Research interests
- Plasma medicine
- Atmospheric pressure plasma
- Plasma jet
- Plasma diagnostics
- Absorption spectroscopy
- Optic emission spectroscopy (OES)
- Fast imaging
- Electrical measurement
- Linear System / Systèmes linéaires (2A - PeiP)
- Waves / Ondes (2A - PeiP)
- Quantum Mechanics / Quantique (2A - PeiP)
- Relativity / Relativité (2A - PeiP)
- Atmospheric pressure plasma and Plasma Medicine / Plasma à pression atmosphérique et Médecine par plasma (4A - GPSE)
Work experience
Sept. 2015 - Today
Maitre de Conferences section 63
GREMI, Orléans, France
March 2014 – Aug. 2015
Design of dedicated equipment for time and spatially resolved measurements in atmospheric-pressure plasma
PMP, TU/e Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Oct. 2010 – Feb. 2014
PhD student
Study of an atmospheric micro plasma jet
LPGP, Orsay, France
Apr. – Juil. 2009
Master Thesis
Investigations with emissive plasma probes
IAP, Innsbruck, Austria
Main publications
- Production of nitric/nitrous oxide by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet
C. Douat, S. Hübner, R. Engeln and J. Benedikt
Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2015 - doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/25/2/025027
- Spatio-Temporally Resolved Mapping of Helium Metastable Density in an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet
G. Cadot, C. Douat, V. Puech, and N. Sadeghi
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2014 - doi: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2310231
- Dynamics of colliding microplasma jets
Douat C, Bauville G, Fleury M, Laroussi M, Puech
Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2012;21(3):034010.doi:10.1088/0963‑0252/21/3/034010
- Interactions Between Two Counterpropagating Plasma Bullets
Douat C, Fleury M, Laroussi M, Puech V
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2011;39(11):2298‑2299.doi:10.1109/TPS.2011.2109740
- Cavity-hollow cathode-sputtering source for titanium films
Schrittwieser R,Ionita C, Murawski A, Maszl C, Asandulesa M, Nastuta A, Rusu G, Douat C, Olenici S. B, Vojvodic I, Dobromir M, Luca D, Jaksch S, Scheier P.
Journal of Plasma Physics. 2010;76(3-4):655. doi:10.1017/S0022377809990900
Publications au GREMI (depuis 2015)
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