Phonétique : expression et compréhension orales anglaises
CM (phonétique) :
Introduction à la phonétique de l’anglais, présentation des variations accentuelles ré- gionales et des variétés de l’anglais.
Pratique de la phonétique en lien avec la compréhension et l’expression orales. Présentation des éléments de base de phonétique anglaise (Alphabet phonétique international).
Bibliographie :
(ouvrages consultables à la BU)
Ginésy M., Mémento de phonétique anglaise, avec exercices corrigés (2005), Armand Colin. Wells J.C., Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (2008).
TP (expression et compréhension orales) :
The objectives of this module are to enable students to begin to speak and interact using a variety of language functions and vocabulary according to situation, topic and task in a context appropriate for their level. Students will develop their communicative efficiency through practicing their use of language in a number of different communicative activities. These activities are principally organized by the ‘lecteurs’, and in conjunction with pronunciation teaching, in order to allow students to begin to acquire realistic and appropriate intelligibility.
Students should be able to maintain short conversations showing an ability to move between topics and express feelings and opinions in simple terms.
Other objectives are to initiate students for listening effectively for gist and detail at a level which is appropriate. Students will be exposed to a variety of authentic mate- rial in order to become familiarized with different register, accents and pronunciation. Students will be expected to answer comprehension questions about a given audio document, either orally or in writing, individually or in groups. Students will also start working towards taking effective notes and will begin to summarize (either orally or in note form) what they have heard.