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PERSEUS : Pulsed jet actuators for separation control of turbulent flows

                Keywords: airstream separation control, fluidic actuator, aeronautics, CleanSky program

                Area: ESA    

               Contact: Nicolas Mazellier (

Through the CleanSky program (H2020), Europe has created a tool to support innovation in the aeronautical sector, in particular to reduce its environmental impact. This is the background to the PERSEUS project (agreement no. 887010, 2020-2023), coordinated by the PRISME laboratory (ESA axis). This project aims to develop breakthrough solutions in terms of both methodology and technology, to increase the efficiency of fluid actuators used to control separation at the wing/nacelle junction.

To tackle this complex problem, the PERSEUS project brings together the expertise of three laboratories: PRISME in active flow control, DYNFLUID (ENSAM Paris) in high-fidelity numerical simulations, and ICA (INSA Toulouse) in microfluidics. The project is also being carried out in partnership with AIRBUS (Flight Physics Department, Germany). The project will also benefit from the contribution of recognized experts in the field (Prof. J. Morrison of Imperial College London and Prof. A. Seifert of Tel Aviv University) as part of a visiting researcher program.

The strategy underlying the project (see Fig. 1) is based on 3 main areas of work:

  • The design of a new generation of fluid actuators (pulsed jets) capable of sweeping a wide range of frequencies and blowing rates. This step will build on recent work co-sponsored by PRISME (Wang et al., Sensors & Actuators, 299:111618, 2019).
  • The optimization of the control device (aspect ratio, frequency, positioning ...) based on a sensitivity analysis applied to a large database derived from numerical simulations and experiments.
  • Proof of feasibility on a high Reynolds number experimental demonstrator implemented in the PRISME laboratory's S1 wind tunnel.


Figure 1: Strategy implemented within the PERSEUS project to increase the efficiency of fluid actuators for aeronautics.