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Cédric Raibaudo

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Photo Raibaudo


Maître de conférences à l'Université d'Orléans (composante Polytech) et au laboratoire PRISME (axe ESA)

Responsabilités pour le laboratoire PRISME :

  • Co-Responsable Communication pour le laboratoire PRISME
  • Responsable Communication pour l'axe ESA
  • Membre du groupe Développement Durable
  • Groupe de travail sur l'accueil des nouveaux arrivants (avec le SPV-GC)

Recherche :

Mes précédents travaux de recherche ont été principalement orientés autour du contrôle d'écoulements de corps profilés et épais. Après un parcours d'élève-ingénieur à l'École Centrale de Lille, j'ai continué en thèse au laboratoire LMFL en contrôle en boucle ouverte et fermée de séparation de couche limite turbulente. J'ai continué ensuite dans un premier travail postdoctoral à l'Université de Calgary, Canada, auprès du Pr. Martinuzzi, dans la première expérience de flipper fluidique pour le contrôle en machine learning. J'ai ensuite travaillé à l'ONERA de Toulouse et l'IMFT auprès du Pr. Brazza sur le projet européen SMS d'aile morphing pour l'aéronautique dont j'ai contrôlé expérimentalement le sillage par boucle fermée sans modèle. J'ai pu enfin explorer la thématique des écoulements environnements, avec l'étude de sillage d'éoliennes flottantes au sein du laboratoire LHEEA à Centrale Nantes et auprès du Dr. Perret.

Plus d'infos sur mon site personnel

Thèmes de recherche

  • Sillages et leurs interactions
  • Écoulements environnementaux
  • Contrôle d'écoulements
  • Approche sans-modèle pour la modélisation et le contrôle
  • Boucle fermée et apprentissage automatique


Revues internationales acceptées ou soumises

[11] M. Tocquer, C. Raibaudo, A. Kourta (2024) Experimental hot-wire characterisation of the turbulent jet produced by a sweeping jet actuator in a quiescent environment, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 377, 115739

[10] C. Raibaudo, J.-C. Gilloteaux, L. Perret (2023) Realistic turbulent inflow conditions for estimating the performances of a floating wind turbine, Wind Energy Science, 8(11), 1711–1725

[09] C. Rouaix, C. Jimenez-Navarro, M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, J. Abou-Khalil, A. Marouf, Y. Hoarau, G. Harran, J. Hunt, H. Hangan, J.-F. Rouchon and M. Braza (2023) Electroactive morphing effects on the aerodynamic performance through wobulation around an A320 wing with vibrating trailing edge at high Reynolds number, Journal of Fluids and Structure, 123, 104016

[08] C. Raibaudo, T. Piquet, B. Schliffke, B. Conan, L. Perret (2022) POD analysis of the wake dynamics of an offshore floating wind turbine model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(2):022085

[07] L. Pardo Garcia, B. Conan, S. Aubrun, L. Perret, T. Piquet, C. Raibaudo, B. Schliffke (2022) Experimental analysis of the wake meandering of a floating wind turbine under imposed surge motion, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4):042003

[06] C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé (2021) Experimental model-based closed-loop control of a massively separated boundary layer at high Reynolds number, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 91, 80-93

[05] C. Raibaudo, R. Martinuzzi (2021) Unsteady actuation and feedback control of the experimental fluidic pinball using genetic programming, Experiments in Fluids, 62, 219

[04] C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, R. J. Martinuzzi, B. R. Noack (2020) Machine learning strategies applied to the control of a fluidic pinball, Physics of Fluids, 32(1), 015108

[03] C. Bingham, C. Raibaudo, C. Morton, R. J. Martinuzzi (2018) Suppression of fluctuating lift on a cylinder via evolutionary algorithms : Control with interfering small cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 30(12), 1-14

[02] C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, R. J. Martinuzzi, B. R. Noack (2017) Open and closed-loop control of a triangular bluff body using rotating cylinders, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 12291-12295

[01] C. Raibaudo, M. Stanislas, F. Kerhervé (2017) Transient characterization of the reattachment of a massively separated turbulent boundary layer using flow control, Flow,  Turbulence and Combustion, 98(4), 1039-1063


Conférences internationales

[19] M. Tocquer, C. Raibaudo, A. Kourta (2024) Mass entrainment analysis of the controlled turbulent separation using sweeping jets, 24th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, EDRFCM, Torino, Italy

[18] C. Raibaudo, L. Perret (2023) Dynamics of a floating wind-turbine wake model using experimental approach, Wind Energy Science Conference, Glasgow, Ecosse, Royaume-Uni

[17] C. Raibaudo, L. Perret (2022) Experimental analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics for an offshore wind-turbine wake, European Fluids Mechanics Conference, Athènes, Grèce

[16] C. Raibaudo, L. Perret (2022) Low-order representation of the wake dynamics of offshore floating wind turbines, TSFP 2022, Osaka, Japan

[15] L. Pardo Garcia, B. Conan, S. Aubrun, L. Perret, T. Piquet, C. Raibaudo, B. Schliffke (2022) Experimental analysis of the wake meandering of a floating wind turbine under imposed surge motion, Torque 2022, Delft, Pays-Bas

[14] C. Raibaudo, T. Piquet, B. Schliffke, B. Conan, L. Perret (2022) POD analysis of the wake dynamics of an offshore floating wind turbine model, Torque 2022, Delft, Pays-Bas.

