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OPENLAB Energetics & ExPlOe

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OPENLAB Energetics is a laboratory shared with Stellantis which aims to propose power chain concepts exploring innovative energy approaches through research activities on “zero CO2” technological bricks (H2, NH3, BioGas, etc.)

The Expl’O Energetics platform is dedicated to the experimental study of sustainable mobility solutions and of the energies of tomorrow. Located at OpenLab Energetics, this tool brings together powerful test methods, pools cutting-edge expertise and creates synergies between the industrial and academic worlds.











The laboratory aims to concretely study new energy approaches, thanks to the skills and testing means applied to automobiles from the PRISME laboratory, to improve the traction chains of the Stellantis group.

The laboratory is equipped with:

  • an injection visualization enclosure generating the thermodynamic conditions of an engine
  • a turbulent combustion chamber to measure the flame speed under aerodynamic engine conditions
  • a transparent engine with optical accesses to visualize what is happening in the combustion chamber
  • a “classic” single-cylinder engine test bench allowing new combustion concepts to be tested
  • a dynamic multi-cylinder engine bench to simulate traction chain operation











The laboratory's scientific program is structured around two main axes:

  • Thermal machines and primary energy converters whose objective is to improve as much as possible the efficiency of internal combustion engines and broaden the scope to other thermodynamic energy converters to possibly find alternative paths to piston engines.
  • Energy management of the overall powertrain whose objective is to optimize the energy management of hybrid powertrains and test different energy combinations.