de choisir une LV2 (Espagnol ou Allemand).
Cette langue vivante sera à poursuivre au S6.
Nom de l'enseignement | Responsable(s) de l'UE | Volume Horaire | Code de l'UE | ECTS | COEFF | ||
CM | TD | TP | |||||
Linguistique anglaise | Marie-Eve PERROT | 18 | LLA5B1E | 3 | 3 | ||
Compréhension et expression orales anglais | Kerry-Jane WALLART | 18 | LLA5B1B | 2 | 2 | ||
Thème anglais | Gilles CLOISEAU | 18 | LLA5B1C | 3 | 3 | ||
Version anglaise | Gilles CLOISEAU | 18 | LLA5B1D | 3 | 3 | ||
La littérature anglaise au XIXe sicèle (GB) | Ben WINSWORTH | 18 | LLA5B2A | 2 | 2 | ||
Littérature états-unienne | Kerry-Jane WALLART | 18 | LLA5B2B | 2 | 2 | ||
Histoire sociale et idéologie politique 1 : domaine britannique | Karin FISCHER | 6 | 18 | LLA5B3A | 2 | 2 | |
Histoire sociale et politique : domaine nord-américain | Kamila BENAYADA | 6 | 18 | LLA5B3B | 2 | 2 | |
Le Royaume-Uni et le monde | Karine RIVIERE DE FRANCO | 18 | LLA5B3C | 2 | 2 | ||
Initiation à la recherche | Kamila BENAYADA | 12 | LLA5B51 | 1 | 1 | ||
Enseignement au choix (1 choix) | |||||||
Allemand (lansad) | Anne DELOUIS | 18 | LLA5ALL | 2 | 2 | ||
Espagnol (lansad) | Marcos EYMAR | 18 | LLA5ESP | 2 | 2 | ||
Atelier d'écriture | 15 | LLA5G90 | 2 | 2 | |||
Parcours MEEF anglais | |||||||
Renforcement linguistique anglais | Alice RAY | 18 | LLA5B6A | 2 | 2 | ||
Shakespeare: Comedy, History, Tragedy | Samantha FRENEE | 18 | LLA5B6B | 2 | 2 | ||
Didactique des langues étrangères | Stéphane BRUNEL | 15 | LLA5B6C | 2 | 2 |
Initiation à la recherche
This class will be divided into single sessions in which a member of the teaching staff will present their research so that students can become familiar with how research is carried out and where it can lead. It will also enable students to be aware of the specialities of each professor, thus facilitating choices for masters’ theses and supervision.
Linguistique de l’énonciation : le groupe nominal.
Bibliographie :
Larreya, P. et Rivière, C., Grammaire Explicative de l’Anglais (2014 ou édition antérieure, 2010 ou 2005), Longman.
Bouscaren, J., Moulin, M. et Odin, H., Pratique raisonnée de la langue. Initiation à une grammaire de l’énonciation pour l’étude et l’enseignement de l’anglais (2000), Gap : Ophrys.
Une bibliographie complète sera fournie en début de cours
Expression orale et interactions
This module aims to provide students with further opportunities to speak and practice their use of language in a number of communicative activities organized by the ‘lecteurs’ using a variety of language functions and vocabulary according to situation, topic and task in a context appropriate for their level.
The module will continue work done in conjunction with pronunciation teaching in order to enhance students’ intelligibility and build on skills acquired in the first semester. Students will continue to develop their awareness of intonation, rhythm and word stress to allow them to communicate more effectively and to be more easily understood. Students should be able to speak confidently and fluently with little error when talking about familiar topics. They should discuss facts, ideas and experiences using a range of vocabulary, structures and time references.
Introduction à la linguistique de l’énonciation: le groupe verbal.
Bibliographie :
Une bibliographie sera fournie en début de cours.
Compréhension et expression orale
This module aims to provide students with opportunities for listening effectively for gist and detail at an appropriate level. Students will be exposed to a variety of authentic material dealing with contemporary issues in order to become familiarized with different register, accents and pronunciation. Students will be expected to answer comprehension questions about a given audio document, either orally or in writing, in- dividually or in groups. Students will continue working towards taking effective notes based on what has been heard and should be able to summarize (either orally or in note form) in detail, report and explain short extracts from news items, interviews or documentaries containing opinions, argument and discussion. The module also aims to provide students with opportunities to speak and practice their use of language in a number of communicative activities organized using a variety of language functions and vocabulary according to situation, topic and task in a context appropriate for their level. Students will be able to implement their knowledge of intonation, rhythm and word stress to communicate more effectively and speak with fluency and spontaneity. They should be able to seek and offer reasons to back up a statement or an opinion. They should be able to discuss a range of topics and material both factual and non-factual varying vocabulary, structure and tense in order to match language to purpose and context.
