- 1989: Master of Science, ‘Energy Conversion’, Univ PARIS VI/ENSAM/Univ. Orléans / Engineering Degree ‘Thermal Engineering’ – Univ. Orléans
- 1989-1993: PhD in Energetics, Université d’Orléans, CNRS PhD Grant, Supervisor: Dr. I. Gokalp, Paul Laffitte Award, best PhD French Section of the Combustion Institute.
- 2004: HDR, habilitation to supervise PhD students, Univ. Orléans
Position held:
- 1994: Postdoc Researcher CRT ENEL (Pisa, Italy) Fellow Grant from European program ‘EUROFLAM’
- 1994-2006: Associate professor, Université d’Orléans
- Sept 2006 – till present: Professor University of Orléans,
- 2013-2015: Half-delegation to French National Research Agency (ANR)– coordinator of Challenge "Mobility and sustainable urban systems"
- 2016-2017: 1-Year Visiting Researcher at Sandia National Lab (Combustion Research Center, Livermore, USA)
- 2021: Fellow of Combustion Institute
- 2023-2024: Researcher associate Tohoku University (IFS, Japan)
responsabilities (Teaching, see Proposal):
- Institutional
- 2019-2020: Vice-President of National Council of Universities, section 62
- 2008-2020: Member of National Council of Universities, section 62 college A
- 2012-2016: Vice-President of Scientific Council of the University of Orléans, in charge of Research Politique, Doctoral Studies, Partnership, Valorization and Innovation.
- Scientific
- Since 2022: Member of Program Committee PEPR-H2 (
- 2021-2022: Scientific member of ARPEGES Energy Group (CNRS): Sustainable Mobility – in charge of Combustion Topic
- Since 2019: Representative for Univ.Orléans at Energy Alliance ‘ANCRE-France Universités’
- Since 2015: Member of Scientific Council of IFP-Energies Nouvelles
- Since 2015: Delegate for France at IEA Technical Collaborative Program ‘Clean and Efficient Combustion’
- 2017-2019: Chair and co-chair of IEA Clean and Efficient Combustion Technical collaborative program
- 2012-2016: Co-PI of Excellence consortium of laboratories ‘labex CAPRYSSES’ Chemical kinetics and AerothermodYnamicS for clean and Safe propulsion and Energetic Systems.
- 2010-2016: Co-funder and manager of Joint laboratory ‘Open Lab’ with PSA –Peugeot Citroen
- 2008-2012: Co-funder and Head manager of PRISME Laboratory (multi-disciplinary, multi-site, 140 people), Univ. Orléans
- 2006-2088: Director of ‘Laboratoire of Mécanique et Energétique’ (30 people) Univ. Orléans
Referee and reviewer
- Since 2022: member of the MariNH3 International Advisory Board (UK program)
- Since 2021: member of the International Advisory Board CMT – UPV (Valencia, Spain)
- 2021-2022: expert for ERC proposal projects, FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020, COST Actions
- Since 2019: expert for French Ministry of High Education, Research and Innovation for « Research Tax Credit’
- Since 2019: member of Committee Evaluation of PHd Grant for ADEME (The French Agency for Ecological Transition°? 40 demands/year
- June 2017, 2021: member of Scientific Evaluation of Research Departement ‘engine systems and vehicles’, IFPEN
- Since 2011: member of different Evaluation Committee HCERES (CORIA (Rouen) (3 times), PC2A (Lille), LGRE (Mulhouse)
- Since 2016: expert for different international Research Council or Agency (Norway, Roumania, Poland, Catalunya, …)
- May 2017: external reviewer of COST Action ‘Chemistry of smart energy carriers and technology’,
- Sept 2015: member of board of Competence Center Combustion Processes (KCFP), Lund, Sweden
- May 2015: expert for EU in Combustion Engine for European Community “ANEGER”, the READI Pilot Network of Excellence in Green Technology
- Sept 2013: external reviewer of COST Action CM0901, “Detailed chemical kinetic models for cleaner combustion”
- Avril 2013: evaluator of Competence Center Combustion Processes (KCFP) for Swedish ministry
- 2012-2013: Member of evaluation committee of Predit4 (French program for transport)
- Since 2011: Reviewer for French research national agency ‘ANR’
- 2002-2008: Referee of European Program Large Scale Facilities of Lund Combustion Center
Scientific and Organizing committee – conferences and Scientific Associations
- 2023: Chair and President of Organising Committee of 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy
- 2023: Member of organising committee ‘TOTeM49 – IFRF, Chemical energy carriers for long-term storage and long-distance transport of renewable energies, 14-15 June 2023
- Since 2021: Advisory and scientific Committee of THIESEL (2022, 2024). Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines.
- Since 2022: Technical Committee of ‘1st and 2nd Ammonia Combustion Meetings’
- Since 2022: Scientific Committee of Symposium on Ammonia Energy
- 2013-2015: President of French Association of Visualisation Techniques for Fluid Mechanics (FLUVISU) and Organisation of 14th Symposium (Nov. 2014)
- 2009-2015: Member of Board of French Association of Visualisation Techniques for Fluid Mechanics (FLUVISU)
- Since 2009: Session Organizer of Experimental Combustion studies, International Conference on Engines for Automobile -SAE Naples
- 2006–2008: Member of Board Committee of French Section of Combustion Institute
- 2002-2006: Secretary of of French Section of Combustion Institute
Participation to Edition committee - journal
- Since 2022: Co-editor of Journal of Ammonia Energy
- Since 2018 until 2024: Associated editor of Proceeding of Combustion Institute, Elsevier
- Since 2020: Associate Editor Engine and Automotive Engineering, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
- 2015-2019: Member of editorial board for ‘Revue Oil Gas Science and Technology’(IFP-EN)
- Reviewer for Combustion Institute, Combustion and Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Society of Automotive Engines, Atomization and Sprays, Combustion Science and Technology, Fuel, Energy and Fuel, Experiment in Fluids, …
Supervision (PhD students and HdR), Participation to PhD defense Committee
- Supervisor or co-supervisor: 30 PhD students (26 phd completed)
- Advisor of 6 HDR (from Industries or IFPen,…)
- Jury member of 100 PhD defenses (20 abroad), 40% President of Committee, 50% Reviewer of Phd Thesis + 17 HdR defenses
- Publications in International peer-reviewed journals: 133 articles, citation index 35
Major International Collaborations
- Since 2023, collaboration with Prof. Hayakawa and Nakamura, Univ. Tohoku, Japan
- Since 2022, collaboration with Prof M. Battistoni (Univ. Perugia, Italy) for ammonia injection data and Engine Combustion Network.
- Since 2023, collaboration with Prof. A. Onorati (Polytechnico di Milano) on CFD simulation of Ammonia Engine.
- In 2022, I obtained a grant from the SMART LOIRE VALLEY Programme, for a Studium Research Consortium, ‘ACES: Ammonia for valuable Clean Energy Systems’, to assess the scientific and technological barriers that need to be overcome in ammonia combustion before moving to its deployment. This is with Prof Fabian Mauss BTU (Germany), Prof Nondas Mastorakos UCAM (UK), Prof Agustin Valera-Medina (UK), Dr Mara Di Joannon and Pino Sabia CNR (Italy). From this network, we submitted different proposals for Horizon Europe.
- Since 2019, collaboration with Prof. A.Valera-Medina (Participation to WP ‘Ammonia Combustion, H2020 Flexn’Confu’.
- 2016-2017: collaboration with Dr M. Musculus during my delegation to Combustion Research Facilities of Sandia National Lab (Livermore, Californy) to develop natural gas engine for Heavy-Duty engine and advanced optical techniques and some other colleagues from Oak Ridge Lab (Dr Scott Curran).
- Since 2012, collaboration with Prof F. Contino and H. Jeanmart (Université Louvain et Vrije Université (Bruxelles)). We co-supervised the first phd thesis on ammonia (2017-2020) and before works on HCCI combustion.
Research Management
- Main PI for more than 40 contracts for industry (Renault, Stellantis, Total Energy, Engie, Aramco, IFPen, GTT, MBDA, FVV (Germany), WIN GD (Swiz.),…) and for French agencies ( 8 ANR, Preditt). Estimated Funds: 8 M€
- 2022-2024: Work Package leader ‘ADONIS, Ammonia-Hydrogen Combustion in Micro Gas Turbines’ (8th Joint Call of the EI CONcert-Japan), lead by IFPen
- 2022-2026: PI of ANR SIAC (Scientific Improvement of Ammonia Combustion) – Partner N.Lamoureux PC2A, E. Riber, CERFACS, F. Halter (ICARE)
Thèmes de recherche
- fundamental combustion properties (laminar and turbulent), even spray and vaporization process
- zero-carbon and low- carbon fuels (hydrogen based fuel, ammonia, alcohols, syngas, biofuels …),
- alternative combustion modes (HCCI, LTC, RCCI, Downsizing, lean mixture)
- optical diagnostics in optical vessels
- Internal combustion engines.
Hal link here
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, I. Gokalp, A description of turbulent premixed flames based on flamelet time statistics, Turb. Shear Flows 9, Selected papers, Ed Durst, Kasagi, Launder, Schmidt, Suzuki and Whitelaw, Springer,Lab. (1994)
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, I. Gökalp, Strain Effects on the Structure of Counterflowing Turbulent Premixed Flames, Proceeding of 25th International Symposium on Combustion (1995), pp 1199-1205
- M. Golombok, V. Morin, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Droplet diameter and the interference fringes between reflected and refracted light, Rapid communication in Journal Physics D : Applied Physics Vol 31 n°18, 1998
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, O. Pajot, Droplet Sizing by Mie Scattering Interferometry in S.I engine, Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 16 (1999) pp 160,168
- E. Depussay, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, S. Burnel, A probe to estimate the local fuel concentration in spark ignition engines: design and validation study of catalytic hot wire probe, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 12 (2001), pp 313,325
- B. Legrand, C. Chauveau, E. Shafirovich, U. Goldshleger, E. Carrea, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, J.P. Rouan and I. Gökalp, Combustion of Magnesium Particles in Carbon Dioxide Under Microgravity Conditions, 2001, J. Phys. IV 11, pp. 311
- F. Foucher, S. Burnel, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Evaluation of burning rates in the vicinity of the Piston in a Spark,Ignition engine, Proceeding of Combustion Institute. 29 (2002) 751-757
- F. Foucher, S. Burnel, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, M. Boukhalfa, B. Renou, M. Trinité, Flame wall interaction: effect of stretch, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol 27/4 pp 431 – 437, 2003
- H. Trad, P. Higelin, N. Djebaïli,Chaumeix, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental study and calculations of Nitric Oxide Absorption in the g(0,0) and g(1,0) bands for strong temperature conditions Journal of Quantitative and Radiative Spectroscopy, 2004, Vol 90,n° 3,4, pp 275,289
- H. Trad, P. Higelin, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Nitric oxide inside the cylinder of a SI engine by direct UV absorption spectroscopy. Journal of optics and Lasers in Engineering, 43, 1,18, 2005
- F.Foucher, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, Fractal approach to the evaluation of burning rates in the vicinity of the piston in a spark,ignition engine, Combustion and Flame 143 (2005) 323,332
- A.Boiarciuc, F.Foucher, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, Soot volume fractions and primary particle size estimate by means of the simultaneous Two,Color,Time,Resolved and 2D Laser,Induced Incandescence, Applied Physics B, 2006, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 413,421
- A.Dubreuil, F.Foucher, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, G.Dayma, P.Dagaut, "HCCI Combustion: Effect of NO in EGR", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, V 31, I 2, p. 2879,2886, 2007
- A.Boiarciuc, F.Foucher, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, O.Pajot, "Estimate Measurement of Soot Diameter and Volume Fraction Inside the Bowl of a Direct,Injection,Compression,Ignition Engine: Effect of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation", Combustion Science and Technology, V 179, I 8, p. 1631,1648, 2007
- H.A. Michelsen, F. Liu, B.F. Kock, H. Bladh, A. Boiarciuc, M. Charwath, T. Dreier, R. Hadef, M. Hofmann, J. Reimann, S. Will, P.,E. Bengtsson, H. Bockhorn, F. Foucher, K.,P. Geigle, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, C. Schulz, R. Stirn, B. Tribalet and R. Suntz, Modelling laser,induced incandescence of soot: a summary and comparison of LII models, Applied Physics B, 2007, vol 87, N°3, pp503,521
- C.Marchal, J.L.Delfau, C.Vovelle, G.Moréac, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, F.Mauss, “Modelling of aromatics and soot formation from large fuel molecules”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute V 32, 07,00266, 2008
- D. Queiros,Conde, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, H. Kassem, M.Feidt, “A scale,entropy diffusion equation to describe the multi,scales features of turbulent flames near a wall”, Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 387, Issue 27, p 6712,6724, 2008
- S.M.Sarathy, M.J.Thomson, C.Togbé, P.Dagaut, F.Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, "An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n,butanol combustion", Combust. Flame 156 (2009) 852–864
- A.Dubreuil, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Analysis of Flame and OH* Natural Emissions of n-Heptane Combustion in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine: Effect of Burnt Gas Dilution, Energy Fuels 23 (3), pp 1406–1411, (2009)
- F. Halter, F. Foucher, L. Landry, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effect of dilution by Nitrogen and/or Carbon dioxide on methane and iso-octane air flame, Comb. Science Tech., Vol 181:6, pp 813 — 827 (2009)
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Measurement of laminar burning speeds and Markstein lengths using a novel methodology, Comb. Flame 156, Issue 9, 1735-1743 (2009)
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, E. Samson, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle (2009). Effects of hydrogen addition and nitrogen dilution on the laminar flame characteristics of premixed methane-air flames. Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(19), 8329-8338.
