Diploma Courses
More information on cross-disciplinary opening teaching units (UEOT) and the sports option.
Cross-disciplinary UEOs
Offered each semester of the academic year in S3 and S4, SUAPSE provides training in 3 UEOTs. Registrations are done online, at the beginning of each semester. Each UEOT corresponds to 3 credits. A catalog will be put online at the time of registration.
S3: UEO T " body well being ".
S4: UEO T "performance satellite" (reserved only for high-level university athletes) and UEO T "choreographic arts" (in conjunction with the university's cultural service)
Sports Option
Offered to IUT students, the sports courses can be taken into account and evaluated in your university curriculum. Please contact your school or your teacher to find out how to set up the sports option.
Qualifying Training Courses
The PSC1 (Prevention and First Aid Level 1)
Acquire the knowledge and behavior necessary to prevent a dangerous situation, to protect oneself and to provide assistance.
One session per semester (on 2 Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm)
Session 1 - Odd-numbered semester: Suspended
Session 2 - Even-numbered semester: In the process of validation
BNSSA (Brevet National de Sécurité et de Sauvetage Aquatique)
Acquisition of knowledge and behavior to ensure the safety of bathing facilities that are equipped and authorized by law. The training will be provided by the FFSS 45. The training costs 50€ per person (to be paid directly to the training organization), your commitment to the training must be total since the initial cost of the training is 410€ (the difference is taken care of by the SUAPSE via the CVEC). Two formulas are offered, it is important to respect the criteria to participate in the accelerated formula.
Please note that places are limited to 12 people for each session, the first to arrive will be the first to register.
Accelerated BNSSA exam: 60 hours of training and practice during the week of All Saints' Day, training reserved for people who know how to swim well, dive, swim with their head under water, tow a dummy.
More information: https://catalogue-secourisme45.dendreo.com/formation/38/bnssa-accelere
Taking the BNSSA continuously throughout the year: training every Tuesday evening at the Inox swimming pool (Olivet), a weekend of training in the regulations (mandatory) and training in first aid. Training begins in October and can go on until June for the tests. Training reserved for people with a minimum knowledge of swimming (swimming head in the water, diving under water).
More information : https://catalogue-secourisme45.dendreo.com/formation/121/bnssa
For the different terms and conditions, the trainer will contact you directly.
PSS1 (Prevention and First Aid for Sport level 1)
As a coach, sports educator, referee, etc., you are the first link in the emergency chain. In case of a sports accident, you will be able to practice first aid techniques adapted to the sports environment while waiting for help to arrive.
Free training provided by the FFSS 45, it will be spread over 4 Thursday afternoons in the premises of the FFSS 45 in Olivet.
Please note that places are limited to 10 people for each session, the first to arrive will be the first to register.
Session 1 - Odd-numbered semester: 5-12-19-26 November afternoon (the schedules will be communicated to you directly by the trainer)
Session 2 - Even-numbered semester: In progress
More information: https://catalogue-secourisme45.dendreo.com/formation/18/pss1
Way to sign up explained in the link below: