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Professionalization Contract

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You can register in a work-study programme at any age!

The professionalization contract is a work-study employment contract allowing:

  • To obtain a diploma or a degree and to validate a year of university training;
  • To associate theoretical knowledge acquired in class and practical expertise acquired in a company, by alternating periods at the university and periods in the company;
  • To benefit from the support of a tutor in the company and a tutor teacher;
  • To be paid each month during the contract, even during training periods at the university. 

The professionalization contract: for whom?

The professionalization contract is aimed at:

  • Young people under 26 years of age who wish to complete their formal education;
  • Jobseekers aged 26 or over;
  • Beneficiaries of the RSA or of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH);
  • People who benefitted from a “single integration contract” (“Contrat Unique d’Insertion” – CUI)

A young foreigner owning a temporary or multi-year residence permit with a “student” mention can enter a professionalization contract.

The professionalization contract: for how long?

A professionalization contract must be written and can be either temporary (CDD) or permanent (CDI):

  • CDD: The contract can be entered for a 6 to 12 months period. Its duration can be extended up to 36 months in some cases (in particular for jobseekers aged 26 or over and registered at Pôle Emploi for more than a year).
  • CDI : le contrat comprend une formation sur CDI: the contract includes a training period for 6 to 12 months at the beginning of the contract, which can also be extended in some cases.

The professionalization contract can include a trial period.

The working hours, specified in the contract, include the training hours. 

The professionalization contract: for which training course?

Many diploma courses at the University (from Bac+1 to Bac+5) are open to work-study programmes.

Click here to see the catalogue of work-study courses or type “work-study” in the keywords research bar. 

The professionalization contract: for what salary?

The Law requires a minimal salary based on the minimum wage (SMIC), which varies depending on the age and the qualification level of the employee.

Minimum monthly salary of an employee in a professionalization contract:


Age of the employee

Minimum gross base salary Minimum gross salary with bonus

Less than 21 years old


836.67 euros 988.80 euros

Between 21 and 25 years old


1,064.86 euros 1,216.98 euros
26 years old or over

Cannot be less than the minimum wage (€1,522) or than 85% of the minimum salary provided for in the contractual provisions.


The professionalization contract: for what commitment?

The employee is committed to work for his or her employer and to follow the training course provided for in the contract.

The employer is committed to release the employee during all teaching periods of the training at the university, to provide him or her with a position related to his or her professional objective, and to pay him or her a monthly salary. 


Find your professionalization contract during the Forums organised by the University of Orléans with companies!

For additional information, do not hesitate to contact the SEFCO.

For more information on the professionalization contract, see the dedicated page on the public service website.