[13] C. Raibaudo, M. Carvalho, P. Mouyon, C. Döll, J.F. Rouchon, M. Braza (2021) Feedback control on a morphing A320 reduced scale wing towards aerodynamic performance increase, CM3 Transport 2021, Barcelona, Spain

[12] M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, G. Harran, C. Nadal, J.F. Rouchon, M. Braza (2019) Dynamics of cambered A320 wing by means of time-resolved PIV and pressure measurements for design of closed-loop control of trailing-edge electroactive actuator, FSSIC Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Crete Island, Greece

[11] A. Giraud, C. Raibaudo, M. Cronel, P. Mouyon, I. Ramos, C. Döll (2019) Camber setting of a morphing wing with macro-actuator feedback control, FSSIC Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Crete Island, Greece

[10] C. Raibaudo, P. Mouyon, C. Döll (2019) Adaptive flow control laws: A simulation based comparison with low order models, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, Dallas, USA

[09] R. J. Martinuzzi, C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack (2018) Experimental control of a fluidic pinball using machine learning, GAMM Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany

[08] C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi (2017) Experimental control of a fluidic pinball using genetic programming, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, USA

[07] C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi (2017) Open-loop and closed-loop control of a triangular bluff body using rotating cylinders, International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Toulouse, France

[06] M. Feingesicht, C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard (2016) A bilinear input-output model with state-dependent delay for separated flow control, European Control Conference, Aalborg, Denmark

[05] C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas (2015) Experimental open-loop and closed-loop control of a massive separated boundary layer at high Reynolds number, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Cambridge, UK

[04] C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, D. Efimov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas (2014) Experimental closed-loop control of a detached boundary layer at high Reynolds number, European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhague, Danemark

[03] T. Duriez, V. Parezanovic, J.-C. Laurentie, C. Fourment, J. Delville, J.-P. Bonnet, L. Cordier, B. R. Noack, M. Segond, M. Abel, N. Gautier, J.-L. Aider, C. Raibaudo, C. Cuvier, M. Stanislas, S. L. Brunton (2014) Closed-loop control of experimental shear flows using machine learning, AIAA Flow Control Conference, Atlanta, USA

[02] C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé, C. Cuvier, M. Stanislas (2013) Characterization of the transient dynamics of a controlled separated flow using phase-averaged PIV, International Conference on Instabilities and control of massively separated flows, Prato, Italy

[01] C. Paugam, A. André, X. Margueron, C. Raibaudo, A. Leblanc, E. Delmotte, P. Besse (2010) Electrical vehicles project: a method to learn power electronics for a non-specialized engineer?, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Lille, France


Conférences nationales

[05] M. Carvalho, C. Raibaudo, P. Mouyon, C. Döll, S. Cazin, M. Marchal, J.-F. Rouchon, M. Braza (2019) Aerodynamic performance increase of a morphing wing using piezoelectric actuators and shape memory alloys - a study towards adaptive feedback control, GDR Contrôle des décollements, Paris, France

[04] C. Raibaudo, P. Zhong, B. R. Noack, R. J. Martinuzzi (2018) Experimental flow control of a triangular cluster of cylinders using genetic programming, GDR Contrôle des décollements, Toulouse, France

[03] C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, C. Cuvier, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas (2015) Caractérisation transitoire du recollement de couche limites turbulentes massivement décollées et contrôle en boucle fermée, GDR Contrôle des décollements, Nantes, France

[02] C. Raibaudo, A. Polyakov, F. Kerhervé, J.-P. Richard, M. Stanislas (2014) Caractérisation et contrôle en boucle fermée par actionneurs fluidiques des écoulements turbulents décollés, GDR Contrôle des décollements, Paris, France

[01] C. Raibaudo, F. Kerhervé, M. Stanislas (2013) Characterization of the transient dynamics of the separated boundary layer reattachment using fluidic vortex generators, GDR Contrôle des décollements, Lille, France


Thèse de doctorat

C. Raibaudo (2015) Characterization of the transient of a separated turbulent boundary layer under control and applications to advanced closed-loop controllers, École Centrale de Lille, Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille