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Examples of industrial/academic collaborations of the CE Area

  • ANR – ACXEME Industrial Chair (2020/2024)

- Ignition Combustion Explosion Environment Energy Materials
- Partners: ICARE (CNRS) - ASB Group - MBDA - NEXTER Munitions

For more information on the chair, visit the dedicated website.


  • EXPAALT Project (2015/2019)

- Explosibility of Aluminium and Titanium Alloy Powders
- Partners: CEMTHI (University of Orléans) - CETIM-CERTEC - MBDA France – ThyssenKrupp
- Leader: P. Gillard (PRISME)
- APR IR 2015

  • PROPO Contract

- Propagation of shock waves, following an accidental or terrorist detonation, on a site with complex geometry
- Partners: DGA TT, IRSN, MBDA Bourges, NEXTER Munitions
- Leader: I. Sochet (PRISME)

  • BARPRO Project (ANR-CSOSG, 2011-2014)

- Physical barriers to protect against the propagation of blast waves following an explosion
- Partners: Air Liquide, CEA, DGA TT, INERIS, IRSN
- Leader: I. Sochet (PRISME)

  • H2E Project (2011-2013)

- Horizon Hydrogen Energy
- Leader: Air Liquide
- Managers for PRISME: I. Sochet and X. Rocourt
- PRISME’s mission: Experimental studies of the mechanisms and effects of hydrogen-air mixture deflagration in obstruction and confinement configurations.

  • LILOVEM Project (2013/2016)

- "Laser Ignition of low Vulnerability of Energetic Materials"
- Leader: P. Gillard (PRISME)
- APR IR 2013