- C Vergnes, F Foucher, C Mounaim-Rousselle, Discharge coefficient for a Diesel Injector During Cold Starting Conditions, Atomization and Sprays, Vol 19, n°7, 597-700 (2009)
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effects of hydrogen addition and nitrogen dilution on the laminar flame characteristics of premixed methane-air flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 34, Issue 19, p 8329-8338 (2009)
- L.Landry, F. Halter, F. Foucher, E. Samson, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effect of pressure and dilution on flame front displacement in boosted Spark-Ignition (SI) engine combustion, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 1(1) : 984-992 (2009)
- J. Dernotte, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter , P. Seers, Evaluation of butanol-gasoline blends in a port fuel-injection, spark-ignition engine, Oil & gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP, Vol. 65 (2010), No. 2, pp. 345-351.
- P. Saisirirat, F. Foucher, S. Chanchaona, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Spectroscopic Measurements of Low-Temperature Heat Release for Homogeneous Combustion Compression Ignition (HCCI) n-Heptane/Alcohol Mixture Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 24 (10), pp 5404–5409, DOI: 10.1021/ef100938u, 2010.
- C. Togbé, F. Halter, F. Foucher, C. Mounaim-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of 1-pentanol oxidation in a JSR and combustion in a bomb, Proc. of the Combustion Institute, 33, pp. 367-374, 2010
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, E. Samson, SAE Int. Journal of Engines, V119-3, pp. 2010-01-1451, 2010
- F. Halter, T. Tahtouh, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Nonlinear effects of stretch on the flame front propagation, Combustion and Flame, 157, pp. 1825-1832, 2010
- F. Contino, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher, H. Jeanmart, Combustion Characteristics of Tricomponent Fuel Blends of Ethyl Acetate, Ethyl Propionate, and Ethyl Butyrate in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), Energy Fuels, 25 (4), pp.1497-1503, 2011.
- F. Contino, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, H. Jeanmart, Experimental characterization of ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate and ethyl butanoate in a HCCI engine, Energy & fuels, 2011, 25 (3), pp.998-1003, 2011.
- P. Saisirirat, C. Togbé, F. Foucher, S. Chanchaona, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Auto-ignition and combustion characteristics in HCCI and JSR using 1 butanol/n-heptane and ethanol/n-heptane blends, Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, Issue 2, pp 3007-3014, 2011.
- G. Broustail, P. Seers, F. Halter, G. Moréac, C. Mounaim-Rousselle, Experimental determination of laminar burning velocity for butanol and ethanol iso-octane blends, Fuel, 90, pp. 1-6, 2011
- J. Zhou, M. Cordier, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher. Experimental estimate of the laminar burning velocity of iso-octane in oxygen-enriched and CO2-diluted air, Combustion and Flame, 158 (12), pp 2375-2383, 2011.
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Laminar premixed flame characteristics of hydrogen blended iso-octane–air–nitrogen mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, pp.985-991, 2011
- M. André, B. Walter, G. Bruneaux, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, EGR stratification to control Diesel HCCI combustion, International Journal of Engine Research, 13, pp.429-447, 2012.
- S. Bernard, P. Gillard, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, MIE and Flame velocity of partially oxidised aluminium dust, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25(3), pp 460-466, 2012
- J. Dernotte, C. Hespel, F. Foucher, S. Houille, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Influence of Physical Fuel Properties on the Injection Rate in a Diesel Injector, Fuel, 96, pp.153-160, 2012.
- J. Dernotte, C. Hespel, S.Houille, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Influence of Fuel Properties on the Diesel Injection Process in Nonvaporizing Conditions, Atomization and Sprays, 22 (6), pp.461-492, 2012.
- G. Dayma, F. Halter, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Laminar burning velocities of C4 to C7 ethyl esters in a spherical combustion chamber: Experiment and detailed kinetic modeling, Energy and Fuels, 26 (11), pp.6669-6677, 2012.
- G. Dayma, F. Halter, F. Foucher, C. Togbe, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of ethyl pentanoate (ethyl valerate) oxidation in a JSR and laminar burning velocities in a spherical combustion chamber, Energy and Fuels, 26 (8), pp.4735-4748, 2012.
- L. Courty, K. Chetehouna, L. Lemee, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter, J.P. Garo, Pinus pinea emissions and combustion characteristics of limonene potentially involved in accelerating forest fires, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 57, pp.92-97, 2012.
- L. Courty, K. Chetehouna, F. Halter, F. Foucher, J.P. Garo, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Flame Speeds of alpha-pinene/air and limonene/air mixtures involved in Accelerating Forest Fires, Combustion Science and Technology, 184(10-11), pp 1397-1411, 2012.
