Regulatory Framework
The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (VAE) is regulated by the Education code, particularly by articles D613-38 to D 613-50 of the decree of 19 August 2013, but also by the decree n°2017-1135 of 4 July 2017 on the implementation of the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning.
The “Loi Travail”, also known as El Khomri Law (Law n°2016-1088), voted on 8 August 2016 on labour, the modernisation of social dialogue and the securing of professional careers offers to facilitate the access to the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning system for a greater number of citizens:
The minimum duration of eligibility is now of 1 year, whether the activity has been carried out continuously or not.
Article L335-5 of the Amended Education Code
Law n°2016-1088 of 8 August 2016 on labour, the modernisation of social dialogue and the securing of professional careers, article 78
All activities, including volunteering and periods of formal or continuing education in the professional environment are taken into account.
It is however considered that this duration “in relation to the targeted certification does not represent a systematic condition for the success of a VAE course, particularly for first level certifications" [5] Draft Law (p.278).
The Steps
- Defining your project
- Making inquiries
- Being admissible after the submission of the 1st application file
- Preparing the accreditation
- Final assessment