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How to Sign Up?

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Here you can find out about the different ways to sign up at SUAPSE. 



The resumption of SUAPSE activities will take place on 19 September 2022. It will be possible to register for 4 sessions during the week but with a limit of two sessions for the same activity.

In fact, to ensure a precise follow-up, you must be registered on Célène before you can validate your educational registration with the teacher in charge of the activity. 
For some high demand activities, we reserve the right to allow only one registration in order to free up space for other students.

For example: I can do 2 swimming sessions and 2 weight training sessions per week but I cannot do 3 weight training sessions in the same week.

Follow the link bellow to see how you can sign up online via the University website. 


How to Sign Up?

For the University of Orléans' students:

The registration is to be done directly via your CELENE account from 12 September 2022 at 9am until 14 October 2022 at 8pm.


For external students under agreement:

The administrative and educational registration is to be done directly at the secretarial office (M. BÉGUIN room 116 on the 1st floor of the STAPS building). Please come with the registration form (downloadable from the link below) and all the required supporting documents. Please make an appointment by mail to drop off your file or send it by mail. 



For all staff (University and external):

The administrative and pedagogical registration is to be done directly at the secretariat office (room 116 on the 1st floor of the STAPS building). Please come with the registration form (downloadable from the link below) and all the required supporting documents. For external staff, please make an appointment by mail to submit your application or send it by mail. For university staff, please send your application by internal mail only.



Registration Fees


For the University of Orléans' students:

This concerns all students at the University of Orléans, including physiotherapy students.

All the activities offered are free of charge and financed by the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC) that you pay at the beginning of each school year.


For students of higher education institutions under agreement:

This includes students from the IFSI, the school of psychomotricity and from AgroParisTech

The cost will be €45 for this year.


For the staff of the University of Orléans:

SUAPSE for staff with an index below 404 or in their first year of retirement = €40(for the year)

SUAPSE for staff with an index above 404 or who have been retired for more than one year = €55 (for the year)


For external staff connected by agreement:

This concerns CROUS / Radio Campus / CNRS / BRGM / DREAL and CCNO staff

SUAPSE for the 1st and/or 2nd semester = €70 (a year).