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Come Study at Polytech Orléans

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Polytech Orléans welcomes French-speaking international students who wish to take all or part of one of the engineering courses or additional training.

You are a student

Erasmus Plus Program

Students from Erasmus Plus partner universities can study at Polytech Orléans;

Erasmus students only pay the tuition fees to their home institution. At the end of their mobility, Polytech Orléans will issue their transcript of records.

For more information, read the International Relations Office fact sheet

mappemonde avec des yeux

Exchange programs outside Europe

The exchange agreements signed between the University of Orléans and universities outside Europe allow exchange students selected by partner universities to come and study at Polytech Orléans.

Students pay the tuition fees to their home institution only and are delivered a transcript of grades at the end of their study trip.

fille sur valise

How to apply ?

1/ Your home institution must send your nomination to and with the following elements:
- Your lastname
- Firstname
- Email address
- Field and level of study

2/ You must fill out the online application form and send all the required documents using the following link:
- before June 1st for the fall semester (from September to December)
- before October 15th for the spring semester (from January to May)

Dual-degree Programs

double diplôme

Dual degree agreements have been signed with

- Universidade Estadual Pauliste – UNESP, Brésil
- Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Brésil
- Universidade Federal Itajuba – UNIFEI, Brésil

in order to offer foreign students from these establishments the possibility of obtaining 2 diplomas: that of their home university and the engineering diploma from the University of Orléans.

To obtain the Polytech Orléans engineering diploma, foreign students from these universities must have a B2 level in French and English, and must have completed the last 4 semesters of courses and internships at Polytech Orléans.

A dual-degree agreement has also been signed with Moulay Ismail University in Meknes, Morocco, enabling ENSAM students to obtain the MECA master's degree while taking courses at Polytech Orléans.

How to apply?

1/ Your home institution must send your nomination to and with 
- Your lastname
- Firstname
- Email address
- Field and level of study

2/ You must fill out the online application form:
- before June 1st for the fall semester (from September to December)
- before October 15th for the spring semester (from January to May)

For further information on this dual degree program, please contact the Polytech Orléans International Relations Office ( or the International Relations Central Office of the University of Orléans ( 

- Programme Polytech France: learn french and get your engineering diploma
Learn French and get your engineering diploma at Polytech Orléans!
This program is open to students who do not speak French or who have a maximum A2 level in French.

- Free movers – Full time students
Every year, Polytech Orléans welcomes French-speaking international students wishing to obtain the school's engineering diploma.


Summer school : robotics challenge (2 weeks in June)
Every year in June, Polytech Orleans organizes its robotics challenge. International students from our partner universities can join during 2 weeks our first year students to design and create their robots according to the specifications.
On the last day of the summer shool, it’s THE challenge, a very big and festive event with around 40 teams and 180 students.

Send us a message at before March 15th, should you wish to join us for the next summer school.



Training Courses

Our course catalogue in French
- Our course catalogue in English
International Master's degree : AESM
Master in Automotive Engineering for Sustainable Mobility
IOT School
IOT School, diploma certified by the University of Orléans


I'm an administrative or academic staff

- Erasmus teaching staff mobilities
The academic staff of our partner institutions can come and teach a course / make a conference to our students / have the opportunity to meet with their French colleagues / visit the labs / discover the research activities…
- Staff training week / Job shadowing opportunities
Please send your application to with your CV, planned period of mobility and courses.



- BREI - Polytech Orléans International Relations Office:

- Polytech Orléans Admissions Office: