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Experimental resources to study propulsion systems

Experimental benches:

Cellule C7
C11 - Turbulent Vessel
Frein dynamique
  • 9 engine test cells including:
  1. 2 high-dynamics test cells
  2. 2 single-cylinder opaque search engines
  3. 2 single-cylinder search engines with optical access
  4. 3 multi-cylinder engines
  • 2 high-temperature and high-pressure chambers (Laminar and turbulent flame velocity)
  • 2 medium- and high-temperature - high-pressure chambers (Sprays)
  • Injection characterization benches
  • Pressure drop and acoustic characterization benches

Measurement techniques:

  • Gas analysis racks, FTIR, particle measurements (SMPS, massmo)
  • Optical techniques (VIP, LDA, LIF, tomography, rapid visualization, granulometry, low- and high-rate lasers, high-speed cameras, intensified cameras...)

Computer tools:

  • Matlab/Simulink
  • GT Power
  • Amesim
  • CHEMKIN II, Cantera
  • Converge CFD