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Maître de Conférences HDR (HC)

Thématique de recherche :
Responsable de l'axe Phytomanagement

-> Phytomanagement et écorestauration des milieux fortement anthropisés

Depuis Septembre 1996 :

Maître de conférences, Université d’Orléans,

- Activité d’enseignement : pôle Biologie-Biochimie

- Activité de recherche : équipe ARCHE

De Février 1996 à Aout 1996 :

- Séjour post doctoral à l'Université de Riverside Californie (USA) Department of Botany and Plant Sciences. Sujet : "ABA regulation of tomatoes gene expression during drought stress", responsable : Dr. E.A. Bray.

Septembre 1994 à Août 1995 :

- Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER), Université Nancy I. Chargé d'enseignement en Biologie Végétale.

De Novembre 1991 à Juin 1994 : (Doctorat–Monitorat)

- Thèse d'Université, Laboratoire de Physiologie Végétale et Forestière, Université de Nancy I, dirigé par le professeur Pierre Dizengremel. Sujet : Effet d'une contrainte saline sur la réponse physiologique de clones d'Eucalyptus microtheca cultivés en serre et in vitro.

- Moniteur de l'Enseignement Supérieur, Université Nancy I, Département de Biologie (durée 3 ans). Enseignant en travaux pratiques et dirigés de Biologie Cellulaire Végétale.

D'Avril 1991 à Octobre 1991 :

- Chargé d'étude au sein de l'unité de génétique des populations d'arbres forestiers de l'Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et Forêts (ENGREF) de Nancy. Sujet : Marquage génétique par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle chez le Douglas.

De Février 1990 à Mars 1991 :

- Coopérant Scientifique en Israël (ministère français des affaires étrangères), University Ben Gurion of the Negev, Institut for Applied Research, Tissue Culture Laboratory (Beer-Sheva), dirigé par le Professeur David Mills. Sujet : Sélection par culture in vitro d'espèces ligneuses tolérantes au chlorure de sodium et étude des modifications physiologiques.

Liste classée des publications, des chapitres de livre et des présentations orales à des colloques internationaux ou sur invitation

-Articles dans des revues internationales de rang A
(Année 2022)
Hassan, S.H.., Sferra, G., Simiele, M., Scippa, G.S., Morabito, D., Trupiano, D. (2022). Root and shoot biology of Arabidopsis halleri dissected by WGNA: an insight into the organ pivotal pathways and genes of an hyperaccumulator. Functional and Integrative Genomics- accepté en cours de publication
Simiele, M., Lebrun, M., Bourgerie, S., Trupiano, D., Scippa, G.S., Morabito, D. (2022). Biochar, ochre, and manure maturation in an acidic technosol helps stabilize As and Pb in soil and allows its vegetation by Salix triandra. Environments-
Lebrun M., Miard F., Trakal L., Bourgerie S. Morabito D. (2022). The reduction of the As and Pb phytotoxicity of a former mine technosol depends on the amendment type and properties. Chemosphere-
Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Miard F., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Battaglia-Brunet F., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2022). Co-culture of Salix viminalis and Trifolium repens for the phytostabilisation of Pb and As in mine tailings amended with hardwood biochar. Environ Geochem Health-
(Année 2021)
Palmeggiani G., Lebrun, M., Simiele M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2021). Effect of biochar application depth in a former mine technosol : impact on metal(loid)s and Alnus growth. Environments-DOI: 10.3390/environments8110120
Lebrun, M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2021). The potential of clover green amendment, associated with biochar, activated carbon or ochre, for the phytoremediation, using Populus x . canescens, of a former mine technosol. Plants,
Lebrun, M., Michel C., Joulian C., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2021). Rehabilitation of mine soils by phytostabilization: does soil inoculation with microbial consortia stimulate Agrostis growth and metal(loid) immobilization Science of the Total Environment- 2021.148400

 Lebrun, M., Miard F.,  Drouet S., Tungmunnithum D., Morabito D., Hano C., Bourgerie S. (2021). Physiological and molecular responses of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars under a multicontaminated technosol amended with biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research-
Lebrun, M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D., (2021). Effects of different biochars, activated carbons and Redmuds on the growth of trifolium repens and As and Pb stabilization in a former mine technosol. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology-
Lebrun, M., Miard F., Bucci A., Fougère L., Nandillon R., Naclerio G.,Scippa G.S., Destandeau E., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2021). The rhizosphere of Salix viminalis plants after a phytostabilization process assisted by biochar, compost and iron grit: chemical and (micro)-biological analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research-
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Van Poucke, R., Tack, F., Bourgerie, S. and  Morabito, D. (2021). Effect of fertilization, carbon-based material and redmud amendments on the bacterial activity and diversity of a metal(loid) contaminated mining soil. Land Degradation & Development-DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3726.
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Nandillon, R., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. (2021). Effect of biochar, iron sulfate and poultry manure application on the phytotoxicity of a former tin mine. International Journal of Phytoremediation-
Lebrun, M., Nandillon, R., Miard, F., Scippa, G. S., Bourgerie, S. and Morabito, D. (2021). Application of amendments for the phytoremediation of a former mine technosol by endemic pioneer species: alder and birch seedlings. Environmental Geochemistry and Health-43,77-89.
Lebrun, M., Nandillon, R., Miard F., Bourgerie, S., Visser, R., Morabito, D. (2021). Biochar application modifies soil properties of a former mine technosol: SEM/EDS study to investigate Pb and As speciation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery-
Simiele, M., Sferra, G., Lebrun, M., Renzone, G., Bourgerie, S., Scippa, G. S., Morabito, D., Scaloni, A. and Trupiano, D. (2021). In-depth study to decipher mechanisms underlying Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to metal (loid) soil contamination in association with biochar and/or bacteria. Environmental and Experimental Botany-
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Nandillon, R., Hattab-Hambli, N., Léger, J. C., Scippa, G. S., Morabito, D. and Bourgerie, S. (2021). Influence of Biochar Particle Size and Concentration on Pb and As Availability in Contaminated Mining Soil and Phytoremediation Potential of Poplar Assessed in a Mesocosm Experiment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution-232(1), 1-21.
Lebrun M, Miard F, Nandillon R, Morabito D, Bourgerie S. (2021). Biochar application rate: improving soil fertility and Linum usitatissimum growth on an arsenic and lead contaminated technosol. International Journal of Environmental research- DOI: 10.1007/s41742-020-00302-0
(Année 2020)
Van Poucke, R., Egene, C. E., Allaert, S., Lebrun, M., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D., Ok, Y. S., Ronsse, F., meers, E. and Tack, F. M. (2019). Application of biochars and solid fraction of digestate to decrease soil solution Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in contaminated sandy soils. Environmental geochemistry and health, 1-12
Lebrun, M., De Zio, E., Miard, F., Scippa, G. S., Renzone, G., Scaloni, A., Bourgerie, S. Morabito, D., Trupiano, D. (2020). Amending an As/Pb contaminated soil with biochar, compost and iron grit: effect on Salix viminalis growth, root proteome profiles and metal (loid) accumulation indexes. Chemosphere, 244, 125397.
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Hattab-Hambli, N., Scippa, G. S., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020). Effect of different tissue biochar amendments on As and Pb stabilization and phytoavailability in a contaminated mine technosol. Science of The Total Environment, 707, 135657.
Simiele, M., Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Trupiano, D., Poupart, P., Forestier, O., Scippa, G. S., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020). Assisted phytoremediation of a former mine soil using biochar and iron sulphate: Effects on As soil immobilization and accumulation in three Salicaceae species. Science of The Total Environment, 710, 136203.
Hattab-Hambli, N., Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Le Forestier, L., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020). Preliminary Characterization of a Post-Industrial Soil for Long-Term Remediation by Phytomanagement: Mesocosm Study of Its Phytotoxicity Before Field Application. International Journal of Environmental Research, 1-13.
Alidou Arzika, I., Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Nandillon, R., Bayçu, G., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020). Assessment of compost and three different biochar feedstocks associated with Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle on Pb and As stabilization in a post-mining Technosol. Pedosphere, 30,1-20.
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Scippa, G. S., Hano, C., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. (2020). Effect of biochar and redmud amendment combinations on Salix triandra growth, metal (loid) accumulation and oxidative stress response. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 195, 110466.
Lebrun, M. Nandillon, R., Miard, F., Le Forestier, L., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. (2020). Effects of biochar, ochre and manure amendments associated with a metallicolous ecotype of Agrostis capillaris on As and Pb stabilization of a former mine technosol. Environemtal Geochemistry And Health,
Benhabylès, L., Djebbar, R., Miard, F., Nandillon, R., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. (2020). Biochar and compost effects on the remediative capacities of Oxalis pes-caprae L. growing on mining technosol polluted by Pb and As. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27,30133-30144
Qasim, B., Motelica-Heino, M., Morabito, D. (2020). Uptake of three Pharmaceuticals by beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from contaminated soils. Baghdad Science Journal, 17(3), 733-742.
Qasim, B., Razzak, A. A., Kamil, G. M., Motelica-Heino, M., Morabito, D. (2020). Quantitative Determination of Fluoroquinolones in Contaminated Soils by HPLC with Solid-Phase Extraction. Baghdad Science Journal, 17(1), 48-56.
Lebrun, M., Van Poucke, R., Miard, F., Scippa, G. S., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D., Tack, F. M. Effects of carbon‐based materials and redmuds on metal (loid) immobilization and growth of Salix dasyclados Wimm. on a former mine technosol contaminated by arsenic and lead. Land Degradation & Development-
Lebrun, M., Alidou Arzika, I., Miard, F., Nandillon, R., Bayçu, G., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020) Effect of fertilization of a biochar and compost amended technosol: consequence on Ailanthus altissima growth and As and Pb specific root sorption. Soil Use and Management, 36(4), 766-772.
Simiele, M., Lebrun, M., Del Cioppo, G., Scippa, S. G., Trupiano, D., Bourgerie, S., Morabito, D. (2020). Evaluation of Different Amendment Combinations Associated with Trifolium repens to Stabilize Pb and As in a Mine-Contaminated Soil. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231(11), 1-15.
Lebrun, M., Miard, F., Bucci, A., Trupiano, D., Nandillon, R., Naclerio, G., Scippa, G. S., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. (2020). Evaluation of direct and biochar carrier-based inoculation of Bacillus sp. on As-and Pb-contaminated technosol: effect on metal (loid) availability, Salix viminalis growth, and soil microbial diversity/activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research-DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11355-1
(Année 2019)
Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Miard F., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2019) Contrasted tolerance of Agrostis capillaris metallicolous and non-metallicolous ecotypes in the context of a mining technosol amended by biochar, compost and iron sulfate. Environmental Geochemistry and Health-
Nandillon R., Lahwegue O., Miard F., Lebrun M., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Battaglia-Brunet F., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2019) Potential use of biochar, compost and iron grit associated with Trifolium repens to stabilize Pb and As on a multi-contaminated technosol. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety-
Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Miard F., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Villar M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Capability of amendments (biochar, compost and garden soil) added to a mining technosol contaminated by PB and As to allow poplar seed (Populus. nigra L.) germination. J. Environmental monitoring and assessment-DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7561-6
Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Biochar effect associated with compost and iron to promote Pb and As soil stabilization and Salix viminalis L. growth. Chemosphere, 222: 810-822.
Nandillon R., Miard F., Lebrun M., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Bourgerie S., Battaglia-Brunet F., Morabito D. (2019) Effect of biochar and amendments on Pb and As phytotoxicity and phytoavailability in a technosol. Clean- Soil Air Water-DOI: 10.1002/clen.201800220.
Norini M-P., Thouin H., Miard F., Battaglia-Brunet F., Gautret P., Guégan R., Le Forestier L., Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Motelica-Heino M. (2019) Mobility of Pb, Zn, Ba, As and Cd toward soil pore water and plants (willow and ryegrass) from a mine soil amended with biochar. Environ. Sci.Pollut., Res. 232: 117-130.
(Année 2018)
Lebrun M., Miard F., Renouard S., Nandillon R., Scippa G.S., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2018) Effect of Fe-functionalized biochar on toxicity of a technosol contaminated by Pb and As: sorption and phytotoxicity tests. Environ. Sci.Pollut., Res.33: 33678-33690
Lebrun M., Miard F., Hattab-Hambli N., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Assisted phytoremediation of a multi-contaminated industrial soil using biochar and garden soil amendments associated with Salix alba or Salix viminalis: abilities to stabilize As, Pb and Cu. Water air soil pollut., 229: 163.
Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Léger J-C., Hattab-Hambli N., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Assisted phytostabilization of a multi contaminated mine technosol using biochar amendment: early stage evaluation of biochar feedstock and particle size effects on As and Pb accumulation of 2 Salicaceae species (Salix viminalis and Populus euramericana). Chemosphere, 194: 316-326.
(Année 2017)
Lomaglio T., Hattab-Hambli N., Miard F., Lebrun M., Nandillon R.,  Trupiano D., Scippa G.S., Gauthier A., Motelica-Heino M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2017) Cd, Pb and Zn mobility and (bio)availability in contaminated soils from a former smelting site amended with biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9521-4)
Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Hattab-Hambli N., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2017) Eco-restoration of a mine technosol according to biochar particle size and dose application: study of soil physico-chemical properties and phytostabilization capacities of Salix viminalis. Journal of soils and sediments, (DOI 10.1000/s11368-017-0763-8)
(Année 2016)
Lomaglio T., Hattab-Hambli N., Bret A., Miard F., Trupiano D., Scippa G.S., Motelica-Heino M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Effect of biochar amendments on the mobility and (bio) availability of As, Sb and Pb in a contaminated mine technosol. Journal of geochemical exploration,-
Lebrun M., Macri C., Miard F., Hattab-Hambli N., Motelica-Heino N., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2016) Effect of biochar amendments on As and Pb mobility and phytoavailability in contaminated mine technosols phytoremediated by salix. Journal of geochemical exploration-
Bart S., Motelica-Heino M., Miard F., Joussein E., Soubrand M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Phytostabilization of As, Sb and Pb by two willow species (S. viminalis and S. purpurea) on former mine technosols. Catena, 136 pp44-52
Qasim B., Motelica-Heino M., Bourgerie S., Gauthier A., Morabito D. (2016) Rhizospheric effects of Populus euramericana Dorskamp on the mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd in contaminated technosols. Journal of soils and sediments, 16 pp811-820
(Année 2015)
Romeo S., Francini A., Sebastiani L., Morabito D. (2015) High Zn concentration do not impair biomass, cutting radial growth and photosynthetic activities traits in Populus alba L. Journal of soils and sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-015-1251-y
Qasim B., Motelica-Heino M., Bourgerie S., Gauthier A., Morabito D. (2015) Effect of nitrate and ammonium fertilization on Zn, Pb and Cd phytostabilization by Populus euramericana Dorskamp in contaminated technosol. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5071-9
Lomaglio T., Rocco M., Trupiano D., De Zio E., Grosso A., Marra M., Delfine S., Chiatante D., Morabito D., Scippa G.S. (2015) Effect of short-term cadmium on populus nigra L. detached leaves. Journal of plant Physiol.,182 pp40-48
Bertheau L., Djeghdir I., Fourreau E., Chefdor F., Glevarec G., Oudin A., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Courdavault V., Hericourt F., Auguin D., Carpin S. (2015) Insights into B-type RR members as signaling partners acting downstream of HPt partners of HK1 in the osmotic stress response in Populus. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 94 pp244-252
(Année 2014)
Morel A.,  Teyssier C., Trontin J-F., Eliasova K., Pesek B., Beaufort M., Morabito D., Boizot N., Le Metté C., Belal-Bessai L., Reymond I., Harvengt L., Cadene M., Corbineau F., Vagner M., Label P., Lelu-Walter M-A. (2014) Early molecular events involved in Pinus Pinaster Ait. Somatic embryo development under reduced water availability: Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses. Physiologia plantarum-DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12158
(Année 2013)
Bertheau L., Miranda M., Foureau E., Rojas Hoyos L.F., Chefdor F., Héricourt F., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Papon N., Clastre M., Scippa S., Brignolas F., Courdavault V., Carpin S. (2013) In planta validation of HK1 homodimerization and recruitment of preferential HPt downstream partners involved in poplar multistep phosphorelay systems. Plant Biosytems, 147(4)(991-995)
Héricourt F., Chefdor F., Bertheau L., Tanigawa M., Maeda T., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Larcher M., Depierreux C., Bénédetti H., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2013) Characterization of histidine-aspartate kinase HK1 and identification of histidine phosphotransfer proteins as potential partners in a Populus multistep phosphorelay. Physiologia Plantarum, 149: 188-199
(Année 2012)
Bertheau L., Chefdor F., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Héricourt F., Carpin S. (2012) Identification of five B-type response regulators as members of a multistep phosphorelay  system interacting with histidine-containing phosphotransfer partners of populus osmosensor. BMC Plant biology, 12 (241)
Durand T.C., Sergeant K., Carpin S., label P., Morabito D., Hausman J-F., Renaut J. (2012) Screening for changes in leaf and cambial proteome of Populus tremula x P. alba under different heat constraints. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169(17) (1698-1718)
(Année 2011)
Durand T.C., Baillif  P., Albéric P., Carpin S., Label P., Hausman J-F., Morabito D. (2011) Cadmium and zinc are differentially distributed in Populus tremula x P. Alba exposed to metal excess. Plant Biosystems, 145(2)(397-405)
Durand T., Sergeant K., Renaut J., Planchon S., Hoffman L., Carpin S., label P., Hausman J-F., Morabito D. (2011) Poplar under drought; comparison of leaf and cambial proteomic responses. Journal of proteomics, 74(1396-1410)
Teyssier C., Grondin C., Bonhomme L., Lomenech A-M., Vallance M., Morabito D., Label P., Lelu-Walter M-A.,(2011) Increased gelling agent concentration promotes somatic embryo maturation in hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepsis): a 2-DE proteomic analysis. Physiologia plantarum, 141(2)(152-165)
(Année 2010)
Durand T., Kjell S., Planchon S., Carpin S.,  Label P.,  Morabito D., Hausman, J.F., Renaut J. (2010) Acute metal stress in Populus tremula x P. alba (717-1B4 genotype): leaf and cambial proteome changes induced by cadmium. Proteomics, 10(349-368)
Durand T., Hausman J.F., Carpin S., Albéric P., Bailliff P.,  Label P,  Morabito D. (2010) Zinc and cadmium effects on growth and ion distribution in Populus tremula × Populus alba 717-1B4: growth and ion distribution. Biologia Plantarum, 54(1)(191-194)
(Année 2009)
Bonhomme L., Monclus R., Vincent D., Carpin S., Lomenech A.-M., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2009) Leaf proteome analysis of eight Populus ×euramericana genotypes: genetic variation in drought response and in water-use efficiency involves photosynthesis-related proteins. Proteomics, 9(4121-4142).
Bonhomme L., Monclus R ., Vincent D ., Carpin S., Claverol S., Lomenech A.-M., Labas V., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2009) Genetic variation and drought response in the leaf proteome of two Populus ×euramericana genotypes cultivated under contrasting experimental conditions. Phytochemistry, 70(988-1002).
(Année 2008)
Farias de Aragao M.E., Morabito D., Jolivet Y., Moura de Farias V., Oliveira Otoch MdL., Florido Guedes M. I., Dizengremel P., Fernandes de Melo D. (2008) NADP-dependent Malic enzyme protects Vigna unguiculata against reactive oxygen species under osmotic stress. Plant stress, 2(64-69).
Bonhomme L., Barbaroux C., Monclus R., Morabito D., Berthelot A., Villar M., Dreyer E., Brignolas F. (2008) Genetic variation in productivity, leaf traits and carbon isotope discrimination in hybrid poplars cultivated on contrasting sites. Annals of Forest Sciences, 65(1-9).
Caruso A, Chefdor F., Carpin S., Depierreux C., Delmotte F., Kahlem G., Morabito D. (2008) Physiological characterisation and identification of genes differentially expresed in response to osmotic stress in Populus x canadensis (clone Dorskamp). Journal of Plant Physiology, 165(932-941).
(Année 2006)
Morabito D., Caruso A., Carpin S., Carli C., Laurans F., Depierreux C., Kahlem G., Label P. (2006) Cambial activity of Populus tremula x P. alba clone 717-1B4 in hydroponic culture. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(719 -724).
Chefdor F., Bénédetti H., Depierreux C., Delmotte F., Morabito D.,  Carpin S. (2006) : Osmotic stress sensing in Populus: Components identification of a phosphorelay system. FEBS letter, 580(77-81).
(Année 2002)
Caruso A., Morabito D., Delmotte F., Kahlem G., Carpin S. (2002) Dehydrin induction during drought and osmotic stress in Populus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 40(1033-1042).
(Année 2000)
Morabito D., Guerrier, G. (2000) The free oxygen radical scavenging enzymes and redox status in roots and leaves of Populusx Euramericana in response to osmotic stress, dessication and rehydration. Journal of Plant Physiol,157(74-80).
(Année 1996)
Gerant, D., Podor, M., Grieu, P., Afif, D., Cornu, S, Morabito D., Banvoy, J., Robin, C., Dizengremel, P. (1996) Carbon metabolism enzyme activities and carbon partitioning in Pinus halepensis Mill. exposed to mild drought and ozone. Journal of Plant Physiol., 148(142-147).
Morabito D., Jolivet, D., Prat, D., Dizengremel, P. (1996) Differences in the physiological responses of two clones of Eucalyptus microtheca selected for their salt tolerance. Plant Science, 114(2)(129-139).
(Année 1994)
Morabito D., Mills, D., Prat, D., Dizengremel, P. (1994) Response of clones of Eucalyptus microtheca to NaCl in vitro. Tree Physiology, 14(201-210).

