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The Faculty of Science Internationally

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 An experience abroad is a real asset to your personal and professional history. 

Bloc international

The Faculty of Science and Technology offers several possibilities to travel thanks to more than 60 agreements signed with European partners within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

Thanks to special agreements, students can also apply for a dual-degree programme


Travelling to a country outside Europe is also possible for students of the ST Faculty by going into a university partner of the University of Orléans.

During your bachelor’s programme (starting from 2nd year) or your master’s, the Valorisation, International, Communication and Integration service (VICI) guides you in your administrative procedures regarding:

  • A semester or a year of studies abroad;
  • A mandatory internship period.


Within each department of studies in the Faculty, a teacher is the “International Relations” point of contact and is available to discuss your educational project abroad.

The missions of the Valorisation, International, Communication and Integration service (VICI) are:

  • Counsel and guidance for students regarding European mobility for studies
  • Counsel and guidance for students regarding European & international internships
  • Counsel and guidance for incoming foreign students 
  • Development of the Faculty’s international cooperation with European partners
  • Counsel for staff member mobility


The VICI service can receive students by appointment only.

If you want information on a study trip outside Europe, the International Central Office can help you build your study mobility project.

64% of graduates with international experience are given more professional responsibilities