- L. Courty, K. Chetehouna, F. Halter, F. Foucher, J.P. Garo, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental determination of emission and laminar burning speeds of α-pinene, Combustion and Flame, 159(4) pp 1385-1392, 2012
- G. Broustail, F. Halter, P. Seers, G. Moréac, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Comparison of regulated and non-regulated pollutants with iso-octane/butanol and iso-octane/ethanol blends in a port-fuel injection Spark-Ignition engine, Fuel, Volume 94, Pages 251–261, 2012
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, L. Landry, F. Halter, F. Foucher, Experimental characteristics of turbulent premixed flame in a boosted Spark-Ignition engine, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, 34, pp.2941-2949, 2013.
- G. Broustail, F. Halter, P. Seers, G. Moréac, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental determination of laminar burning velocity for butanol/iso-octane and ethanol/iso-octane blends for different initial pressures, Fuel, 106, pp.310-317, 2013
- F. Contino, P. Dagaut, G. Dayma, F. Halter, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Combustion and emissions characteristics of Valeric biofuels in a compression ignition engine, Journal of Energy Engineering, pp.130821105415009, 2013.
- F. Foucher, P. Higelin, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Influence of ozone on the combustion of n-heptane in a HCCI Engine, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, 34, pp.3005-3012, 2013.
- P. Seers, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Influence of O2-enriched intake air with CO2 dilution on the combustion process of an optically accessible spark-ignition engine, International Journal of Engine Research, 14 (1), pp.34-44, 2013.
- F. Contino, F. Foucher, P. Dagaut, T. Luchini, G. D'Errico, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental and numerical analysis of nitric oxide effect on the ignition of iso-octane in a single cylinder HCCI engine, Combustion and Flame, 160 (8), pp.1476-1483, 2013.
- K. Chetehouna, L. Courty, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter, JP. Garo, 2013, Combustion characteristics of p-cymene possibly involved in accelerating forest fires, Combustion Science and Technology,185, pp 1295-305.
- F. Contino, P. Dagaut, G. Dayma, F. Halter, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Combustion and emissions characteristics of Valeric biofuels in a compression ignition engine, Journal of Energy Engineering, 140, 3, Article number A4014013, 2014
- B. Coudour, K. Chetehouna, L. Courty, J.P. Garo, L. Lemée, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter, Combustion characteristics of two biogenic volatile organic compounds: L-fenchone and 3-hexen-1-OL, Combustion Science and Technology, 186, 10-11, pp1284-1294, 2014
- L. Courty, K. Chetehouna, Z. Chen, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, J.P. Garo, Determination of laminar burning speeds and markstein lengths of p -cymene/air mixtures using three models, Combustion Science and Technology, 186, 4-5, pp490-503, 2014
- P. Brequigny, G. Dayma, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Laminar burning velocities of premixed nitromethane/air flames: An experimental and kinetic modeling study, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, Volume 35, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 703-710.
- Y. Park, C. Bae, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher, Application of JP-8 to Premixed Charge Ignition (PCI) combustion in a single-cylinder Diesel engine, International Journal of Engine Research, Volume 16, Issue 1, 17 January 2015, Pages 92-103
- J. Bruitatout, F. Garnier, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Seers, Calibration strategy of diesel-fuel spray atomization models using a design of experimental method, International Journal of Engine Research, 1–19, dOI: 10.1177/1468087415611030
- Brequigny, P., Halter, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Dubois, T., 2016, Fuel performances in Spark-Ignition (SI) engines: Impact of flame stretch, Combustion and Flame, 10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.01.005,
- Brequigny, P., Halter, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C. 2016, Lewis number and Markstein length effects on turbulent expanding flames in a spherical vessel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 73, May 2016, Pages 33–41.
- Zhou J., Moreau B., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Foucher F., 2016, Combustion, performance and emission analysis of an oxygen-controlling downsized SI engine, Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2016) 71, 49
- Demesoukas S., Brequigny P., Caillol C., Halter F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., 0D modeling aspects of flame stretch in spark ignition engines and comparison with experimental results. Applied Energy 10/2016 : 179.
- Coudour B., Chetehouna K., Halter F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Garo J.P.: Effects of Temperature and Equivalence Ratio on Laminar Burning Speeds of α-Pinene/Benzene/Air Mixtures for Different Fuel Proportions. Combustion Science and Technology 12/2016; 188(11-12).
- R. Lomba, S. Bernard, P. Gillard, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter, C. Chauveau, T. Tahtouh, O. Guézet: Comparison of Combustion Characteristics of Magnesium and Aluminum Powders. Combustion Science and Technology 12/2016; 188(11-12-11-12)
- Contino F., Dagaut F., Halter F., Masurier J.B., Dayma G., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Foucher F., (2017), Screening Method for Fuels in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engines: Application to Valeric Biofuels, Energy and Fuels, 31 (1), pp 607–614.
- Roberts, G., Mounaim Rousselle, C., Musculus, M., Wissink, M., Curran, S., Eagle, W E. RCCI Combustion Regime Transitions in a Single-Cylinder Optical Engine and a Multi-Cylinder Metal Engine. SAE Int. J. Engines 10(5):2392-2413, 2017
- Brequigny P., Endouard,C. Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Foucher, F., (2018), An experimental study on turbulent premixed expanding flames using simultaneously Schlieren and tomography techniques, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 95 (2018) 11–17
- Mannaa O., Brequigny P., Mounaim-Rousselle C., Foucher F., Chung S.H., Roberts W.L. (2018) Turbulent burning characteristics of FACE-C gasoline and TPRF blend associated with the same RON at elevated pressures, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 104–114
- Nilaphai O., Hespel C., Chanchaona S., Mounaim-Rousselle C., Spray and combustion characterizations of ABE/Dodecane blend in comparison to alcohol/Dodecane blends at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Fuel, 225:542-553, August 2018.
- Lapalme, D., Halter F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Seers P., Characterization of thermodiffusive and hydrodynamic mechanisms on the cellular instability of syngas fuel blended with CH4 or CO2. Combustion & Flame, 2018, 193, pp.481-490.
