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Career Change or Promotion through Work-Study: Pro-A

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The professionalization period changes name!

Pro-A can be mustered at your initiative or that of your employer, within the scope of a career change or a professional evolution, during a work-study training course. 

This system is accessible to employees in permanent contract (CDI) and in a permanent single integration contract (CUI-CDI), with a qualification level of less than or equal to Bac+2.

The course can take place, in whole or in part:

  • During working hours, with continued payment;
  • Outside working hours, with your written agreement and without going over 30 hours per year.

Pro-A takes place over a period of between 6 and 12 months (up to 24 months if the nature of the qualification in question so requires by agreement or national branch agreement). General, professional and technological courses last at least between 15 and 25% (with a minimum of 150 hours) of the total duration of the additional clause on your employment contract (mandatory) detailing the duration and the purpose of the planned training action.

Educational costs and training costs are paid according to your OPCO (skills operator) criteria. 

For more information: