Fellow of the Combustion Institute
Research Fields:
Combustion, Engines, Hydrogen and zero-CO2 fuels, eFuels, Optical diagnostics.
See the Hydrogen ICE research projects website AMI CMA HAPPIS
Position held
- 2025-2030 : Leader of the AMI CMA "HAPPIS" Project (Hydrogène, APPlications Industrielles et Sécurité)
- 2023-2028 : Holder of the Industrial Chair "DELHYCE"
- 2023 : Fellow of the Combustion Institute
- Since 2013 : Professor in the Mechanical Technology Department / Researcher at the PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans.
- 2011 - 2021 : Head of the Energy, Combustion and Engine group (37 researchers, PhD students, Postdocs and technicians), PRISME laboratory
- 2003 - 2013 : Associate professor in the Mechanical Technology Department / Researcher at the PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans.
- 2002 - 2003 : Assistant professor in the Mechanical Technology Department at the University of Orleans.
- 2001 - 2002 : Assistant professor at the Engineering School, Polytech’Orléans, University of Orleans.
- 2002 : Phd Thesis, University of Orléans, Mechanical Energetics speciality (Congratulations of the Jury) « Experimental study of the flame wall interaction : Spark Ignition application ».
Administrative Activies
- Since 2023 : French delegate of the Clean and Efficient Combustion TCP of the International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Since 2022 : co-Head of the Join lab SOONLY "Spray & cOmbustiOn for greeN mobiLitY" between BorgWarner and the University of Orléans
- Since 2022 : Elected of the IUT of Orleans 's Council.
- Since 2021 : responsable de la licence professionnelle "Conception, Optimisation, Essais des Systèmes de Motorisation et Automobile (COESMA)
- 2021 - 2022 : participation au groupe de travail auto-évaluation HCERES volet "Politique de la Recherche"
- Since 2021 : Member of the Expert Community of the SIA (Société des Ingénieurs Automobile), Powertrain technologies
- Since 2020 : membre du Copil HSR4R de l'Université d'Orléans
- Since 2019 : Head of the technical platform ExplO Energetics between Stellantis and the University of Orléans
- Since 2019 : Member of the scientific committee of the FiTE Federation (PRISME, ICARE, GREMI)
- 2017-2020 : Management of WG3 Working conditions and social security of the "Human Resources Strategy For Researchers" (HRS4R) project for the University of Orléans
- 2014-2019 : Elected of the IUT of Orleans 's Council
- 2011-2021: Head of the Energy, Combustion and Engine group, PRISME laboratory (22 researchers, engineers and technicians, 16 PhD students and postdocs)
- 2011-2021: Member of the scientific committee of the PRISME laboratory
- Since 2012: Member of the scientific committee of the Labex CAPRYSSES (Cinétique chimique et Aérothermodynamique pour des Propulsions et des Systèmes Energétiques Propres et Sûrs)
- Since 2010 : co-Head of the Join lab Openlab Energetic between Stellantis and the University of Orléans
- 2010-2018 : Member of the scientific committee of the EPEE Federation (PRISME, ICARE, GREMI)
- 2010 - 2012: director of the Bachelor « Mechanic » : “Design of Automotive Systems Controls and Tests”, University of Orléans
- 2006-2008 : Elected to the Scientific Council of the University of Orleans.
- 2006-2011: Directeur des études Master “Fluid, Energetic and Atmosphere” Université d'Orléans
- 2006-2014: Member of the French Section of the Combustion Institute and 2011 vice-secretary of the board (2011-2014)
Scientific Animations
- 2023-2028: Holder of the Industrial Chair "DELHYCE" (ANR, Stellantis, Renault Trucks)
- 2022 – 2023: ADEME HYCEVAL, Scientific manager for PRISME (New Internal Combustion Engine – H2), (BorgWarner, John Deere, Duncha, Caillau, PRISME)
- 2022-2023: Scientific manager for PRISME of the "Plan de relance – mesure de préservation de l'emploi de R&D" with:
- Borg Warner, "HyCE" project (Hydrogen internal Combustion Engine), 2 enginners
- Renault Trucks, "ExPH2" project (EXploration Poids-lourd à l’Hydrogène), 1 engineer
- Very One, "VOSA" project (Very One Specific Additives), 1 engineer
- Pipo Moteurs, "Clean H2", 1 engineer
- 2021 – 2023: ADEME PL-H2, Scientific manager for PRISME (Renault Trucks, IFPEN, Total Energies, PlasticOmnium, PRISME)
- 2021 – 2025: ANR SPEEDYH, Scientific manager for PRISME (Using hydrogen as a decarbonated energy for propulsion applications), (ICARE, PRISME, CORIA)
- 2020 – 2025: ANR ALEKCIA, Scientific manager for PRISME (Augmented prediction and analysis of massive data for the identification of key parameters controlling internal aerodynamics), (IFPen, PPRIME, PRISME)
- Laureate of the 2018’s “Jeunes Talents France-Chine”, funding from the French Ambassade in Beijing to develop collaboration between French and China Universities
- Invited researcher at SANDIA National Laboratory, USA, 2017-2018
- 2016-2021: ANR CICCO ANR, Manager (Compression Ignition Combustion Controlled by Ozone) of the ANR Défi 6 (PRISME, GREMI, PSA, IFPEN)
- 2016-2020 : ANR MACDIL participation (Moteur Allumage Commandé fortement Dilués) of the ANR Défi 6 (IFPEN, PRISME, ENTSA Paris-Tech, PSA, Renault)
- 2015-2019 : ANR ECN France, Participation (Vers des moteurs propres et efficaces: contribution de la FRANCE au réseau ECN – ECN FRANCE) (IFPEN, PRISME, PPRIME, CORIA)
- Head of the Campus France projet STAR (France - Corée du Sud, KAIST) 2015-2016
- 2014-2015 : APR IA SubPPM , Scientific manager for PRISME (Suies issues de Biocarburants : Production et Propriétés en vue de leur Minimisation », (ICARE, PRISME, GREMI).
