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French Language and Culture Summer School

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Discover our summer course, combining language lessons and cultural visits!

This summer, experience a full French immersion in Orleans (2 or 4 weeks), labelled “City of Arts and History”.


2 or 4 weeks to :

  1. Practice and make progress in French
  2. Discover the region and its culture
  3. Live French in and out of classes


Les bords de Loire à Orléans



Located in the heart of the Loire Valley (UNESCO World Heritage) and only one hour from Paris by train, the French Institute (IDF) is accredited with 3 stars with the label “Quality of French as a Foreign Language”.

Carte Orléans



  • 18 hours a week of classes and workshops about French language and culture, from beginners’ to B2/C1 level.
  • Build up language skills in classes and practice in immersion during visits, activities and creative projects.
  • Cultural and gastronomic visits in the city and in the region + many optional activities.


Visits and Day trip 

2 first weeks from June 17th to June 28th 2024

chambord - patrimoine

A royal day between the city of Blois and the castle of Chambord

Stroll in the royal city of Blois and have a lunch break on the Loire riverside before heading to Chambord, symbol of the French Renaissance and king Francis I’s most majestic castle. End the day with a horse show in the famous gardens.

Guided tour: the old town’s must-sees

Discover the historical city center and wander through the half-timbered façades, the Renaissance buildings and Orleans must-sees.


Hotel Groslot

Gastronomic visit: the last vinegar maker in Orleans

Immerse yourself in the heart of a tradition and know-how dating back to the Middle Ages in the famous last vinegar factory of Orleans. 




2 last weeks from July 1st to 12th 2024


Renaissance day between the castle of Chenonceau and the town of Amboise

Dive into History at the castle of Chenonceau, a Renaissance jewel with its great gallery over the Cher river. Have a lunch break in the quaint streets of Amboise, city of Leonardo da Vinci, and discover the inventions of this Italian genius in his residence of the Clos Lucé.


Guided tour: Orleans top to bottom

Reach for the sky and climb up the 252 steps of the cathedral to discover the city’s best panorama. Then descend into the city’s undergrounds and explore a crypt dating back from the 16th century.  




Gastronomic visit: a gourmet walk

Follow us into the streets of Orléans to discover and taste the local delicacies.




Optional activities (not included)

  • Boat ride on the Loire and beach of the Charlemagne river island
  • Concert evening on the banks of the Loire
  • Litterature café
  • The Loire by bike
  • Board games bar
  • And much more: cinema, shopping, swimming pool, bowling, etc.



2 weeks from June 17th to June 28th 2024 (classes on the University campus)

2 weeks from July 1st to July 12th 2024 (classes in the city center)

4 weeks from June 17th to July 12th


Dates: to fin out more about the registration procedure, please consult the "Registration" section


Contact :

Mme Anne-Claire MAUNY
+33 2 38 49 48 46


Some photos © Orléans Val de Loire Tourisme