-Chapitres de livres
(Année 2023)
 Hassan S.H., Chafik Y., Lebrun M., Sferra G., Bourgerie S., Svcippa G.S, Morabito D., Trupiano D. (2023) RestorationLead toxicity and tolerance in plants : insights from omics studies. In Molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity and tolerance in plants: from chemical biology to omics approaches and genetic engineering. Ed. Mohammad Anwar Hossain. Wiley Publisher (en cours de publication)
 Lebrun M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2023) Restoration of old mining sites polluted by metal(loid)s by using various amendments. In Bioremediation of Toxic Metal(loid)s. ed. Anju Malik, Mohd. Kashif Kidwai, Vinod Kumar Garg. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group Publishers, (ISBN 9781032135779)
(Année 2022)
 Lebrun M., Nandilon R., Miard F., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2022) Biochar assisted phytoremediation for metal(loid) contaminated soils. In Assisted Phytoremediation, ed. Vimal Chandra Pandey. Elsevier Publishers, (
(Année 2021)
 Lebrun M., Nandilon R., Miard F., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2021) Metallicolous plants associated to amendments and selected bacterial consortia, to stabilize highly polymetallic contaminated mine deposits. In Biotechnology for sustainable environment : Opportunity and Challenges (Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology), ed. Hemen Sarma. Springer Nature Publishers, (DOI : 10.1007/978-981-16-1955-7_10)
(Année 2011)
 Plomion C., Vincent D., Bedon F., Joets J., Bonhomme L., Morabito D., Duplessis S., Nilsson R.,  Wingsle G.,  Larsson C., Jolivet Y., Renaut J., Pechanova O., Yuceer C. (2011) Poplar proteomics: update and future challenges. In: Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Poplar, eds S. Joshi and S. DiFazio. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA. (Chap6, 128-165).
(Année 2010)
 Teyssier C., Grondin C., Bonhomme L., Vallance M., Morabito D., Label P., Lelu-walter M-A. (2010) Increased gelling agent concentration promotes somatic embryo maturation of hybrid larch (Larix xeurolepis): a 2-DE proteomic analysis. In: Park Y.S., Bonga J.M., Park S.Y.,  Moon H.K. (eds) Somatic embryogenesis of trees - Advances in somatic embryogenesis of trees and its application for the future forests and plantations. Suwon, Republic of Korea (109-111).

