Nom de l'enseignement | Responsable(s) de l'UE | Volume Horaire | Code de l'UE | ECTS | COEFF | ||
CM | TD | TP | |||||
Linguistique anglaise | Noëlle SERPOLLET | 18 | LLA6B1A | 2 | 2 | ||
Compréhension et expression orales anglais | Kerry-Jane WALLART | 18 | LLA6B1B | 2 | 2 | ||
Thème anglais | Gilles CLOISEAU | 18 | LLA6B1C | 3 | 3 | ||
Version et multimédias | Gilles CLOISEAU | 18 | LLA6B1D | 3 | 3 | ||
La littérature postmoderne, postcoloniale et contemporaine GB | Ben WINSWORTH | 18 | LLA6B2A | 2 | 2 | ||
Littérature états-unienne | Kerry-Jane WALLART | 18 | LLA6B2B | 2 | 2 | ||
Histoire sociale et idéologie politique 1 : domaine britannique | / | 6 | 18 | LLA6B3A | 2 | 2 | |
Histoire de la pensée politique : domaine nord-américain | Gilles CLOISEAU | 6 | 18 | LLA6B3B | 2 | 2 | |
Interaction dans le monde anglophone | Karin FISCHER | 18 | LLA6B3C | 2 | 2 | ||
Période d'observation ou séjour en pays anglophone (non présentiel) | Samantha FRENEE | LLA6B50 | 2 | 2 | |||
Enseignement au choix (1 choix) | |||||||
Allemand (lansad) | 18 | LLA6ALL | 2 | 2 | |||
Espagnol (lansad) | Marcos EYMAR | 18 | LLA6ESP | 2 | 2 | ||
Atelier d'écriture 2 | 15 | LLA6G90 | 2 | 2 | |||
Parcours MEEF anglais | |||||||
Renforcement linguistique | Marie-Eve PERROT | 15 | LLA6B6A | 2 | 2 | ||
Iconographie anglaise | Kamila BENAYADA | 15 | LLA6B6B | 2 | 2 | ||
Didactique des langues étrangères | Stéphane BRUNEL | 15 | LLA6B6C | 2 | 2 |
Linguistique de l’énonciation : le groupe nominal.
Bibliographie :
Larreya, P. et Rivière, C., Grammaire Explicative de l’Anglais (2014 ou édition antérieure, 2010 ou 2005), Longman.
Bouscaren, J., Moulin, M. et Odin, H., Pratique raisonnée de la langue. Initiation à une grammaire de l’énonciation pour l’étude et l’enseignement de l’anglais (2000), Gap : Ophrys.
Une bibliographie complète sere fournie en début de cours
Compréhension et expression orale
This module aims to provide students with opportunities for listening effectively for gist and detail at an appropriate level. Students will be exposed to a variety of authen- tic material dealing with contemporary issues in order to become familiarized with different register, accents and pronunciation. Students will be expected to answer comprehension questions about a given audio document, either orally or in writing, individually or in groups. Students will continue working towards taking effective notes based on what has been heard and should be able to summarize (either orally or in note form) in detail, report and explain short extracts from news items, interviews or documentaries containing opinions, argument and discussion. They should be able to respond to a range of factual and imaginative speech drawing inferences, summari- zing and reporting on a range of concrete and abstract subjects.
and giving reasons.
The module also aims to provide students with opportunities to speak and practice their use of language in a number of communicative activities organized using a variety of language functions and vocabulary according to situation, topic and task in a context appropriate for their level. Students will continue to implement their aware- ness of intonation, rhythm and word stress to allow them to communicate more effec- tively and to be more easily understood. They should be able to talk freely with little formal error using a wide range of language in discussion about factual and non-fac- tual material, matching language to audience, purpose and context. In addition they should be able to express a wide range of responses and attitudes to events, issues and opinions, developing an argument and giving reasons.
Expression orale et interactions
This module aims to provide students with further opportunities to speak and practice their use of language in a number of communicative activities organized by the ‘lecteurs’ using a variety of language functions and vocabulary according to situation, topic and task in a context appropriate for their level.
The module will continue work done in conjunction with pronunciation teaching in order to enhance students’ intelligibility and build on skills acquired in the first semester. Students will continue to develop their awareness of intonation, rhythm and word stress to allow them to communicate more effectively and to be more easily understood. Students should be able to speak confidently and fluently with little error when talking about familiar topics. They should discuss facts, ideas and experiences using a range of vocabulary, structures and time references.
French-English Literary translation: Translation into English of literary texts. Practicing how to handle lexicon according to different literary genres and register. Branching out onto subtitling and issues of localisation.
Bibliographie :
Nouveau Manuel de l’Angliciste; P. Rafroidi, M. Plaisant, D. J. Shott, Ophrys.
Le Robert & Collins : Vocabulaire Anglais.
Version et multimedias
English-French Literary translation: As a follow-up to the first semester, texts will yet grow in difficulty. The work tends to become a critical comparative translation analysis which includes putting the text back into its original context, checking out the authors and their whole work. Also, students will be expected to carry out a subtitling/dubbing project using suitable software.
Bibliographie :
Ouvrages sur les méthodes de traduction (e.g Vinay et Darbelnet),
Syntaxe comparée du français et de l’anglais, Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher
Littérature états-unienne - US American litterature -- Home and Away
Balanced between the myth of the Frontier and the promise of a New Jerusalem, the United States have been projected both as a land of endless journeying and as a permanent haven – or, in the case of slaves, as the utmost and most inhuman spatial containment. In this course we will study a selection of American texts with a focus on the contrasted sense of place / space which has been expressed by writerly imaginations over centuries of colonization and settlement of the land as well as through a continued History of immigration. Much attention will be paid to furthering students’ skills in close textual analysis, while the second half of the semester will constitute an introduction to essay writing (or dissertation). The texts will be read in the order in which they appear (infra).
Bibliographie :
1. Frederick Douglass, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845, London: Penguin Classics, 2014)
2. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland (1915, London: Vintage, 2015)
3. Louise Erdrich, Future Home of the Living God (2017, London: Corsair, 2018).
Indispensable to help you with the tools of literary analysis:
Durrans, Stéphanie. Le Commentaire et la dissertation en littérature de langue anglaise. Paris : Ellipses, 2016.
Grellet, Françoise, Introduction to American Literature : Time Present and Time Past. Paris : Hachette Supérieur, 2017 (dernière réédition à ce jour).
Grellet, Françoise, A Handbook of Literary Terms : Vocabulaire de l’analyse littéraire en anglais. Paris : Hachette Supérieur, 2013.
Hugues, Terence et Claire Patin. L’Analyse textuelle en anglais (Narrative theory, textual practice). Paris : Dunod, 1998, 2004.
Wilkinson, Robin. Le Commentaire littéraire anglais. Close Readings. Paris : PUF, 2011.
Histoire sociale et idéologie politique GB
The course aims at giving students a historical perspective on a range of contemporary social and political issues in Britain, with a view to achieving a more informed understanding of both recent British history and present-day British society.
A set of documents will be provided in class.
Bibliographie :
Pierre Lurbe, Le Royaume-Uni Aujourd’hui, Hachette, 2013.
Ralph Negrine, Politics and the Mass Media in Britain, Routledge, 1994. Pippa Norris, Women, Media and Politics, Oxford University Press, 1997. Jane Pilcher, Women in Contemporary Britain: An Introduction, 1999.
Jean-Claude Sergeant, Les médias en Grande-Bretagne, Ophrys, 2004.
Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Women in Twentieth-Century Britain: Social, Cultural and Political Change, 2001.
Littérature post-moderne, post coloniale et contemporaine GB
Concentrating on some of key texts from the twentieth century and beyond, this se- minar based course will look at the major literary movements of the period. As well as offering introductions and close readings of important passages from the books on the programme, in-class work may also involve studying other related texts as a means of consolidating knowledge and understanding of twentieth-century and contemporary literature in the UK and Ireland.
A set of documents will be provided in class.
Bibliographie :
Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children (1981) Jeanette Winterson: Written on the Body (1992) Graham Swift, England and Other Stories (2014)
Séjour linguistique
Pour valider le séjour linguistique, les étudiants doivent passer au minimum 4 SEMAINES dans un pays anglophone, qu’ils organisent eux-mêmes. Il y a des adresses, des sites web, sur la porte du bureau 228 qui donnent des possibilités du travail bénévole contre l’hébergement et le repas.
Les étudiants participant à un échange Erasmus, les étudiants bilingues ou qui ont récemment effectué un long séjour en pays anglophone peuvent bénéficier d’une « va- lidation ». De même, les étudiants qui ne sont pas en mesure d’effectuer le séjour pour une raison valable (maladie, problèmes de visa ou de contrats de travail par exemple) peuvent demander une « dispense ». Toutes les demandes de validation et de dispense doivent être adressées à S. Frénée, responsable du séjour linguistique. (
Tous les justificatifs doivent être adressés à S. Frénée, responsable du séjour linguistique avant la fin juin de la troisième année.
Histoire sociale et idéologie politique US
We will look at the main political ideas that developed in the colonies and in the in- dependent nation, that defined American democracy in the US, and we will look at how these ideas about power were reinterpreted throughout the history of the country until the present. The CM will give students the main elements to help them analyze documents in the TD.
Bibliographie :
Mary Beth Norton, David M. Katzman, David W. Blight, et alii, A People and a Nation, Houghton Mifflin, various recent editions on used books web sites it can be found at a very low price (do not apply to, but rather to Amazon.UK, or Alibris.UK). The web site Cengage Learning, also offers tools in order to deepen the study of the United States from colonial times to the present:
Suggested readings :
Eric Foner, Free Soil, Free Labor, free Men : The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War, with a New Introductory Essay. Oxford, New York, Oxford U.P., 1995.
Eric Foner, The Story of American Freedom. New York, Norton& Co, 1998. voir aussi sa conférence « Freedom, Capitalism and Morality »: sur Youtube
Michael Hiltzik, The New Deal: A Modern History. Deckle Edge, 2011.
Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle, eds., The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1989.New York, Oxford, Oxford U. P., 1990.
Alan Brinkley, The End of Reform : New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War. New York, Alfred Knopf,1995.
Ressources pédagogiques :
A set of primary documents will be provided at the beginning of the term.
Interaction dans le monde anglophone - - Interactions in the English-speaking world
This course proposes to explore collectively a number of historical and contemporary issues, realities and representations in countries of the English-speaking world, with a special focus on notions of political, economic, social and cultural domination and influence, (inter)dependence, convergence and divergence, differences and similari- ties between those countries (including Ireland, Canada, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand…).
LANSAD (1 choix)
Allemand/Espagnol : Grammaire. Exercices de lexique. Lecture de documents. Pronon- ciation et expression. Synthèse de documents. Présentation de documents.
Atelier d'écriture 2
Au semestre 6 nous travaillerons sur l’écriture de soi et ses spécificités génériques, stylistiques, discursives, sémantiques et symboliques. Chaque séance sera l’occasion d’évoquer une approche narrative particulière – du journal intime à l’épistolaire, en passant par l’autobiographie et les mémoires, l’autofiction ou le témoignage – afin de composer un « récit de vie » propre à chacun.
ADAM, Jean-Michel, Les textes : types et prototypes, Armand Colin, 3ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
BON, François, Tous les mots sont adultes, Fayard, Paris, 2005.
BORDAS, Éric (dir.), L’analyse littéraire, Armand Colin, 2ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
CALAS, Frédéric, Leçons de stylistique, Armand Colin, 2ème édition, coll. « Cursus », Paris, 2011.
Renforcement linguistique
À travers l'analyse en contexte de différents segments, les étudiants s'entraîneront à décrire et analyser un ensemble de formes linguistiques pour renforcer les compétences acquises les années précédentes (révisions des natures et fonctions, détermination nominale, temps, aspect, modalité, etc.).
Rotgé, W. / Lapaire, J.-R. (2004), Réussir le commentaire grammatical de textes, Paris : Ellipses.
Oriez, S. (2018), Linguistique énonciative de l'anglais, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
This class focuses on the creation of ‘icons’ and their ideological meaning, mainly in the US. We will look at how visual documents (and ‘icons’) contribute to the definition and construction of collective (national, cultural, group) identities.
Documents will be handed out in class, and a bibliography will also be given at the beginning of the semester.
Didactique des langues étrangères
Exposés par les étudiants portant sur l’enseignement de l’anglais à tout type de public et sur les outils de l’enseignant et de l’apprenant ; commentaire et mise en perspective des éléments exposés ; analyse du rôle de la didactique dans la conception de son enseignement.
Bibliographie :
Documents distribués en cours