Mes travaux de recherche s'intéressent à l'étude et au contrôle des écoulements turbulents et à densité variable. Après une thèse au laboratoire IRPHE de Marseille sur le contrôle des écoulements décollés de 2008 à 2012, j'ai effectué une première expérience postdoctoral de 2013 à 2014 à l'ONERA de Chatillon sur les méthodes stabilité appliquées aux écoulements turbulents. J'ai poursuivi mon parcours par une expérience post doctoral à l'université de Caroline du Nord entre 2014 et 2018 sur l'analyse des écoulements en convection horizontale et sur la turbulence en régime stratifié.
Depuis 2018, je suis maître de conférence à l'université d'Orléans où j'interviens en tant qu'enseignant à Polytech'Orléans dans la spécialité TEAM (Technologie pour l'Energie, l'Aérospatiale, et la Motorisation). Je poursuis mes travaux de recherche au laboratoire PRISME sur le contrôle en boucle fermée d'écoulements turbulents par des méthodes issues de la théorie du contrôle et de l'apprentissage machine ainsi que l'étude de l'effet de la turbulence externe sur ces derniers.
- Instabilité et contrôle d'écoulements
- Ecoulements stratifiés
- Convection naturelle
Refereed articles
[24] An Isotropic Porous Medium Approach to Drag Mitigation Disappearance in Super-Hydrophobic Falling Spheres (M. Castagna, N. Mazellier, P.-Y. Passaggia and A. Kourta),
2018 Submitted to Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8 pages
[23] On the effect of free-stream turbulence on an Ahmed-body wake (P.-Y. Passaggia, N. Mazellier and A. Kourta), 2020 Submitted to J. Fluid Mech., 28 pages
[22] Limiting regimes of turbulent horizontal convection. Part II : Large Prandtl numbers (P.-Y. Passaggia, N. Cohen, A. Scotti and B. White), 2019 Submitted to Phys. Rev. Fluids , 21 pages
[21] Limiting regimes of turbulent horizontal convection. Part I : Low Prandtl numbers (P.-Y. Passaggia, A. Scotti and B. White), 2018 Submitted toPhys.Rev. Fluids, 19 pages
[20] Direct measurement of kinematic & dynamic particle collision in isotropic grid turbulence (S. Chen, P.-Y. Passaggia, and B. White), 2020 Submitted to J. Fluid Mech., 10 pages
[19] Pressure estimation from PIV: An optimal control approach (R. Shanmughan, P.-Y. Passaggia, N. Mazellier, and A. Kourta), 2020, Exp. Fluids, In Press
[18]Estimating pressure and internal-wave flux from laboratory experiments in focusing internal waves ( P.-Y. Passaggia, V. Chalamalla, M. Hurley, A. Scotti and E. Santilli), 2019, Exp. Fluids, In Press
[17]Transient energy growth in the ageostrophic Eady model (V. Zemskova, P.-Y. Passaggia, and B. White), 2020 J. Fluid Mech., volume 885, pp.
[16]Diagnosing diabatic effects on the Available Energy of stratified flows in inertial and noninertial frames (A. Scotti and P.-Y. Passaggia), 2018, Accepted in J. Fluid Mech., volume 861, pp. 608–642
[15]Experimental investigation of nonlinear internal waves in deep water with miscible fluids (R. Camassa, R. McLaughlin, M.W. Hurley, P.-Y. Passaggia and C. Thompson), 2018, J. Ocean Eng. Marine Ener. volume 4, pp. 243–247
[14]Optimal transient growth in thin interface internal solitary waves. (P.-Y. Passaggia, K. Helfrich and B. White), 2017,J. Fluid Mech., volume 840, pp. 342–378
[13]Optimal control of a separated boundary boundary-layer ( P.-Y. Passaggia & U. Ehrenstein), 2018, J. Fluid Mech. volume 840, pp. 238–265.
[12]Turbulent horizontal convection at high Schmidt numbers ( P.-Y. Passaggia, M. Hurley, A. Scotti and B. White), 2017, In Phys. Rev. Fluids, volume 2, pp. 090506.
[11]Transition and turbulence in horizontal convection. Linear Stability analysis ( P.-Y. Passaggia, A. Scotti and B. White), 2017, In J. Fluid Mech., volume 821, pp. 31–58.
[10]Variable Density Vortex Ring Dynamics in Sharply Stratified Ambient Fluids (R. Camassa, D. Harris, D. Holz, R. McLaughlin, K. Mertens, P.-Y. Passaggia C. Viotti), 2016, In Phys. Rev. Fluids, volume 1, pp. 050503.
[9]Optimization of the Selective Frequency Damping parameters using model reduction (G. Cunha, P.-Y. Passaggia and M. Lazareff), 2015, In Phys. of Fluids, volume 27 pp. 094103.
[8]A comparative study between kriging and adaptive sparse tensor-product methods for high-dimensional approximation problems in aerodynamics design (A. Chkiffa, A. Cohen, P.-Y. Passaggia, J. Peter.), 2015, In ESAIM Proc. & Rev., volume 48 pp. 248-261.
[7]Critical layer forcing by a stratified boundary layer flow on a tilted undulated wall (P.-Y. Passaggia, P. Meunier, S. Le Dizès), 2014, In J. Fluid. Mech.. volume 751, pp. 663-684.
[6]Adjoint based optimization and control of a separated boundary-layer flow ( P.-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein), 2013, In Euro. J. Mech. B/Fluids, volume 41, pp. 169-177.
