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For the 1st semester, the application to obtain the status of good or high-level student athlete must be submitted before Monday 18 September 2023, by filling out the application form. No application will be accepted once this deadline is passed. Incomplete files will not be studied by the commission. 

For the 2nd semester, the application to obtain the status of good or high-level student athlete must be submitted before Monday 22 Janurary 2024, by filling out the application form. No application will be accepted once this deadline is passed. Incomplete files will not be studied by the commission.

If you have been accepted for the 1st semester, you do not need to apply for the 2nd semester; the status is granted for the whole academic year. Applications for the 2nd semester are for students who did not apply on time for the 1st semester, for new students who arrived over the course of the year or for students who were refused for the 1st semester and had their performance evolve in the first semester.

Reminder: For more information on the process to obtain the Student Special Status (RSE - "Régime Spécial Etudiant"), please contact your registrar’s office.

The application file for good or high-level student athletes is to be sent at the following address:

Secrétariat du Sport de Haut-niveau

Bureau 116 - Bâtiment STAPS

2 Allée du château - BP 6759

45067 Orléans Cédex 2

Or via email on a single PDF file: 

You will find the admission criteria for good and high-level athletes in the following document (in French):