Training is an asset for a return to employment!
As a job seeker, you can receive funding for your training. Discover which solution is adapted to your situation below.
Individual Training Aid (AIF)
Your Pôle Emploi agency can participate to the financing of your training costs.
You will receive your Pôle Emploi allowances during the time of the training.
Contact your Pôle Emploi counsellor to learn more on this scheme, and the SEFCO for any quotation request.
Regional Training Plan of the Centre-Val de Loire Region: 2021-2024
- The Centre-Val de Loire Region pays for 80 training places in years leading to a diploma (BUT – Professional Degree – Second year of a Master’s Degree) for job seekers.
You will receive your Pôle Emploi allowances during the time of the training.
For job seekers who no longer receive an allowance, a remuneration granted by the Region is possible.
These trainings are organised with the financial help of the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the European Union. Europe is committed in the Centre-Val de Loire Region with the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative, and with the State within the framework of the Regional Investment Pact for Skills.
- The Centre-Val de Loire Region pays for 45 training places for the DAEU (Diploma to Access University Studies) for local job seekers: 33 places in Orléans and 12 places in Bourges (Bourges IMEP).
You will receive your Pôle Emploi allowances during the time of the training.
For job seekers who no longer receive an allowance, a remuneration granted by the Region is possible.
This training is organised with the financial help of the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the State within the framework of the Regional Investment Pact for Skills.
If no financing solution is possible (AIF or Conventional), you can enter in a training course via an individual financing of the training costs.
You will receive your Pôle Emploi allowances during the time of the training.
Contact the SEFCO for a personalised estimate of the rate applicable to your situation.