Literary translation from French into English: Translating from native language leading to an exploration of the target language, its lexical, syntactic and stylistic idiosyncra- sies. This work will also lead to assessing the translating tools the web offers. Texts should be worked on prior to classes.
Bibliographie :
Roget’s Thesaurus.
Literary translation from English into French: Translation into French will be carried out along with a wide spectrum of literary texts with increasing complexity and difficulty. Translation operations (transformations) will be explored in the process, and their ef- ficiency compared in order to draw out each text (and genre) specificity. This will also be the opportunity to look into the translation of cultural connotation (localisation).
Bibliographie :
Ouvrages sur les méthodes de traduction (e.g Vinay et Darbelnet), Syntaxe comparée du français et de l’anglais, Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher
The political declaration of Independence (1776) was followed in the United States by a will to found a national cultural tradition which would abolish any English preeminence (starting from the mid-1830s). The echoes of such a transgression are still heard in the most contemporary voices. In this course we will study a range of major American texts from the point of view of their relation to a literary and linguistic European legacy ; we shall focus on the strategies and processes through which such a tradition has been redirected / resisted / countered. We shall probe the specificities of an American positionality in relation to its own past with the aim of strengthening knowledge of the historical context(s). Much attention will be paid to furthering students’ skills in close textual analysis. The texts will be read in the order in which they appear (infra).
Bibliographie :
1. Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1850, ed. Thomas E. Connolly, Penguin, 2015)
2. T.S. Eliot, “The Waste Land” (1922, in Collected Poems 1909-1962, Faber, 1974)
3. Suzan-Lori Parks, Venus (1990, Theatre Communications Group, 1997).
Indispensable to help you with the tools of literary analysis:
Grellet, Françoise, Introduction to American Literature : Time Present and Time Past. Paris : Hachette Supérieur, 2017 (dernière réédition à ce jour).
Grellet, Françoise, A Handbook of Literary Terms : Vocabulaire de l’analyse littéraire en anglais. Paris : Hachette Supérieur, 2013.
Hugues, Terence et Claire Patin. L’Analyse textuelle en anglais (Narrative theory, textual practice). Paris : Dunod, 1998, 2004.
Wilkinson, Robin. Le Commentaire littéraire anglais. Close Readings. Paris : PUF, 2011.
La littérature anglaise au 19e siècle
This course will look at some of the major literary productions of the nineteenth centu- ry with the aim of strengthening knowledge of the cultural/historical context(s) while also continuing to develop skills in textual analysis. As well as offering introductions/ close readings of the novels on the reading list, students will also study other texts in class (literary, theoretical, historical) as a means of enlarging their understanding of the period.
Bibliographie :
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1813); Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (1860); Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1892)
Histoire sociale et idéologie politique GB : Political ideology and social history in Britain since 1945
The course aims at giving students a historical perspective on a range of contemporary social and political issues in Britain, with a view to achieving a more informed understanding of both recent British history and present-day British society. In the first semester, we will focus on political/ideological trends and how they have informed economic and social policies over the past few decades, and look at some related social developments (political/ economic overview; social policies, social struggles and social protection; wealth, poverty and social inequalities; social attitudes and mentalities; issues of social and socio-cultural domination and conflict).
Bibliographie :
Pierre Lurbe and Peter John, Civilisation britannique (Paris: Hachette), most recent edition. Arthur Marwick, British Society since 1945 — The Penguin Social History of Britain (London: Penguin), 2011 (reissue).
Selina Todd, The People — The Rise and Fall of the Working Class, 1910-2010 (London: Hodder and Stoughton), 2014.
Pat Thane, Divided Kingdom : A History of Britain, 1900 to the Present (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press), 2018.
A set of documents will be provided in class
Histoire sociale contemporaine US
This course will cover the social and cultural history of the US from the end of the Civil War to WW2. It will focus on the successes and failures of the republican ideals of the Founding Fathers, looking at cultural responses to these. We will concentrate on the links and connections between cultural production and social movements, notably the rise of Progressivism and its influence on the 20th century.
The lecture (CM) will give students the main points that will help with the work to be done in the TD, which will consist in document analysis.
Bibliographie :
Mary Beth Norton, David M. Katzman, David W. Blight, et alii, A People and a Nation, Houghton Mifflin, various recent editions ; on used books web sites it can be found at a very low price (do not apply to Amazon.fr, but rather to Amazon.UK, or Alibris.UK)..
The web site Cengage Learning, also offers tools in order to deepen the study of the United States from colonial times to the present: http://college.cengage.com/history/us/norton/people_nation/7e/students/index.h
Suggested readings:
Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American Thought, Boston, Beacon Press, 1965. Arthur S. Link, Progressivism, Harlan Davidson, Harlington Heights Ill., 1983.
Michael Hiltzik, The New Deal: A Modern History, Deckle Edge, 2011.
Peter B. Levy, Let Freedom Ring: A Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement,
Westport, Connecticut, London, Praeger, 1992.
