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Civil Servants

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Consider the professional training leave!

The Professional Training Leave (CFP)

The civil servant who wishes to train in order to fulfil a professional or personal project can, under certain conditions, benefit from a professional training leave. This leave of maximum 3 year duration is paid for 12 months. 

Processes can vary depending on the civil service branch concerned: 

The CFP in State Civil Service

The CFP in Local Civil Service

The CFP in Hospital Civil Service

In hospital civil service, a payment of fees related to the training course can also be granted. The request for a payment is to be made with the ANFH.

The Personal Training Account (CPF)

Since 1 January 2019, all training activities leading to professional certifications registered at the National Directory of Professional Skills (RNCP) or at the special directory, as well as training activities allowing to obtain a skill block, are eligible to CPF financing.

It is also the case for accreditations of prior experiential learning (VAE), skills assessments, preparations for the driving license, training actions for guidance and advice to business creators, and for training actions for the benefit of community service volunteers. 

If the training activity takes places completely or partially during working hours, you must ask a leave of absence to your employer, at least 60 days before the beginning of the training if the latter lasts for less than 6 months, or 120 days before if it lasts 6 months and more. Your employer must notify his or her answer within 30 days, after which your request will be automatically accepted. 

The CPF is credited with 500 € per year, capped at 5,000 € over 10 years. This amount is lifted to 800 € capped at 8,000 € over 10 years for the beneficiaries of the obligation to employ disabled workers (OETH) or for people who have neither a level V diploma (NVQ), nor a professional title, nor a certification recognized by a particular professional branch. 

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