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Student life manager :

Nathalie DUBOST
Email :


Culture, Sports, Environment, Solidarity… There are thousands of different ways to be involved in the student community life in order to build a project, defend your opinions or gather around to achieve common purposes…

No matter what your commitment areas and motivations are, a students’ union experience will allow you to acquire new skills and discover a world built on experience, community and solidarity. 

The UFR Collegium Droit, Economie, Gestion has about twenty students’ unions. Each year, chairmen, freshly elected, introduce themselves to the student life manager.

If students’ unions have a project, they can get a grant. To do so, they have to submit a form introducing their project. 

The UFR Collegium Droit, Economie, Gestion gives one grant per students’ union per year. Requests must be given by the end of October at the Dean’s secretariat.

Once grants are passed by the management board (conseil de gestion) of the department and the executive board (conseil d’administration), they are given to the students’ union at the beginning of February. 

The grant does not cover the whole budget or expenses of the project, so it is necessary to plan other financing, for instance with the Fonds de solidarité et de développement des initiatives étudiantes (FSDIE) of the Université d’Orléans. Students’ unions will have to ask central services of the university in charge of the student life.



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Student Associations