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Heritage Preservation

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Interdisciplinary workgroup on digital transformation in heritage preservation and analysis - UO (PRISME, LaMé) and HMU

Area: Image Vision

Keywords: heritage preservation, diagnostic assistance, image analysis

Contact: Sylvie Treuillet (

Thanks to 3D scanners, cameras and artificial intelligence, digital transformation is opening up new possibilities for computer-aided diagnosis and preservation of built heritage. The project aims to initiate a collaboration between members of the European university program ATHENA around the development of digital tools dedicated heritage preservation and analysis. The initial partners (the University of Orleans and the Hellenic University of the Mediterranean) constitute an interdisciplinary seed including image processing, electrical engineering, mechanics and physical chemistry. As a guideline, a post-doctoral fellowship on the automation of conservation-related data extraction directly from the 3D survey will be organized and funded. This scientific work will constitute a focal point able to present our scientific competences to the ATHENA consortium so that new partners can join us and make innovative collaborations emerge for writing a scientific project proposal to be submitted to an European call. Exchange meetings will be organized in order to share our knowledge, to give feedback from our respective projects, and to build a map of potential scientific interactions to enrich the collaboration and prepare the proposal writing.