The SEFCO is now Datadocked!
The decree of 30 June 2015 on the quality of continuing professional training defines 6 criteria allowing to guarantee the quality of training actions.
The shared platform Datadock is a unique database on professional training that helps professional training sponsors to check the compliance of training organisms with the 6 quality criteria defined by the Law.
The SEFCO is Datadocked! Which allows to check the full compliance of our training programmes with the quality criteria of continuing education:
- Criterion 1: the precise identification of the training’s objectives and its adaptation to the trained public;
- Criterion 2: the adaptation of the educational follow up and of the assessment to the learners;
- Criterion 3: the adequacy of the teaching, technical and supervisory resources;
- Criterion 4: the professional qualification and continuous training of the providers;
- Criterion 5: the conditions of public information on the training offer, its access periods and the results obtained;
- Criterion 6: the taking into account of learners' feedback.