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Congrès annuel du club EEA

20-21 juin 2024

Conférence SIA High performance Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine

16 mai 2024

Pour sa troisième édition, la journée d'étude SIA "ICE H2" consacrée aux moteurs à combustion interne fonctionnant à l'hydrogène s'est concentrée sur les applications de haute performance. Si les principes restent similaires aux moteurs à rendement élevé des véhicules lourds, les conditions d'utilisation spécifiques aux applications de compétition soulèvent des points techniques particuliers.   Les discussions ont largement tourné autour de la stœchiométrie, avec une tendance notable vers les configurations à basse richesse, qui nécessiteront un dimensionnement spécifique des composants du système d'alimentation en carburant. Cette édition a également mis en lumière la confirmation par les autorités de leur orientation vers le stockage cryogénique, qui permet de maximiser la quantité d'hydrogène embarquée et facilite l'intégration des réservoirs de stockage.


15 mai 2024 :Cet évènement s'est intéressé au potentiel de l'hydrogène vert comme carburant pour les sytèmes de transport en utilisant la simulation numérique et la modélisation de technologies fonctionnant à l'hydrogène

Workshop H2020 RISE RESPECT

23 avril 2024 : clôture du projet européen sur la résilience des systèmes cyber-physiques

58ème conférence 3AF

27-29 mars 2024 : 97 participants académiques et industriels ont été accueillis à Polytech Orleans

Workshop Franco-Indien : sustainable, scalable and storable E-fuels for decarbonizing transport sector

7-10 décembre 2023 : Financé par le centre franco-indien pour la promotion de la recherche avancée (CEFIPRA)

Journée thématique Combustion hydrogène

19 octobre 2023 : 115 participants du groupement français de combustion se sont réunis autour de la thématique Combustion Hydrogène 

2nd symposium on ammonia energy

10-13 juillet 2023

Ammonia, the other hydrogen, is emerging as a future energy vector for decarbonisation of the global economy. However, there are still many unknowns before the chemical can be deployed at large scale. Therefore, progress is taking place in every corner of the World. Hence, this event provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art scientific and engineering advances on the subject. Comprehensive work on ammonia as an energy vector currently takes place at the University of Orléans.

SIA events : Hydrogen injection and combustion in engine

30 mars 2023

After the first conference day on hydrogen injection and combustion in engines organized in May 2022, which nevertheless gathered 170 participants, the Prisme laboratory of the university of Orléans, the Campus Arts et Métiers de Châlons-en-Champagne, and the SIA are organizing jointly a second conference day on 30th March 2023 in Orléans focusing on hydrogen engine operation, control, and integration on vehicle. This event will be a great opportunity to exhibit engine and vehicle hardware and meet the leading specialists in this field, from the automotive industry, the associated equipment manufacturers, from the alternative energies industry, and representatives of major research laboratories and universities.

SIA events : Hydrogen injection and combustion in engine

12 mai 2022

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, the Prisme laboratory of the university of Orléans and the SIA are organizing jointly a specific one conference day focusing on injection and combustion of hydrogen in engines. This conference day will provide relevant suggestions to make this technology commercially viable. Conference topics include fundamentals of hydrogen combustion, details on the different mixture formation strategies and their emissions characteristics, measures to convert existing injection and combustion systems. This day will provide an opportunity to meet the leading specialists in this field, from the automotive industry, the associated equipment manufacturers, from the alternative energies industry, and representatives of major research laboratories and universities. With even better environmental performance, the hydrogen internal combustion engine will be able to take full advantage of its position as a carbon neutral power drive

9th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control

23 au 27 juin 2019

ACC 19 will cover all areas of Automotive control systems theory and applications, including combustion analysis, engine control, alternative fuels or power systems, modelling and identification of vehicle and engine systems and all types of applications in connection with Automotive systems. The organization of AAC 19 in Orléans, France will be a catalyzer to increase research interest in Automotive systems as well as a great opportunity to explore the research advances in the Automatic Control Community.