- Wissink, M. L., Curran, S. J., Roberts, G., Musculus, M. P., & Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Isolating the effects of reactivity stratification in reactivity-controlled compression ignition with iso-octane and n-heptane on a light-duty multi-cylinder engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 19(9), 907–926, 2018
- Nguyen, T.L., Hespel, C., Hoang, D.L., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Butanol and gasoline-like blend combustion characteristics for injection conditions of gasoline compression ignition combustion mode, Fuel, 258,116115, 2019
- Di Lorenzo, M., Brequigny, P., Foucher, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Validation of TRF-E as gasoline surrogate through an experimental laminar burning speed investigation, Fuel 253, pp. 1578-1588, 2019
- Sadeghi, M., Foucher, F., Abed-Meraim, K., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Bivariate 2D empirical mode decomposition for analyzing instantaneous turbulent velocity field in unsteady flows, Experiments in Fluids 60(8),131, 2019
- Krisman A., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Sivaramakrishnan R., Miller A.J., Chen J.H., Reference natural gas flames at nominally auto-ignitive engine-relevant conditions, Symp. (Int.) Combust, Vol 37, 2019, 1631-1638
- Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Brequigny P. (2020) Ammonia as Fuel for Low-Carbon Spark-Ignition Engines of Tomorrow's Passenger Cars. Front. Mech. Eng. 6:70. doi: 10.3389/fmech.2020.00070
- Patel C. Hespel C., Nguyen T.L., Foucher F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Effect of exhaust gas recirculation composition on soot in ECN spray A conditions, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies Nouvelles 75, 34 (2020)
- Ben Houidi M., Hespel C., Bardi M., Nilaphai O., Malbec L.-M., Sotton J., Bellenoue M., Strozzi C., Ajrouche H., Foucher F., Moreau B., Rousselle C., Bruneaux G., Characterization of the ECN spray A in different facilities. Part 1: boundary conditions characterization, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 75, 35, 2020
- Hespel C., Ben Houidi M., Ajrouche H., Foucher F., Haidous Y., Moreau B., Nilaphai O., Rousselle C., Bellenoue M., Claverie A., Sotton J., Strozzi C., Bardi M., Bruneaux G., Malbec L.-M., Characterization of the ECN spray A in different facilities. Part 2: spray vaporization and combustion, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 75, 78, 2020
- Lhuillier, C., Brequigny, P., Contino, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Experimental study on ammonia/hydrogen/air combustion in spark ignition engine conditions, Fuel 269,117448, 2020
- Brequigny, P., Endouard, C., Foucher, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Improvement of Turbulent Burning Velocity Measurements by Schlieren Technique, for High Pressure Isooctane-Air Premixed Flame, Comb. Science and Technology, 192(3), pp. 416-432, 2020
- Lhuillier, C., Brequigny, P., Lamoureux, N., Contino, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Experimental investigation on laminar burning velocities of ammonia/hydrogen/air mixtures at elevated temperatures, Fuel 263, p.116653, 2020
- Di Lorenzo, M., Brequigny, P., Foucher, F., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., New One Shot Engine Validation Based on Aerodynamic Characterization and Preliminary Combustion Tests, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, pages 1417–1436, 2021
- Shrestha K. P., Lhuillier C., Barbosa, A., Brequigny P., Contino F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Seidel L., Mauss F., An experimental and modeling study of ammonia with enriched oxygen content and ammonia/hydrogen laminar flame speed at elevated pressure and temperature, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 38, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 2163-2174,
- Lhuillier C., Brequigny P., Contino F., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Experimental investigation on ammonia combustion behavior in a spark-ignition engine by means of laminar and turbulent expanding flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 38, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 5859-5868,
- Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Bréquigny, P., Dumand, C., Houillé, S., Operating limits for ammonia fuel spark-ignition engine, Energies, 2021, 14(14), 4141
- Rabello de Castro, R., Brequigny, P., Dufitumukiza, J.P., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Laminar flame speed of different syngas compositions for varying thermodynamic conditions, Fuel, 2021, 301, 121025
- A. Valera-Medina, F. Amer-Hatem, A. K. Azad, I. C. Dedoussi, M. de Joannon, R. X. Fernandes, P. Glarborg, H. Hashemi, X. He, S. Mashruk, J. McGowan, C. Mounaim-Rousselle, A. Ortiz-Prado, A. Ortiz-Valera, I. Rossetti, B. Shu, M. Yehia, H. Xiao, and M. Costa, A review on ammonia as a potential fuel: from synthesis to economics, Energy & Fuels, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03685
- Pele R., Hespel C., Brequigny P., Belettre J., Mounaïm-Rousselle C. First study on ammonia spray characteristics with current injector of GDI engines, submitted Special Issue in MDPI - Fuels: “Advances in Propulsion and Energy Systems Utilising Alternative Fuels: Fuel Injection and Combustion Systems”, Fuels 2021, 2(3), 253-271;
- Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Mercier A., Brequigny P., Dumand C., Bouriot J., Houillé S., Performance of Ammonia fuel in the case of Spark Assisted Compression Ignition engine, Special issue on the current and future use of H2 and H2 based e-fuels in combustion engines and fuel cells, International Journal of Engine Research, 2022, 23(5), pp. 781–792
- Rabello de Castro, R., Brequigny, P., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C, A multiparameter investigation of syngas/diesel dual-fuel engine performance and emissions with various syngas compositions, Fuel, 2022, 318, 123736
- A. Mercier, Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Pierre Brequigny, J. Bouriot, C. Dumand, Improvement of SI engine combustion with ammonia as fuel: Effect of ammonia dissociation prior to combustion. Fuel Communications, 2022, 11, pp.100058
- Lorenzo, M.D., Brequigny, P., Foucher, F., Mounaim-Rousselle, C., Turbulent Flame Speed of a Gasoline surrogate in conditions representative of modern downsized Spark-Ignition engine, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 240, 112041
- S. Mashruk, S.E. Zitouni, Pierre Brequigny, C. Mounaim-Rousselle, A. Valera-Medina,, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(97), pp. 41170–41182
- A. Alnasif, S. Zitouni, S. Mashruk, P. Bréquigny, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, A. Valera-Médina, Experimental and numerical comparison of currently available reaction mechanisms for laminar flame speed in 70/30 (%vol.) NH3/H2 flames, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 14, 100139
- Seif Zitouni, Pierre Brequigny, Christine Mounaїm-Rousselle, Turbulent flame speed and morphology of pure ammonia flames and blends with methane or hydrogen. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 39, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 2269-2278,
- C. Hespel, C. Patel, T.-L. Ngyuen, O. Nilaphai, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effect of ABE and butanol blends with n-dodecane in different volume ratios on diesel combustion and soot characteristics in ECN spray a conditions, Fuel, 2023, 345, 128099
- S. Zitouni, P. Brequigny, C. Mounaїm-Rousselle, Influence of hydrogen and methane addition in laminar ammonia premixed flame on burning velocity, Lewis number and Markstein length, Combustion and Flame, Volume 253, 2023, 112786
- Ronan Pelé, Pierre Brequigny, Jérôme Bellettre, Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Performances and pollutant emissions of spark ignition engine using direct injection for blends of ethanol/ammonia and pure ammonia, International Journal of Engine Research, 2023;0(0).
