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Doctoral Degree in Management Sciences

  • 3 years
  • Formal education

Continue Studying With a Doctorate

Become a Renowned Expert

The doctorate thesis in Management Sciences represents a 3-year experience (usually) during which the young researcher must his or her research project in a specific field: Marketing, Strategy, Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Information Systems, Human Resources Management, Organisational Management. The Doctor in Management Sciences is thus a renowned expert in a specialised field who is able to find solutions to problems within complex organisations (companies, NGOs, administrations…).

Acquired Skills

The doctorate is a way of learning to research through research that allows the doctoral student to acquire both hard and soft skills, which are valued by the academic and professional world. Throughout the doctoral adventure, the young researcher acquires experience in project management, innovation management, analysis and resolution of complex problems, communication, languages, teaching, networking, budget management and fundraising, teamwork…

Adaptation and Communication

Doctors in Management Sciences have a strong ability to integrate even in complex managerial environments. Throughout their thesis, they have developed above-average adaptability and assimilation skills, which allow them to become operational very quickly on various issues. Doctors in Management Sciences have presented their research work throughout their doctorate during conferences of researchers or meetings with the public. They thus have a strong ability to communicate with their peers and to popularise complex notions to non-expert audiences.

Career Opportunities

Opportunities after a doctorate in Management Sciences are numerous:

  • Associate Professor at the University (MCF)
  • Teacher-researcher in a Business School
  • Consultant in the field of expertise
  • Research and development officer in the private sector (R&D)
  • Manager, expert or project officer in the public service or in international organisations
  • Entrepreneur
  • Trainer
  • ... And many more!

Our Doctoral Students

You can find the doctoral students in Management Sciences of the University of Orléans on the VALLOREM research laboratory’s website.

Research Specialisation at the IAE Orléans

Accessible via selection in second year of a master’s degree at the IAE Orléans, the research specialisation allows future doctoral students to train in the techniques and research methods used in Management Sciences. The objective of the course is to help students write their research project in order to continue on to a PhD.

Doctoral Financing

You can find more information on doctoral financing on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

Doctoral Registration

Created in January 2018, the Centre-Val de Loire Doctoral College is responsible for defining and implementing transverse doctoral training for the five doctoral schools of the University of Tours, the University of Orléans and the INSA Centre-Val de Loire, as well as for actions to promote the professional integration of doctoral students, and for the promotion of the doctoral degree itself.

The College does not replace the councils of each doctoral school. It enables the implementation of harmonised procedures for the five doctoral schools on the different sites. It also ensures the implementation of a policy of scientific coordination and assistance for the international mobility of doctoral students.

Website dedicated to the Doctoral College

Webpage dedicated to the doctoral registration procedure


IAE - École Universitaire de Management
Faculté de Droit, d’Économie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois BP 26739 45067 Orléans Cedex 2

IAE Secretarial office:
02 38 41 70 28

More information on apprenticeships:
02 38 49 48 69

Head of the Doctoral Degree

Stéphane ONNÉE
University Professor (PU) at the University of Orléans