Nicolas Mazellier est professeur de mécanique des fluides à l'Université d'Orléans (France). Après avoir obtenu son doctorat à l'Université de Grenoble (France) en 2005, il a été chercheur post-doctoral de 2006 à 2007 à l'Imperial College de Londres (UK) puis de 2007 à 2009 au CORIA (Rouen, France). En 2009, il a obtenu un poste de Maître de Conférences à l'Université d'Orléans. Ses activités de recherche englobent la modélisation physique et le contrôle des écoulements turbulents décollés et des sillages avec des applications dans les transports et la production d'énergie renouvelable. Il est le coordinateur du projet européen PERSEUS (Grant 887010, CleanSky, H2020) dédié à la conception d'actionneurs à jet pulsé efficaces pour contrôler les séparations d'écoulement turbulent. Il coordonne également le projet IDEFHYX (ANR, 2023-2027) consacré à la modélisation de surfaces super-hydrophobes en conditions extrêmes.
- Mécanique des fluides
- Turbulence
- Interface
- Sillages
- Contrôle d'écoulements
Refereed articles
[31] Bettaieb, N., Castagana, M., Passaggia, P. Y., Kourta, A., & Mazellier, N. (2022) Prediction of resistance induced by surface complexity in lubricating layers: Application to super-hydrophobic surfaces. Physical Review Fluids, in press
[30] Passaggia, P. Y., Quansah, A., Mazellier, N., Maceda, G. Y. C., & Kourta, A. (2022) Real-time feedback stall control of an airfoil at large Reynolds numbers using linear genetic programming. Physics of Fluids, 34:045108.
[29] Giannopoulos, A., Passaggia, P. Y., Mazellier, N., & Aider, J. L. (2022) On the optimal window size in optical flow and cross-correlation in particle image velocimetry: application to turbulent flows. Experiments in Fluids, 63:1-18.
[28] Kovacs, L., Passaggia, P. Y., Mazellier, N., & Lago, V. (2022) Detection method for shock-waves in viscous flows. Experiments in Fluids, 63:1-16.
[27] Passaggia, P. Y., Mazellier, N., & Kourta, A. (2021) Aerodynamic drag modification induced by free-stream turbulence effects on a simplified road vehicle. Physics of Fluids, 33:105108.
[26] Castagna, M., Mazellier, N., & Kourta, A. (2021) On the onset of instability in the wake of super-hydrophobic spheres. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 87:108709
[25] Shanmughan, R., Passaggia, P. Y., Mazellier, N., & Kourta, A. (2020). Optimal pressure reconstruction based on planar particle image velocimetry and sparse sensor measurements. Experiments in Fluids, 61:1-19.
[24] Wang, S., Batikh, A., Baldas, Kourta, A., Mazellier, N., L., Colin, S. & Orieux, S. (2019) On the modelling of the switching mechanisms of a Coanda fluidic oscillator, Sensors & Actuators A, 299:111618.
[23] McNally, J., Mazellier, N., Alvi, F. & Kourta, A. (2019) Control of salient flow features in the wake of a 25° Ahmed model using microjets, Experiments in Fluids, 60:7.
[22] Stella, F., Mazellier, N., P. Joseph & Kourta, A. (2018) A mass entrainment-based model for separating/reattaching flows, Physical Review Fluids, 3:114702.
[21] Castagna, M., Mazellier, N. & Kourta, A. (2018) Wake of super-hydrophobic falling spheres: influence of the air layer deformation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 850:646-673.
[20] Stella, F., Mazellier, N. & Kourta, A. (2017) Scaling of separated shear layers: an investigation of mass entrainment, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 826:851-887.
[19] Thiesset, F., Maurice, G., Halter, F., Mazellier, N., Chauveau, C. & Gökalp, I. (2017) Flame vortex interaction: Effect of residence time and formulation of a new efficiency function, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36:1843-1851.
