10 teacher-researchers, 9 BIATSS (administrative staff), 10 doctoral students, 3 post-docs. Contact them via their name.surname@univ-orleans.fr mail address.
Pierre BREQUIGNY (MCF): optical diagnostics, premix flame, combustion
Christian CAILLOL (MCF): 0D-1D modeling: spray, combustion, engine
Yann CHAMAILLARD (PR): automation, control, energy management, eco-driving
Alain CHARLET (MCF): engine control, energy management, air loop, eco-driving
Guillaume COLIN (PR): automation, engine control, energy management, eco-driving
Fabrice FOUCHER (PR): optical diagnostics, new combustion mode, ozone
Camille HESPEL (MCF): optical diagnostics, spray, combustion
Pascal HIGELIN (PR) : engine performance, 0D modeling
Dominique NELSON GRUEL (MCF): command law, control, energy management, eco-driving
Christine ROUSSELLE (PR): optical diagnostics, combustion, new fuels
Benoît BELLICAUD (IGE): technical manager of the EULER building and its experimental facilities
Kristan GILLET (IGR-CDI): expert in experimental development, eco-driving, project follow-up
Yahia HAIDOUS (IGR): expert in scientific instrumentation and software tool development
Bruno MOREAU (IGE): technical manager of the CARNOT building and its experimental facilities
Bertrand BOUDEAU (CDD): maintenance and upgrading of building and test facilities
Salim OUAGUENOUNI (CDD): maintenance and upgrading of building and test facilities
Jean- Baptiste Masurier (CDD): Hyceval project research engineer
Joao MOTA FERREIRA (CDD): Hyceval project research engineer
Alexis AMARU (CDD belonging to the DRARI) : Hyceval project administative manager
Doctoral students
- Ricardo RABELLO DE CASTRO : The impact of synthetic gas composition on the optimization of dual-fuel combustion in a vision of flexible electric fuel converters.
- Caio LEITE : Aerodynamic and combustion analysis of a spark-ignition engine
- Nicolas VILLENAVE : Experimental study of the fundamental properties of hydrogen combustion for propulsion applications
- Gaëtan ANDRIANO : Numerical and experimental study of pulsed heat exchange: application to electric vehicle battery cooling
- Marin POUJOL
- Abdelrahaman GENIDY
- Florian HURAULT
Post docs :
- Richard OUNG - Hyceval project
- Seif ZITOUNI - FlexNconfu project
- Carlo Coratella - Hyceval project