Buses are free in Châteauroux!
Public transports are free in the Châteauroux urban area.
50 meters close to the CES is the bus stop Balsan-Université on line 1 which connects the city centre, student residences and the Place Voltaire near the train station.
Download the map of bus lines: Map
Access the bus line hours: Hours
You also have access to Flixbus, the bus network which connects both France and Europe.
The Châteauroux CES is located avenue François Mitterand, to access it by car follow the “Ecocampus Châteauroux” signs.
To access the CES parking lot, you must get into the Ecocampus via allée Jean Vaillé.
Here is the GPS tracking to access the Châteauroux CES inside the Ecocampus.
The Châteauroux train station is home to several types of train (Corail, TER) operating on the Paris-Orléans-Limoges-Toulouse line (POLT).
To see train hours: www.sncf.com
Possible discounts: discounts vary between 25 and 75%. There are subscriptions, flat rates and many other reductions available: ages 12-25 card, discovery price for ages 12-25, discovery price for two, etc.