Selected web sites may help to deepen and enrich the study of the whole course : The Progressive Era: The Great Age of Reform, Copyright © 2010, Henry J. Sage : http://www.academicamerican.com/progressive/topics/progressive.html; Progressive Era to New Era, 1900-1929 – Library of of Congress
- The New Deal : http://www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/new-deal.html Ressources pédagogiques :
A set of primary and secondary documents will be provided at the beginning of the term.
Le Royaume-Uni et le monde
This course will explore the place of the United Kingdom in the world since the Second World War, foreign affairs and international influences, in particular the “Special Relationship” between the UK and the United States, as well as the links between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth.
A set of documents will be provided in class.
Bibliographie :
Dumbrell J., A Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations From the Cold War to Iraq, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2006.
Ovendale R., Anglo-American Relations in the Twentieth Century, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1998. Reynolds D., Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the 20th Century, London, Longman, 1991.
Sanders D., Losing an Empire, Finding a Role: British Foreign Policy since 1945, Basingstoke, Mac- millan, 1990.
Self Robert, British Foreign and Defence Policy since 1945: Challenges and Dilemmas in a Changing World, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2010.
Langue vivante
Espagnol : Grammaire. Exercices de lexique. Lecture de documents. Prononciation et expression. Synthèse de documents. Présentation de documents.
Atelier d'écriture 1
Ce cours d’atelier d’écriture et de maîtrise de la langue française est avant tout pensé comme un espace de liberté et de création personnelle. En effet, bien qu’irrigué par un flux constant de savoirs théoriques et par la lecture de nombreux textes témoins soigneusement sélectionnés, il est essentiellement destiné à être pris en main par chacun d’entre vous afin d’en faire un authentique lieu de fabrique de l’écrit, en promouvant la créativité, l’imagination, l’exploration de soi et la libre expression. Un lieu favorisant le déploiement de la singularité de tous où chacun part à la rencontre de sa propre écriture, l’affine et la déploie, où le texte se travaille, où chacun devient son propre lecteur. Ainsi, cet atelier d’écriture s’articule autour de cinq enjeux fondamentaux :
- Composer un ensemble cohérent, organisé et créatif de textes rédigés en suivant des consignes d’écriture spécifiques.
- Favoriser le développement de l’imaginaire et de la libre expression personnelle par le biais d’un projet de composition littéraire équilibré et exigeant.
- Permettre à chacun d’identifier, développer et entretenir sa propre voix d’expression et son identité stylistique.
- Explorer des espaces de composition jusqu’alors peu fréquentés ou inexplorés, en s’appuyant sur un usage humble, sensible, rigoureux et réfléchi de la langue française.
- Retrouver le sens profond et le plaisir authentique de l’acte d’écrire en s’inscrivant dans un projet pensé sur le temps long.
Au cours du semestre 5 nous découvrirons les rouages de l’écriture romanesque en nous focalisant sur les trois pôles principaux de la création littéraire : l’auteur, l’œuvre et le lecteur. Les étudiants seront amenés à inventer la vie d’un écrivain imaginaire, à écrire l’une de ses œuvres et à rédiger la critique de cette dernière par un lecteur fictif.
Bibliographie :
ADAM, Jean-Michel, Les textes : types et prototypes, Armand Colin, 3ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
BON, François, Tous les mots sont adultes, Fayard, Paris, 2005.
BORDAS, Éric (dir.), L’analyse littéraire, Armand Colin, 2ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
CALAS, Frédéric, Leçons de stylistique, Armand Colin, 2ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
Shakespeare / comedy, history, tragedy
An in-depth study of three of Shakespeare’s major works allowing students to deve- lop their knowledge and understanding of his drama in a generic approach that offers more acquaintance with the language of the plays and the themes explored within them. Class work will involve close readings of key passages from the plays on the programme together with analysis of various film adaptations.
Bibliographie :
Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, Macbeth (Oxford World’s Classics).
Renforcement linguistique
À travers l'analyse en contexte de différents segments, les étudiants s'entraîneront à décrire et analyser un ensemble de formes linguistiques pour renforcer les compétences acquises les années précédentes (révisions des natures et fonctions, détermination nominale, temps, aspect, modalité, etc.).
Rotgé, W. / Lapaire, J.-R. (2004), Réussir le commentaire grammatical de textes, Paris : Ellipses.
Oriez, S. (2018), Linguistique énonciative de l'anglais, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Didactiques des langues étrangères
Histoire des différentes méthodes et approches de l’enseignement de l’anglais ; présentation du cadre européen commun d’enseignement pour les langues (CECRL) ; introduction à la perspective actionnelle ; introduction à l’évaluation des apprentissages ; présentation des principaux textes officiels régissant l’enseignement de l’anglais dans le secondaire.
Bibliographie :
Documents et bibliographie distribués en cours.