- Communications orales, colloques internationaux
(Année 2022)
 Boukroute A., Chafik Y., Oujdi M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2022) La phytostabilisation assistée : une stratégie de phytomanagement pour la réhabilitation des sites miniers pollués par les éléments traces métalliques (cas de Touissit au Maroc Oriental). International Multi-Network Hybrid Conference on mining encounters, Quebec (Canada).
 Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Chafik Y., Miard F., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2022) Remediation of a former mine technosol highly contaminated with As and Pb using (in)organic amendments combined with Salix species : a 5 year study.  Contaminated sites 2022, Trnava (Slovak Republic).
(Année 2021)
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Simiele M., Palmeggiani G., Baycu G., Trupiano D., Scippa S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2021) Biochar assisted phytostabilization for the phytomanagement of post mining area. MedGU , Istanbul (Turkey).
 Morabito D. (2021) Mobility of metal(loid)s from soil toward soil pore water plants and insects from mining soils amended with biochar. 1st V4 Biochar Conference , Prague (Czech republic).
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Miard F., Le Forestier L., Morabito D., Bougerie S., (2021) Effect of biochar, ochre and manure amendments associated to a metallicolous ecotype of agrostis capillaris on As and Pb stabilization of a former mine technosol. Eurosoil 2021, Geneva (Switzerland).
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Visser R., Scippa G.S., Bougerie S., Morabito D., (2021) Role of biochar in the implementation of a phytomanagement strategy on soils presenting polymetallic pollutiont. Green Carbon 2020, Universidad Zaragoza (Espagne).
(Année 2020)
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Miard F., Scippa G.S., Bougerie S., Morabito D., (2020) Esempio di bonifica di sito inquinato da arsenic e piombo in francia: Uso del biochar nel phytomanagement. Sicon 2020 Siti contaminati, Roma Sapienza (Italie).
(Année 2019)
 Lebrun M., Miard F., Kryvtsova M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Utilisation de biochar en phytomanagement pour la gestion de sites miniers pollués par des éléments métalliques. 3eme colloque international francophone en Ukraine (AUF), Odessa (Ukraine).
 Simiele M., Bucci A., Lebrun M., Scippa G.S., Bougerie S., Morabito D., Nacleiro G.,Trupiano D., (2019) The effect of bioaugmentation and biochar-stimulation on metal(loid)s contaminated soil and plant growth. 4th Edition of global conference on plant science and moleculare Biology, London (United Kingdom).
 Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Trupiano D., Bucci A., Nacleiro G., Scippa G.S., Bougerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Combined effect of biochar addition and soil inoculation with endogenous Bacillus to immobilize As and Pb from a mining technosol and to promote Salix viminalis growth. Tenth Soil of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, Seoul (Corée).
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Hattab-Hambli N., Chevolleau S., Miard F., Simiele M., Bougerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Imobilization of heavy metal in contaminated mine technosols using biochar : a phytomanagement strategie. Bio-Char II : production, characterization and Applications, Cetraro (Italie).
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Hattab-Hambli N., Miard F., Chevolleau S., Garraud J., Tuffigo S., Miard S., Simiele M., Bougerie S., Morabito D. (2019) Biochar: an effective amendment to reduce soil pollution and for the implementation of phytomanagement strategies. BEEM 2019, (Hong-Kong).
(Année 2018)
 Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Hattab-Hambli N., Miard F., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Biochar an efficient tool to decrease Pb and As in metal(loid)s contaminated soils and to allow assisted phytoremediation of multicontaminated technosols using tree species. Global symposium on soil pollution FAO, Rome (Italie).
 Chevolleau S., Beaumont F., Miard F., Lebrun M., Nandillon R., Léger J-C.,  Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Biochar obtained from different wood trunk layers allow to significantly reduces lead and arsenic levels in soil pore water of highly metal(loid)s contaminated soils. Fourth world congress on new technologies-ICEPR, Madrid (Espagne).
 Lebrun M., Miard F., Renouard S., Nandillon R., Scippa G.S., Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2018) Capabilities of Fe-functionalized biochar to decrease soil Pb and As phytodisponibility. Fourth world congress on new technologies-ICEPR, Madrid (Espagne).
 Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Trupiano D., De Zio E., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Biochar amendment associated to compost and/or iron in order to improve lead and arsenic soil stabilization and Salix viminalis growth. Fourth world congress on new technologies-ICEPR, Madrid (Espagne).
 Miard F., Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Poplar seeds capabilities to germinate on a metal(loid)s contaminated mining technosol differently amended. Fourth world congress on new technologies-ICEPR, Madrid (Espagne).
 Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Miard F., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Bourgerie S., Battaglia-Brulet F., Morabito D. (2018) Effect of wood biochar associated to compost on the phytotoxicity of a mining technosol mainly contaminated by Pb and As. Fourth world congress on new technologies-ICEPR, Madrid (Espagne).
 Alidou Arzika I., Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon S., Léger J-C., Kryvtsova M., Gulriz B., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2018) Effect of biochar and amendments on Ailanthus altissima capacities to remediate a Pb and As contaminated mining soil. 2018 Ecolgie conference, Kastamonu (Turquie).
 Van Poucke R., Alleart S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D., Ronsse F., Meers E., Tack F.M.G (2018) Sorption of Pb on biochar: production, optimization and application. BEEM 2018, Hongcheon (Corée).
(Année 2017)
 Morabito D., Alidou Arzika I., Lebrun M., Miard F., Nandillon R., Lahwegue O., Léger J-C., Bourgerie S., Gülriz B. (2017) Use of biochar obtained from wood feedstock to reduce lead contamination in minining soil, effect on Ailanthus altissima growth and lead plant accumulation. Ecology 2017 conference, Kayseri (Turquie).
 Norini M-P., Motelica-Heino M., Battaglia-Brunet F., Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Gautret P. (2017) Biogeochemical process of trace metallic elements in the rhizosphere of phytostabilizing plants. Golschmidt conference, Paris (France).
 LebrunM., Miard F., Nandillon R., Léger J-C., Scippa G.,  Morabito D., Bourgerie S. (2017) Effect of lightwood and pinewood biochar amendments on the growth and assisted phytostabilizing capacities of Salix viminalis. IPC 2017, Montrel (Canada).
