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Few words about the lab


The Laboratory of Physiology, Ecology and Environment (ex-LBLGC) UR 1207 was created in January, 2000. Today, it is constituted of 4 research teams called respectively:

Trees and Responses to Hydric and Environmental Constraints (Pr Stéphane MAURY and coll.) ;

- Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology of Ionic Canals (Pr Steeve THANY and coll.);

Cellular Signaling (Sabine CARPIN, PhD and coll.);

- Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution of Forest Entomofauna (Pr Géraldine Roux and coll.).

 All the lab is associated to INRAE since 2017 in the form of unit under contract (USC INRAE 1328).

P2E regroups 20 teachers-researchers in different domains such as molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecophysiology, entomology and ecology (5 professors, 4 assistant professors, 11 lecturers), 7 technicians and 8 PhD students.

In the present five-year contract with the Ministry, P2E focalizes all its research activities on topic Plants / Environment Relationship.

Research team leading by S. MAURY orientates most of its activity on responses of poplars to environmental stress, such as drought tolerance, at a molecular and physiological level.

S. THANY and his collaborators carry their researches on study of physiological mechanisms implicated in the variations of poplar sensitivity to insects attacks, as well as the analysis of relations trees / insects facing introductions of exotic species.

The research project of the S. CARPIN team focuses on the study of MSP signaling pathways, trying to understand how those signaling pathway could permit plants to conserve specific responses to signals and continue to grow during drought.

Researches developed by G. ROUX team are oriented towards the analysis of relations trees / insects facing introductions of exotic species.

All research activities of P2E lab are supported by regional, national and international contracts but also by industrial contracts.


Pr Steeve THANY, lab's leader

webmaster : François Héricourt
Last update : 25/07/24