Numerous projects in the field of green mobility and energy management
Current national and international projects:
- ADONIS, Ammonia-Hydrogen Combustion in Micro Gas Turbines, project funded under the 8th EIGJAPAN_JC 2021 programme
- ANR SIAC Scientific Improvement of Ammonia Combustion (2022-2026)
- EKIM, Engine Knock Intensity Modelling for Future Fuels, project funded by CORNET (Collective Research Networking call 2021)
- Studium ACES Ammonia for valuable Clean Energy Systems. (2022-2023)
- PEPS MASYNBIOZ 2022 : Ammonia-SYNgas or BIOgas blend to achieve decarbonization by 2050
- PEPS DeNox Ammonia (LPC2A, CNRS Lille) 2022
- PIA project part of France 2030 HYCEVAL (2022-2024)
- 4 R&D job preservation recovery plans (2022) : HyCe, Pipo H2, VOSA, Exph2
- ANR SPEEDYH "Using hydrogen as a decarbonated energy for propulsion applications" (2021-2025)
- ANR ALEKCIA "Augmented prediction and analysis of massive data for the identification of key parameters controlling internal aerodynamics" (2021-2025)
- FLEXnCONFU European Project "Flexibilize combined cycle power plant though Power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels" (2020-2024)
- ARENHA European Project "Advanced Materials for Reactors and ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia" (2020-2024)
- ADEME PLH2MH8 Project (Renault Trucks, IFPen...) (2021-2023)
Past projects:
- CPER "gas fuel engines"
- ANR CICCO "Compression Ignition Combustion Controlled by Ozone" (2016-2021) (led by PRISME)
- ANR MACDIL "“Highly Diluted Controlled Ignition Engine” (2016-2020)
- ANR ECN-France (2015-2018)
- Campus France MAPIS "development of Microwave-Assisted Plasma Ignition System" with the KAIST (South Korea) (2015-2016)
- ANR TDM MACDOC “Oxygen Controlled Ignition Engine” (2013-2016) (led by PRISME)
- ANR TDM ASTRIDE “Aerodynamics and Sprays for Direct Fuel Injection TRansitories” (2013-2016)
- ANR DEVACOL “Evaporation diagnostics for liquid fuels" (2012-2013)
- ANR ICAMDAC “Instabilities and Abnormal Combustions in Downsized Spark Ignition Engines” (2011-2014)
- FUI E-Lift (2011-2016)
- ERC Advanced Grant “2G-CSafe” (Combustion of Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Engines used in aeronautics and automotives) (2011-2016)
- PREDIT ChCh "PHysico-Chemical Aspects of HCCI Combustion" (2003-2006) led by PRISME
- Expl'O Energetics
- Open Lab Energetic
- Joint experimental platform with Borgwarner
Industrial partnerships
- Stellantis
- BorgWarner
- Renault
- Volvo Trucks
- VeryOne
- Aramco Overseas
- Pipo Moteurs
- ...
Academic collaborations
- Throughout the Centre region: Orléans Grand Campus (GREMI, ICARE)
- In France: PPRIME, CORIA, PC2A, IFPen...
- In Europe: UCL, CNR-STEMS, B-TU, Cardiff University...
- Throughout the world: BIT, ESPOL, Universty of Mangallanes, SANDIA