- P. Brequigny, P., E. Pacaud, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Performances of a producer gas from sewage sludge gasification enriched with ammonia in a spark-ignition engine, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2023, 171, 106731
- Andrea Boero, Adrien Mercier, Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Agustin Valera-Medina, Angel D. Ramirez, Environmental assessment of road transport fueled by ammonia from a life cycle perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 390, 2023, 136150
- A. Stagni, S. Arunthanayothin, M. Dehue, O. Herbinet, F. Battin-Leclerc, P. Brequigny, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, T. Faravelli, Low- and intermediate-temperature ammonia/hydrogen oxidation in a flow reactor: Experiments and a wide-range kinetic modeling. Chemical Engineering Journal. 471. 144577, 2023.
- J Zembi, M Battistoni, A Pandal, C Mounaïm-Rousselle, R Pelé, C. Hespel, Numerical Study of Ammonia Spray with a GDI Engine Injector, Journal of Ammonia Energy 1 (1), 2023
- A. Dupuy, P. Brequigny, A. Schmid, N. Frapolli, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental study of RCCI engine – Ammonia combustion with diesel pilot injection, Journal of Ammonia Energy 1 (1), 2023
Autres Articles dans revues internationales à comité de lecture
- Mounaïm,Rousselle C., Pajot O., Droplet Sizing by Mie Scattering applied in a I.C. engine, International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation Symposium , SD97 N° 3172,68, San Diego, Juillet 1997
- Higelin P., Mounaïm,Rousselle C., Pajot O., Robinet C., Moreau B., Flame Propagation in a SI Engine with a Non , Conventional Igniter, COMODIA98 – 4th International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modelling of Combustion in I.C. Engines, Kyoto Juillet 1998.
- E. Depussay, C. Mounaim,Rousselle, S. Burnel, V. Ricordeau, B. Deschamps, Comparative measurements of local iso,octane concentrations by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence and Catalytic Hot Wires Probe in SI Engine, SAE982474
- B. Deschamps, V. Ricordeau, E. Depussay, C. Mounaïm,Rousselle, Combined Catalytic HotWires Probe and Fuel,Air,Ratio,Laser Induced,Exciplex Fluorescence Air/Fuel Ratio Measurements at the Spark Location Prior to Ignition in a Stratified GDI Engine, Journal of SAE transactions – Fuel and Lubricants SAE1999-01-3536
- P. Higelin, C. Robinet, C. Mounaim,Rousselle, O. Pajot, B. Moreau, A new Combustion concept for Internal Combustion Engine, JSAE9965761, Séoul, Juillet 1999
- O. Pajot, C. Mounaïm,Rousselle, Instantaneous flow field effects on the flame kernel in S.I. Engine by simultaneous optical diagnostics , SAE00FL229, Paris, Juin 2000
- O. Pajot, D. Queiros,Conde, C. Mounaïm,Rousselle, New data on flame behaviour in Lean Burn S.I. Engine, SAE 2001-01-1956, Orlando, Mai 2001
- F. Foucher, S. Burnel, C. Mounaïm,Rousselle, Local flame front structure in the vicinity of the piston in a transparent SI engine, SAE 2001-01-1957, Orlando, Mai 2001, Journal of engines
- A.Dubreuil, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm,Rouselle, Effect of EGR Chemical Components and Intake Temperature on HCCI Combustion Development, SAE Paper 2006-32-0044, 2006
- C.Marchal, J.L. Delfau, C.Vovelle, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, G. Moreac, F.Ravet, Modeling of Benzene Formation in Rich Premixed Flames, SAE Paper 2007-01-0052, 2007
- A.Dubreuil, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher, P. Dagaut, Comparison between LIF measurements and modelling predictions of OH/HCHO during HCCI Mode Combustion Development, SAE NA paper 2007-24-0019, 2007
- F.Halter, F. Foucher, B. Moreau, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effect of reformer gas addition on a spark-ignition engine, SAE NA paper 2007-24-0015, 2007
- T.Mansion, D. Croteau, A. Floch, A. Tellier, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Experimental analysis of the effect of Tumble motion on ignition and instabilities, a Study on links between Tumble motion and combustion, 7th COMODIA, Int. Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics For Advanced Engine Systems, Aout 2008
- T. Tahtouh, F. Halter, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, E. Samson, Experimental Investigation of the Initial Stages of Flame Propagation in a Spark-Ignition Engine: Effects of Fuel, Hydrogen Addition and Nitrogen Dilution, SAE International Journal of Engines, V119-3, 2010-01-1451, 2010.
- P. Brequigny, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Halter, B. Moreau, T. Dubois, Impact of Fuel Properties and Flame Stretch on the Turbulent Flame Speed in Spark-Ignition Engines, SAE Paper 2013-24-0054, 2013
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher, A. Labreche, Optimization of Gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion Mode, SAE Paper SAE2013-01-2532, 2013
- J. Zhou, S. Richard, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, F. Foucher, Effects of Controlling Oxygen Concentration on the Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics in a Downsized SI Engine, SAE.2013-24-0056, 2013
- J.B. Masurier, F. Foucher, G. Dayma, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Dagaut, Towards HCCI Control by Ozone Seeding, SAE2013-24-0049, 2013.
