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The OSUC’s National Observation Services

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OSUC -SNO Palette

The OSUC is responsible for or a partner in 12 National Observation Services (SNO), including 3 in the INSU “Surfaces and Continental Interfaces” domain and 9 in the INSU “Astronomy-Astrophysics” domain.


The SNO Tourbières project aims to establish long-term, ecosystem-scale carbon (C) and water balances in 4 instrumented temperate peatlands. More specifically, the OSUC manages the La Guette site.

OSUC - sphaignes

SNO KARST aims to strengthen knowledge sharing and to promote interdisciplinary research on karst systems in France. It relies on a network of 9 observatories and research teams, providing long-term observations, in particular hydro-geochemical variables, on a panel of sources representative of the different types of karst carbonate environments, open-source tools for students, researchers and operational staff, and strong collective expertise covering a wide range of tools and approaches.

The SNO CLUPI is part of ESA's ExoMars mission, its Mars rover and its Pasteur scientific payload. The CLUPI instrument is a close-up color-imaging camera, the equivalent of a field geologist's magnifying glass.

The JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer) mission will carry the RPWI (Radio and Plasma Waves Instrument), which consists of several receivers linked to electrical and magnetic sensors. The main scientific objectives are, on the one hand, to explore Jupiter's magnetosphere, the role of the Galilean satellites on its activity and its interaction with the solar wind; and on the other hand, to explore Ganymede, study its internal magnetic field and its interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere.

NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission was launched on August 12, 2018; its main objective is to study the solar wind in the near solar environment, up to an unprecedented distance of just 9.5 solar radii from the Sun. Among the satellite's four instrument suites, FIELDS is dedicated to the in situ study of electric and magnetic fields. The observation service covers the SCM magnetic sensor, the only French instrument on board Parker Solar Probe, and the service activities cover calibration, processing and formatting for data archiving.

Launched in February 2020, Solar Orbiter is an ESA mission that will carry out in-situ measurements in the solar wind at distances never before reached, remote observations of the Sun with the best spatial resolution ever achieved, and the first imaging observations of the Sun's poles.

The international SKA (Square Kilometer Array) project aims to compare in resolution and sensitivity with the largest ground and space-based observatories. SNO SKATE aims to provide a common framework for instrumentation development, community training and support, and tool development for SKA and the European SRC (SKA Regional Centers).

Station Radioastronomie de Nançay-OSUC

Between 50 and 60% of observing time at the Nançay large decimeter radio telescope is now dedicated to pulsars, magnetized neutron stars from which we receive periodic radio pulses. One of the uses of the Nançay LOFAR station is the detection of astrophysical transients, of which the observation of low-frequency pulsars is an essential field of application.