 Nandillon R., Lebrun M., Miard F., Hattab-Hambli N., Léger J-C., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Girardeau I., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2017) Effects of wood biochar associated to compost on the phytotoxycity of a mining technosol mainly contaminated by Pb and As. IPC 2017, Montreal (Canada).
(Année 2016)
 Le Forestier L., Hattab N., Bourgerie S., Morabito D., Miard F., Mench M., Motelika-Heno M. (2016) Gentle remediation options of copper contaminated soils: aided phytostabilization and phytoextraction. ICHMET conference, Ghent (Belgique).
 Lebrun M., Macri C., Hattab N., Miard F., Motelica-Heino M., Lomaglio T., Scippa G.S., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Biochar effect on the physicochemical characteristics of a mining technosol and on the growth of three willow species in a phytostabilization goal. 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference, Chuncheon (Corée).
 Lebrun M., Macri C., Hattab N., Miard F., Motelica-Heino M., Leger J.C., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Effects of wood biochar from different origin on the physicochemical characteristics of a metal(loid)s contaminated mining soil and on the growth of Salix viminalis for phytostabilization. 3rd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference, Chuncheon (Corée).
 Lebrun M., Lomaglio T., Hattab N., Miard F., Cottard F., Gaillard M., Sabatier S., Motelica-Heino M., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Effects of biochar and garden soil as amendments on the physicochemical characteristics of contaminated soils and on the growth and potential use of 6 salix species for phytoremediation. Eurosoil, Istanbul (Turquie).
 Bourgerie S., Macri C., Lebrun M., Hattab N., Miard F., Minuto L.,Gautret P., Leforestier L., Leger J.C., Motelica-Heino M., Morabito D. (2016) Effects of different biochar to reduce metal(loid)s availability in contaminated mining soils and to promote poplar growth. ICHMET conference, Ghent (Belgique).
 Bertheau L., Djeghdir I., Héricourt F., Chefdor F., Larcher M., Morabito D., Depierreux C., Auguin D., Foureau E., Courdavault V., Oudin A.,Glévarec G., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2016) Toward the identification of a partnership belonging to a multi-step phosphorelay system as signaling pathway in poplar drought perception. 4th International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior, Saint Petersbourg (Russie).
(Année 2015)
  Motelica Heino M., Qasim B., Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Gauthier A. (2015) Rhizospheric effects of Populus euramericana dorskamp on the mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd in contaminated technosols. 13th International Conference on the Biochemistry of Trace Elements, Fukuoka (Japon).
  Bertheau L., Djeghdir I., Héricourt F., Chefdor F., Larcher M., Morabito D., Depierreux C., Auguin D., Foureau E., Courdavault V., Oudin A.,Glévarec G., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2015) Toward the identification in poplar of a possible involvement of Multiple-step phosphorelay partenrs in drought perception. 3rd International Plant Physiology congress, New-Delhi (Inde).
(Année 2014)
 Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Auguin D., Bart S., Miard  F., Diabagate LI., Joussein E., Soubrand M., Qasim B., Motelica-Heino M. (2014) Phytostabilization of mining soils contaminated with As, Pb and Sb by two salix genotypes. International Congress on Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils, Vigo (Espagne).
 Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Auguin D., Bart S., Miard  F., Diabagate LI., Joussein E., Soubrand M., Qasim B., Motelica-Heino M. (2014) Potentiel use of three different salix genotypes for the phytostabilization of metal contaminated soils. International Poplar Symposium VI, Vancouver (Canada).
 Motelica-Heino M., Le Forestier L., Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Mench M. (2014) Phytostabilisation of industrial soils contaminated with Cu, As, Cr and Zn by salix purpurea. The Earth living skin: soil, life climate changes, Bari (Italie).
 Morel A., Teyssier C., Trontin J.-F., Eliášová K., Bedřichc P., Beaufour M., Morabito D., Boizot N., Le Mette C., Belal Bessai L., Reymond I., Harvengt L., Cadene M., Corbineau F., Vágner M., Label P., Lelu-Walter M.-A. (2014). Multi-scale analysis of early molecular events during Pinus pinaster Ait. somatic embryo development under reduced water availability. 3rd Intenational conference of the IUFRO:Woody plant production integrating genetic and vegetative propagation technologies, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Espagne);
(Année 2012)
 Teyssier C., Grondin C., Bonhomme L., Vallance M., Morabito D., Label  P., Lelu-Walter M-A. (2012) Reduce water availability during hybrid larch somatic embryo maturation is not stressful. IUFRO, Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies, Brno (Tchéquie).
(Année 2011)
 Morabito D., Brignolas F., Bonhomme L., Durand T., Carpin S., Label  P., Renaut J., Hausman J-F (2011) Poplar leaf and cambial proteome analysis linked to water-use efficiency and abiotic stresses. International symposium on plant biotechnology (ISPB), Ranchi (Inde).
 Bertheau L., Chefdor F., Héricourt F., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Courdavault V, Guirimand G., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2011) Characterization of poplar response regulators as potential partners of HPt proteins in a multi-step phosphorelay system. International symposium on plant biotechnology (ISPB), Ranchi (Inde).
 Bertheau L.,  Chefdor F., Héricourt H., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Tanigawa M., Maeda T., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2011) Identification and characterization of the 3 partners of a multi-step phosphorelay probably involved in poplar osmosensing. Molecular basis of plant stress, Varna (Bulgarie)
(Année 2009)
 Bogeat-Triboulot  M.B., Hummel I., Bonhomme L., Cohen D., Tisserant E., Le Thiec D., Dreyer E.,  Vincent D., Plomion C., Leplé J-C, Label P., Lesage-Descauses M-C., Laurans F., Morabito D., Bonhomme L., Brignolas F., Balzergue S., Renou J.P. (2009) Molecular basis of acclimation to water deficit in poplar. UPRA Third meeting, Nancy (France).
(Année 1997)
 Bray E.A., Moses S.M., Cohen A., Shih T-Y., Chung E., Scippa G.S., Chiatante D., Imai R., Plant A., Griffiths A., Morabito D., Dizengremel P. (1997) Regulation of gene expression by endogenous abscisic acid during plant water deficit. Molecular biology of plants under environmental stress, Poznan, (Pologne).
(Année 1995)
 Gerant D., Podor M., Grieu P., Morabito D., Cornu S., Robin C., Banvoy J., Dizengremel P. (1995) Does Ozone pollution affect sensitivity of Pinus halepensis MILL. to drought ? Conference on vegetation stress, Munich, (Allemagne).