- H. Belaid-Saleh, S. Jay, J. Kashdan, C. Ternel, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Combustion Regimes in a Dual Fuel Engine, SAE Paper 2013-24-0015, 2013.
- F. Contino, F. Foucher, F. Halter, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Engine Performances and Emissions of Second-Generation Biofuels in Spark Ignition Engines: The Case of Methyl and Ethyl Valerates, SAE 2013-24-0098, 2013.
- P.Tetrault, E.Plamondon, M. Breuze, C. Hespel, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Seers, Fuel spray tip penetration model for double injection strategy SAE15-01-934, 2015.
- Masurier J.B., Foucher F., Dayma G., Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Dagaut P., 2015, Application of an Ozone Generator to Control the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion Process, SAE Technical Paper 2015-24-2456
- Truedsson I, Mounaïm-Rousselle C., Foucher F, 'Ozone Seeding Effect on the Ignition Event in HCCI Combustion of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends', SAE Paper 2017-01-0727, 2017.
- Lind, T., Roberts, G., Eagle, W., Rousselle, C. et al., "Mechanisms of Post-Injection Soot-Reduction Revealed by Visible and Diffused Back-Illumination Soot Extinction Imaging," SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0232, 2018,
- Lhuillier, C., Bréquigny, P., Contino, F., Rousselle, C., "Combustion Characteristics of Ammonia in a Modern Spark-Ignition Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2019-24-0237, 2019,
- Lhuillier, C., Bréquigny, P., Contino, F., Rousselle, C., "Performance and Emissions of an Ammonia-Fueled SI Engine with Hydrogen Enrichment," SAE Technical Paper 2019-24-0137, 2019
- Louis-Marie Malbec, Gilles Bruneaux, Bart Somers, Christine Rousselle, Lyle M. Pickett, Identifying the Driving Processes of Diesel Spray Injection through Mixture Fraction and Velocity Field Measurements at ECN Spray A, SAE technical paper 2020-01-0831
- Mounaïm-Rousselle C, Brequigny P, Houillé S, et al. (2020) Potential of Ammonia as future Zero-Carbon fuel for future mobility: Working operating limits for Spark-Ignition engines. In: SIA POWERTAIN & ENERGY 2020,
- Rousselle, C., Brequigny, P., and Dupuy, A., "Impact of Splitting n-Dodecane Pilot Injection on Ammonia RCCI Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2023-24-0076, 2023
- Pandal, A., Zembi, J., Battistoni, M., Hespel, C., Bréquigny P. Pelé R., Mounaïm-Rousselle, "GDI Ammonia Spray Numerical Simulation by Means of OpenFOAM, SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0311, 2023
Edito and Chapitres d'ouvrages
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle., F. Contino, G. Dayma, F. Foucher, F. Halter, P. Dagaut, 2016, Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass, ISBN 978-3-527-33813-9 -, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Chapter 3: Fuel Class VALERATES
- M. Sadeghi, F. Foucher, K. Abed-Meraim and C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, 2016, Analysis of the Bivariate EMD Behavior for Separating Coherent Structures from Interference Fluctuations in Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence, Progress in Turbulence VI, Chapter 18, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29130-7_18
- Seljak T, Vanhove G, Mounaïm-Rousselle C, Dias V and Contino F., Editorial: Fundamental Characterization and Performance of Alternative Fuels.Front. Mech. Eng. 6:609504.doi: 10.3389/fmech.2020.609504, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | October 2020 | Volume 6 |
- Christine Rousselle, Gilles Bruneaux, Editorial: Main results from Engine Combustion Network – France project: characterization of new experimental facilities and study of Diesel evaporation and combustion processes using advanced optical diagnostics, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 75, E1 (2020)
- K.H.R. Rouwenhorst, O. Elishav, B. Mosevitzky Lis, G.S. Grader, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, A. Roldan, A. Valera-Medina, Chapter 13 - Future Trends, Editor(s): Agustin Valera-Medina, Rene Banares-Alcantara, Techno-Economic Challenges of Green Ammonia as an Energy Vector, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 303-319.
- C; Rousselle, Chapitre 10, … Chimie,
- Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Bréquigny, P., Medina, A.V., Emberson, D., Løvås, T., Ammonia as Fuel for Transportation to Mitigate Zero Carbon Impact, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, 2022, pp. 257–279
- Rousselle C., Insider Q&A, Chapter 2.8: uses of ammonia As a fuel, Carbon-Free Fuels; American Chemical Society, 2023. DOI: 10.102/acsinfocus.7e7013
- C. Rousselle,
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, P. Bréquigny, F. Mauss, E. Mastorakos, M. di Joannon, P. Sabia, A. Valera-Medina, W. I. F. David, Chapter 11 – ICEs, boilers, furnaces, turbines 2023 Roadmap on Ammonia as a Carbon-Free Fuel, JPhys Energy, to appear
Conférences et séminaires invités
- C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, Combustion studies in IC engines by means of optical diagnotics, Séminaire de l’Imperial College of London, 11 Mai 2005
- G.Bruneaux, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, "Ideal” Sprays for New Generation of Automotive Engines, Invited speakers, 21st ILASS 2007, Sept 2007
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle ‘Simultaneous Spatial and Temporal Laser,Induced Incandescence to Study the Soot Particles Formation’, séminaire invité Chulalongkorn University, 30 Oct. 2008, Bangkok
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, ‘Diagnostics optiques pour les moteurs à combustion interne’, Journée Thématique AFVL2010
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, Particules de suies: quelle réalité face aux motorisations de demain(, 1er Workshop Franco-MArocain sur la Pollution Organique Générée par l’Agriculture et aux Transports (POGAT), NOv 2011, Agadir
- F. Foucher, C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, ‘Which new optical diagnostics for the Injection Characterization of the future Internal Combustion Engines ?’ Interreg C5 workshop, january, CORIA, France, 2011,
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, Effect of minor species on auto-ignition delay in HCCI, International Energy Agency 34th TLM, Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion 7-11 Oct 2012, Jeju Island, Corée du Sud, 2012
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle Cycle to cycle fluctuations inside SI engine, KAIST Corée du Sud, July 2013
