Polytech Orleans is located on a large campus that includes the University and CNRS, close to BRGM and INRA. 75% of the school's teachers are researchers.
Polytech Orleans is located on a large campus that includes the University of Orléans and CNRS, close to BRGM and l’INRA.
The school has 96 teachers, including 72 teacher-researchers. It relies on 8 research laboratories, in which its research teachers carry out their research activities:
- le GREMI, Groupe de Recherche sur l’Energétique des Milieux Ionisés - UMR 7344 (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- PRISME, laboratoire Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes, Mécanique et Energétique - EA 4229 (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- ICMN, interfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- l'ISTO, Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans - UMR 7337 (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- le CEMHTI, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Températures et Irradiation - UPR 3079 (tdownload rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- ICARE, Institut de combustion aérothermique réactivité et environnement - UPR 3021 (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- I3MTO - Imagerie Multimodale Multiéchelle et Modélisation du tissu osseux et articulaire EA 4708 (download rapport d'évaluation de l'AERES)
- LaMé - LaMé flyer - Laboratoire de Mécanique Gabriel Lamé, EA 7494
These laboratories focus on contract-type research with industry and work in cooperation with many foreign countries. Thus, teachers and engineering students are immersed in the problem of "international engineer".
- Contact for research: Jean-Marc BAUCHIRE, phone : (+33) 2 38 49 48 84, email : recherche.polytech@univ-orleans.fr