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Days for Educational Innovation thanks to Digital Technology (JIPN) 2022

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atelier lightboard

In 2022, the Days for Educational Innovation thanks to Digital Technology (“Journée d'Innovation Pédagogique par le Numérique”) took place on 30 June at the Sciences Library on the Orléans University campus. 

A day full of exchanges, mainly around the hybridization of training and the promotion of educational innovations, in particular around the Skill-Based Approach initiated in the IUTs.

About 60 participants (teachers, teacher-researchers, educational engineers from the Universities of Tours and Orléans as well as from the CNAM Centre-Val de Loire) gathered throughout the day. 

On the morning programme, workshops about different themes: Learning and Assessment Situations, the portfolio, teaching with the lightboard, discovery of the PIX and Ecri+ certification platforms...

illustration world café

In the afternoon, a World Café was organised around the hybridization of training courses. Participants were able to exchange together around 4 questions:

  • What range of hybridization experiences?
  • What is a good hybridization?
  • What motivates an educational team to hybridize?
  • What hybridization at the University of Orléans in 5 years?

Four of our Educational and Digital Technology Points of Contact (RPN), who were also the animators of the various World Café tables, then made a restitution at the end of the day. 

Below you can find a look back on this day and a summary of the World café around the hybridization of training courses!


This day was carried out within the framework of the DemoES Pro3 project; for a more professional, cleaner digital technology. For more information, visit the dedicated website.

Logos Pro3