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle 2015, Influence of minor species to control HCCI combustion, 4 Mars 2015, WASEDA University, Japan
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle 2015, Flame-turbulence interaction inside Spark-ignition engines, 4 Mars 2015, Chiba Univ., Japan
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle., 2015, Flame-turbulence interaction inside Spark-Ignition Engine by using optical diagnostics, 11 Mars 2015, Meiji University, Japan
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle 2015, “RD&D for clean and efficient engine combustion’, Final ANEGER Meeting on 25-26 May, 2015, Phuket, Thailand
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, 2015, Combustion challenges for SI engines, 26 Novembre 2015, Lund Combustion Center, Suéde
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle 2016, ‘Combined effects of hydrogen and dilution in an optical spark ignition engine fuelled with methane’, IEA / ERCOFTAC joint workshop on “Gas engine combustion fundamentals”, June 13, 2016 at ETH Zurich
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle 2016, Flame-turbulence interaction inside Spark-Ignition Engine by using optical diagnostics 16 mars 2016, Imperial College, UK
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle., 2018, Energies Renouvelables et procédés de combustion: amie ou énemie ? 4ième colloque francophone Combustion et Pollution Atmosphèrique, Ouarzazate, 23-26 Avril 2018
- C.Mounaïm-Rousselle, Internal Combustion Engines: do we still need optical techniques? 25th Journées D'études, Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, May 15 - 16, 2018
- Christine Rousselle, Fuels available in the future: “electro”-fuels?, Plenary lecture, 9th IFAC Int. Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Juin 2019
- Christine Rousselle, ‘NH3 combustion’, SMARTCAT COST Workshop ‘Ammonia for fueling the future’ Lisboa, 2019
- Christine Rousselle, ‘Ammonia combustion’, Low-Carbon Combustion Joint Meeting of the French and British Sections of The Combustion Institute, November 05, 2020 - November 06, 2020, UK and French Combustion Institute sections
- Christine Rousselle, L’ammoniac, un des futurs e-fuel pour une production d’énergie à zéro empreinte carbone, Colloque Maison de la Chimie Thème ‘Chimie et énergies nouvelles’ 10 février 2021,
- Christine Rousselle, L’Ammoniac : un combustible pour une décarbonisation partielle ou totale des systèmes énergétiques: enjeux – verrous, 30 mars 2021 : journée du CNRS ‘L’ammoniac : vecteur énergétique pour demain?’,
- Christine Rousselle, ‘L’Ammoniac comme combustible où en sommes-nous ?’,9 Avril 2021 : Séminaire Invité CERFACS,
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia as a fuel For Internal Combustion Engine, 4 Juin 2021: 4th European Power to Ammonia® Conference, NH3 fuel event
- Christine Rousselle, L’Ammoniac : le nouveau combustible de 21ième siècle, 10 Juin 2021 : Ecole de combustion
- Christine Rousselle, ‘’Ammonia as a fuel For Internal Combustion Engine, 22 juin 2021 : Near Zero Carbon Combustion Technology Conference, KAUST, Présentation PowerPoint (
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia as zero-carbon fuel for Internal Combustion Engine: “where are we today?” , 15th conference of Engines and Vehicles, ICE2021,
- Christine Rousselle, Principles of ammonia combustion, ACTIVATE Seminar 2021, 1 December 2021,
- Christine Rousselle, L’ammoniac, ce vecteur d’hydrogène pour décarboner la mobilité, Colloque Energie CNRS, 7 Déc. 2021
- Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Ammoniac comme combustible : où en sommes nous ?, Wide Interest Seminar CERFACS, avril 2021
- Christine Rousselle, Combustion mode in NH3 fueled engines, state-of-the-art and future challenges, 1st Ammonia Combustion Workshop, Fév. 2022,
- Christine Rousselle, Exhaust emissions in Ammonia fuelled engines, Expert Panel Discussion on Low Lifecycle Carbon Fuel Effects on Emissions and Aftertreatment, WCX SAE World Congress Experience, 6 Avril 2022
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia: a fuel for carbon-free aviation, Académie des Technologies, 5 Juillet 2022
- Christine Rousselle, Pierre Bréquigny, First comparison between diesel pilot ignition and spark ignition of Ammonia engine, KAUST-Tohoku University core-to-core workshop, 26 Sept. 2022
- Christine Rousselle, Pierre Bréquigny, The challenge to consider Ammonia as fuel for transport applications, 9th international Conference on Flow Dynamics, ICCP, 10 Nov. 2022
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia the other hydrogen a future fuel for tomorrow, Advanced Low NOX and Hydrogen Combustion Technologies Workshop for Clean Sky, Firenze 24-26 Oct. 2022
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia engines, Elyte School, Lyon, Nov. 2022
- Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Ammonia: a fuel for zero-carbon future mobility? Seminaire Polytechnico di Milano, 22 Mai 2023
- Christine Rousselle, L’ammoniac: cet autre hydrogène, 13ième Tables Rondes de l’Artois ‘Hydrogène : Mythes et Réalités’, 3 Mai 2023
- Christine ROUSSELLE, Ammonia, the other hydrogen: challenges and solutions, kick-off meeting of Millennium Institute for Green Ammonia as an Energy Vector – MIGA, Chili, 23 Mai 2023
- Christine Rousselle, Wrap up (future directions) on ammonia combustion ‘TOTeM49 – IFRF, Chemical energy carriers for long-term storage and long-distance transport of renewable energies, 14-15 June 2023
- Christine Rousselle, L'ammoniac, vecteur énergétique de demain ?, conférence invitée, FTPE (fédération des très petites entreprises), Guadeloupe, 9 Juin 2023
- Christine Rousselle, Keynote Adress : Ammonia Combustion Challenge for ICEngines, MariNH3 Conference, , 28 Juin 2023
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia Combustion in SI engine, ECN Workshop 9, Naples, 8 Sept. 2023
- Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Panel: Alternative fuel engine designs: how far along are they for each class?, Maritime Decarbonisation, Europe: Conference, Awards & Exhibition 2023, 27 September 2023
- Christine Rousselle, Ammonia, the other hydrogen for clean thermal applications, COMBURA symposium, Eindhoven, 24 October 2023
- Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Specific challenges for ammonia engines, 20th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, 6-8 Nov. 2023