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Quality of fluorescent products used in artificial tracing: Publication of a public report by the Office Français de la Biodiversité

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CETRAHE publishes, jointly with EWTS (Aquapôle of the University of Liege, Belgium) and COBRA (CNRS UMR 6014, University of Normandy Rouen), the final report of a study financed by the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB: French Office of Biodiversity) on the quality, for hydrogeological artificial tracing applications, of currently marketed fluorescent products.


This large-scale inter-laboratory study has enabled progress to be made in the knowledge of six of the most widely used tracers in Europe (uranin, eosin, sulforhodamines B and G, sodium naphtionate, amino G acid), but also of the fluorescent molecules themselves, particularly with regard to their photosensitivity and their degradability in general. It also highlighted the great variability of the contents of fluorescent tracers of the sold products, as well as its uncontrollable character, due to the commercial practices of the manufacturers and the retailers.


The results allow us to suggest improvements in the practice of artificial tracing with fluorescent products, from the choice of suppliers, the design of operations and their implementation in the field, to sampling and laboratory analysis practices.

The full report is available on this link but can also be requested from CETRAHE.

See the summary as well the operational synthesis (in French) requested by the OFB :