[18] Thiesset, F., Maurice, G., Halter, F., Mazellier, N., Chauveau, C. & Gökalp, I. (2016) Modelling of the subgrid scale wrinkling factor for large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed combustion, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 20:393-409.
[17] Maurice, G., Thiesset, F., Halter, F., Mazellier, N., Chauveau, C., Gökalp, I. & Kourta, A. (2016) Scale analysis of the flame front in premixed combustion using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 73:109-114.
[16] Debien, A., von Krbek, K.A.F.F., Mazellier, N., Duriez, T., Cordier, L., Noack, B.R., Abel, M.W. & Kourta, A. (2016) Closed-loop separation control over a sharp edge ramp using genetic programming, Experiments in Fluids, 57:40.
[15] Thiesset, F., Maurice, G., Halter, F., Mazellier, N., Chauveau, C. & Gökalp, I. (2016) Geometrical properties of turbulent premixed flames and other corrugated interfaces, Physical Review E, 93:013116.
[14] Fragner, R., Halter, F., Mazellier, N., Chauveau, C. & Gökalp, I. (2015) Investigation of pressure effects on the small scale wrinkling of turbulent premixed Bunsen flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35:1527-1535.
[13] Fragner, R., Mazellier, N., Halter, F., Chauveau, C. & Gökalp, I. (2015) Multi-scale high intensity turbulence generator applied to a high pressure turbulent burner, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 94:263-283.
[12] Debien, A., Aubrun, S., Mazellier, N. & Kourta, A. (2014) Salient and smooth edge ramps inducing turbulent boundary layer separation: Flow characterization for control perspective, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 342:356-362.
[11] Galmiche, B., Mazellier, N., Halter, F. & Foucher, F. (2014) Turbulence characterization of a high-pressure high-temperature fan-stirred combustion vessel using LDV, PIV and TR-PIV measurements, Experiments in Fluids, 55:1-20.
[10] Feuvrier, A., Mazellier, N. & Kourta, A. (2013) Self-adaptive control of a bluff body wake by means of porous flaps, International Journal Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 5:57-67.
[09] Mazellier, N., Feuvrier, A. & Kourta, A. (2012) Biomimetic bluff body drag reduction by self-adaptive porous flaps, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 340:81-92.
[08] Mazellier, N. & Foucher, F. (2011) Separation between coherent and turbulent fluctuations: what can we learn from the empirical mode decomposition?, Experiments in Fluids, 51:527-541.
[07] Mazellier, N. & Vassilicos, J.C. (2010) Turbulence without Richardson-Kolmogorov cascade, Physics of Fluids, 22:075101.
[06] Mazellier, N., Danaila, L. & Renou, B. (2010) Multi-scale energy injection: a new tool to generate intense homogeneous and isotropic turbulence for premixed combustion, Journal of Turbulence, 11:N43.
[05] Talbot, B., Mazellier, N., Renou, B., Danaila, L. & Boukhalfa, M.A. (2009) Time-resolved velocity and concentration measurements in variable-viscosity turbulent jet ow, Experiments in Fluids, 47:769.
[04] Mazellier, N. & Vassilicos, J.C. (2008) The turbulence dissipation constant is not universal because of its universal dependence on large-scale ow topology, Physics of Fluids, 20:015101.
[03] Poulain, C., Mazellier, N., Chevillard, L., Gagne, Y. & Baudet, C. (2006) Dynamics of spatial Fourier modes in turbulence, The European Physical Journal B, 53:219-224.
[02] Chevillard, L., Mazellier, N., Poulain, C., Gagne, Y. & Baudet, C. (2005) Statistics of fourier modes of velocity and vorticity in turbulent flows: Intermittency and long-range correlations, Physical Review Letters, 95 :200203.
[01] Poulain, C., Mazellier, N., Gervais, Ph., Gagne, Y. & Baudet, C. (2004) Spectral vorticity and lagrangian velocity measurements in turbulent jets, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 72:245-271.