- Invited Professor at KAIST (Korea) 2012-2013 (Erasmus Mundus BEAM Mobility Program)
- 2013-2016: ANR MACDOC, Manager (Downsized Spark Ignition Engine with Controlled Oxygen Rate) of the ANR TDM (PRISME, ICARE, IFP EN, PSA, Polymem)
- 2013-2016: ANR ASTRIDE, Participation (Aerodynamics and Sprays during TRansients of Gasoline Direct Injection Engines), ANR TDM 2012 (IFPEN, PRISME, CEHTIL, Continental, Renault, PSA)
- 2012-2014 : ANR DEVACOL, Participation (Diagnostics de l'évaporation de combustible liquide), ANR ASTRID (CORIA, PRISME, ICARE, LEMTA, ONERA)
- 2011 – 2014: ANR ICAMDAC, Scientific manager for PRISME (Instabilities and Abnormal Combustion in Downsized Spark Ignition Engine), (IFP EN, PSA, Renault, IMFT, PRISME)
- 2011-2016: Participation of the l’ERC Advanced Grant « 2G-CSafe » (Combustion of Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Engines used in aeronautics and automotives) (Head : Philippe Dagaut, ICARE)
- Reviewer for Combustion and Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Experiments in Fluid, Fuel, Energy and Fuels, SAE, International Symposium on Combustion, Energy, Energy and Fuel, Renewables Energies, …
Scientific Valorisation
- 24 PhD Students supervision and 7 currently
- More than 153 articles in peer review journal (Scopus h-factor 34)
- More than 100 conferences
- more than 25 invited conferences
- more than 25 industrials contrats (funding > 4.7M€)
- 8 ANR, 4 Plans de relance mesure de préservation de l'emploi R&D, 3 ADEME , 2 APR IA, 1 EU, 2 international mobility projects (funding > 4.5 M€)
Supervising PhD Students (finished or ongoing)
- Andreï Boïarciuc, September 6, 2006
- Anthony Dubreuil, June 13, 2008
- Ludovic Landry, June 26, 2009
- Mathieu André, december 15, 2010
- Saisirirat Peerawat, May 23, 2011
- Jérémie Dernotte, June 11, 2012
- Jianxi Zhou, June 17, 2013
- Bénédicte Galmiche, April 11, 2014
- Padipan Tinprabath, April 23, 2015
- Roya SHAHLA, December 7, 2015
- Amine Labreche, December 16, 2015
- Jean-Baptiste Masurier, June 8 2016
- Charles Endouard, November 10, 2016
- Medhi Sadeghi, December 4, 2017
- Pietro Pinazzi, January 18, 2018
- Nicolas Seignour, November 25, 2020
- Anthony Roque, December 9, 2020
- Marco Di Lorenzo, November 7, 2016
- Zhiaojing Ni, June 22, 2022
- Zhihao DING, October 9, 2022
- Nesrine BELHADJ, September 22, 2022
- Giorgia Cenedes, February 23, 2024
- Nicolas Villenave, January 9, 2025
- Caio FILIPPO RAMALHO LEITE, February 4, 2024
- Florian Hurault 2022-
- Suryadeb MALIK 2023-
- Nourad AMIROV 2023-
- Alexis Tinchon 2024-
- Viviek Chougale 2024-
- Saad Mahomad 2024-
- Joao-eduardo Mota-Ferreira 2024-