[5]Model reduction and control of a separating boundary-layer flow (U. Ehrenstein, P.-Y. Passaggia, F. Gallaire), 2012, In Progress Flight Phys., volume 4, pp. 471-482.
[4]Transverse instability and low-frequency flapping in separated boundary-layer flows: An experimental study. ( P.-Y. Passaggia, T. Leweke, U. Ehrenstein), 2012, In J. Fluid. Mech., volume 703, pp. 363-373.
[3]Transition to chaos in the wake of a rolling sphere (A. Rao, P.-Y. Passaggia, H. Bolnot, M.C. Thompson, K. Hourigan, T. Leweke), 2012, In J. Fluid. Mech., volume 695, pp. 135-148.
[2]Control of a separated boundary layer: reduced-order modeling using global modes revisited (U. Ehrenstein, P.-Y. Passaggia, F. Gallaire), 2011, In Theo. Comp. Fluid Dyn., volume 25, pp.
[1]Wake transition of a rolling sphere. (H. Bolnot, P.-Y. Passaggia, T. Leweke, K. Hourigan), 2011, In J. of Vis., volume 14, pp. 1-2.
Published abstracts
17]Nonlinear Observer for the turbulent wake of a square cylinder (Javeria Ahmed, Estelle Courtial, P.-Y. Passaggia, M. Fruchard, and N. Mazellier), 2020, 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[16]Pressure estimation from PIV: An optimal control approach (R. Shanmughan, P.-Y. Passaggia, N. Mazellier, and A. Kourta), 2020, 55th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics.
[15]Optimal control of a separated boundary layer (P.-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein, N. Mazellier, and A. Kourta), 2019, ERCOFTAC European Drag Reduction and Flow control Meeting.
[14]The Rayleigh-Prandtl story of horizontal convection. (P.-Y. Passaggia, A. Scotti and B. White), 2017, 70th Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics.
[13]Stratified Eiphil towers on a continental Ridge. (R. Camassa, G. P. Harabin and P.-Y. Passaggia), 2017, 70th Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics.
[12]InternalWave Focusing Above a Three Dimensional Topography. (V. Chalamalla, M. W. Hurley, P.-Y. Passaggia and A. Scotti), 2016, 69th Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics.
[11]Turbulent Horizontal Convection at High Prandtl Numbers. ( P.-Y. Passaggia, M.W. Hurley, A. Scotti and B. White), 2016, 69th Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics.
[10]The elephant in the room: a rotation aware available energy. (A. Scotti and P.-Y. Passaggia), 2016, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratified flows XVIII..
[9]Transient and global instabilities of internal solitary waves. (P.-Y. Passaggia, K. Helfrich and B. White), 2016, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratified flows XVIII.
[8]Global stability and flow transition in horizontal convection. ( P.-Y. Passaggia, A. Scotti and B. White), 2016, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratified flows XVIII.
[7]Variable Density Vortex Ring Dynamics in Sharply Stratified Ambient Fluids (R. Camassa, D.Harris, D. Holz, R. McLaughlin, K. Mertens, P.-Y. Passaggia and C. Viotti), 2015, 69th Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics
[6]Low-frequency beating and transverse instability of a laminar separated boundary-layer flow behind a bump ( P.-Y. Passaggia, T. Leweke, U. Ehrenstein, M. Marquillie, F. Gallaire), 2011, AIAA paper 2011-3570.
[5]Optimization and control of a separated boundary-layer flow( P-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein), 2011, AIAA paper 2011-3607.
[4]Experimental study of the dynamics of an elongated separation bubble (in French) ( P-Y. Passaggia, T. Leweke, U. Ehrenstein), 2011, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CD-ROM Proceeding).
[3]Optimization of a separated boundary-layer flow (in French) ( P-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein), 2011, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CD-ROM Proceeding).
[2]Control of a separated boundary layer: Reduced-order modeling using global modes revisited ( P.-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein, F. Gallaire), 2009, In Global Flow Instability and Control-IV, ISBN-13 : 978-84-692-6247-4.
[1]Model reduction and control of a separated boundary layer flow (in French) ( P.-Y. Passaggia, U. Ehrenstein, F. Gallaire), 2009, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CD-ROM Proceeding).
Book Chapters
[1]Ordinary Kriging for Aerodynamics (A. Dumont, P.-Y. Passaggia, J. Peter, I. Salah el Din, E. Savin), 2019, in Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics, Springer, pp. 229-245.
Technical Report
[1]Meta-models for the numerical errors with non intrusive uncertainty quantification methods (A. Dumont, P.-Y. Passaggia, I. Salah el Din, J. Peter, E. Savin , A. Dumont, I. Salah, P. Jacques.),2014, T.R. UMRIDA D2.3-12(9), Onéra, Chatillon.
[3]Instabilities and control of a separated boundary-layer flow ( P.-Y. Passaggia), 2012, PhD thesis, Aix-Marseille University.
[2]Validation of the numerical code CEDRE for transient aerothermal applications ( P.-Y. Passaggia), 2008, MSc thesis, Onera.
[1]Numerical simulation of nucleate boiling and application to Hypervapotrons ( P.-Y. Passaggia), 2007, MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
Other Articles
[1]A local diagnostic energy to study diabatic effects on a class of degenerate Hamiltonian systems with application to mixing in stratified flows (A. Scotti and P.-Y. Passaggia), 2017, arXiv:1701.08093