Choosing the University of Orléans for your lifelong training is the guarantee to find a training offer suited to your needs.
The Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU): the DAEU is for all people who did not pass the baccalaureate and who wish to carry out higher studies or to apply for a level IV competitive exam. More information here.
State diplomas for a resumption of studies: from the BUT to the doctorate degree, including the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, all State diplomas of the University of Orléans are available for a resumption of studies within the framework of continuing education. More information here.
Work-study training programmes: many diplomas are available with a professionalization or an apprenticeship contract. These training courses alternate between training periods at the University and practical internship periods in a company. More information here.
The University Diplomas (DU): the University of Orléans designs and delivers university diplomas that aim to bring a specialisation and to develop targeted skills and professional knowledge. More information here.
Short qualifying trainings: the University of Orléans offers short qualifying trainings designed by teachers-researchers. Whether they are tailor-made or over-catalogue, these trainings aim to refine your knowledge and acquire cutting-edge skills. More information here.
Accreditations of learning: two systems exist at the University of Orléans to validate your personally and professionally-acquired skills: the accreditation of prior experiential learning (VAE) and the accreditation of personal and professional learning (VAPP). More information here.
Skills assessment: the SEFCO offers a certified skills assessment centre. More information here.
Trainings designed for businesses: the University of Orléans offers solutions for businesses by designing tailor-made training programmes allowing workers to acquire specific know-how adapted to the company’s needs. More information here.