Regulatory Framework
The Accreditation of Prior Professional and Personal Learning (VAPP) is regulated by the Education code, particularly by articles D613-38 to D 613-50 of the decree of 19 August 2013.
The Accreditation of Prior Professional and Personal Learning (VAPP) allows the applicant to start a training course for which he or she does not have the required title or diploma to enter the course, through talking into consideration his or her professional and personal experience in the targeted field.
An educational committee will give an opinion on the registration request by dispensation of the required title, this opinion may be favourable or unfavourable.
No regulatory conditions except for:
- Applicants who do not own a baccalaureate or a title admitted by dispensation: they need to have interrupted their studies for at least 2 years and to be 20 years old or over at the planned date of the resumption of studies (except for high-level athletes);
- Applicants who were registered in a training course and did not pass the tests to access the next year of studies cannot request an accreditation to be admitted in such year of studies before a 3-year period. This time limit does not apply to students in preparatory classes who apply for the validation procedure defined by the present decree in order to access a first or second cycle course.
- The VAPP does not exempt you from filling out (if needed) the application file and to proceed to your administrative registration;
- The VAPP file is only valid for the chosen diploma and university year within the requested institution.
This programme is free at the University of Orléans.
In Short
The VAPP’s aim is: to enter a training course
The Educational committee statutes over 3 aspects:
- The dispensation of the diploma needed to enter the course;
- The authorisation to apply for a selective field;
- Possible course(s) exemption(s).