- Communications par affiches, colloques internationaux
(Année 2022)
 Chafik Y., Sena-Velez M., Boukroute A., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2022) Use of locally sourced and produced biochar to reduce the bioavailability of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu of a mining technosol. SUIMA 11, Berlin (Germany).
 Deimkar N., Chafik Y., Sena-Velez M., Thany S., Bourgerie S., Taillebois E., Morabito D. (2022) Transfer, accumulation and biological impact of As and Pb in the soil pore water-broad bean-aphid continuum : a case of mining soils remediated with biochar. SUIMA 11, Berlin (Germany).
(Année 2021)
 Simiele M., Sferra G., Lebrun M., Renzone G., Bourgerie S., Scippa G.S., Morabito D., Scaloni A., Trupiano D. (2021).Dissecting Protein-Protein interaction networks of Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis Halleri to get insights into heavy metal tolerance strategies. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference 16th edition, virtual conference. (Italy)
 Hassan S.H., Sferra G., Fantozzi D., Simiele M., Scippa G.S., Morabito D., Trupiano D. (2021).Dissecting Protein-Protein interaction networks of Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis Halleri to get insights into heavy metal tolerance strategies. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference 16th edition, virtual conference. (Italy)
 Hassan S.H., Sferra G., Simiele M., Scippa G.S., Morabito D., Trupiano D. (2021).Prediction of organ specific protein-protein interaction network of Arabidopsis halleri and identification of key genes and pathways. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference 16th edition, virtual conference. (Italy)
(Année 2019)
 Simiele M., Bucci A., Lebrun M., Scippa S.G., Bourgerie S., Morabito D., Naclerio G., Trupiano D. (2019) The effect of bioaugmentation and biochar-stimulation on metal(loid)s contaminated soil and plant growth. Global conference on plant science and molecular biology, London (England).
(Année 2016)
 Motelica-Heino M., Qasim B., Bourgerie S., Morabito D., Gauthier A. (2016) Biogeochemical processes in the rhizosphere of Populus euramericana Dorskamp involved in the phytostobilization of Cd, Pb and Zn in contaminated technosol with N addition. Goldschmidt conference, Yokohama (Japon).
 Bourgerie S., Lebrun M., Macri C., Hattab-Hambli N., Miard F., Motelica-Heino M., Morabito D. (2016) Effects of a biochar amendment to improve the physicochemical characteristics of a former mine extraction soil contaminated mainly by Pb and As and to enhance the growth of three willow species. ICHMET, Ghent (Belgique).
 Motelica-Heino M., Hattab-Hambli N., Lomaglio T., Guégan R., Miard F., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2016) Remediation of post mining and smelting metal contaminated soils with biochar. 2nd Green sustainable chemistry conference. Berlin (Allemagne).
(Année 2015)
 Djeghbir I., Bertheau L., Chefdor F., Glévarec G., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Héricourt F., Auguin D., Oudin A., Carpin S. (2015) B-Type response regulator RR18 silencing to determine its impact on poplar responses to drought, International symposium on Plant signaling and Behavior, Paris (France).
(Année 2014)
 Romeo S., Francini A., Romè C., Morabito D., Sebastiani L. (2014) Populus alba a good approach for zinc phytoremediation. International congress on phytoremediation of polluted soils, Vigo (Espagne).
 Qasim B., Morabito D., Bourgerie S., Gauthier A., Motelica M. (2014) Potentiel phytostabilization of soils contaminated with Cd, Pb and Zn from a former smelting area. International congress on phytoremediation of polluted soils, Vigo (Espagne).
 Bourgerie S., Motelica-Heino M., Sajaloli B., Yengué E., Morabito D. (2014) Functional profiles of soil microbial populations under various climatic conditions and agricultural practices in Burkina-Faso. Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon (France).
 Bourgerie S., Motelica-Heino M., Limam I., Yengué E., Morabito D. (2014) Soil microbial diversity and related soil functioning in urban parks. Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon (France).
(Année 2012)
 Feinard-Duranceau M., Vincent-Barbaroux C., Berthier A., Marin  S., Lario F.L., Brignolas F., Morabito D., Rozenberg P. (2012) Genetic variability of the response of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) to water stress. Plant abiotic stress tolerance, Vienne (Autriche).
 Chefdor F., Héricourt F., Bertheau L., Tanigawa M., Maeda T, Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Carpin S.  (2012) Osmosensing in Populus: Possible Involvement of a Multi-step Phosphorelay. Plant abiotic stress tolerance, Vienne (Autriche).
 Bertheau L ., Chefdor F., Héricourt F., Courdavault V., Guirimand G., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2012) Osmosensing in Populus:  Characterization of B-Type Response Regulators as Third Partner. Plant abiotic stress tolerance, Vienne (Autriche).
(Année 2011)
 Chefdor F., Bertheau L., Héricourt F., Tanigawa M., Maeda T., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Depierreux C, Bénédetti H, Morabito D., Brignolas F., Carpin S. (2011) The poplar hybrid-type Histidine asparte kinase HK1 is a functionnal osmosensor. International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology towards tolerance to stresses and enhancing crop yield (ISPB), Ranchi, Jharkhand (Inde).
 Morabito D., Brignolas F., Bonhomme L., Durand  T., Carpin S., Label P., Renaut J, Hausman J-F. (2011) Poplar leaf and cambial proteome analysis linked to water-use efficiency and abiotic stresses. Molecular basis of plant stress, Varna (Bulgarie).
(Année 2010)
 Bonhomme L., Vincent D., Carpin S., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2010) Leaf proteome analysis of eight Populus x euramericana genotypes: genetic variation in drought response and in water-use efficiency involves photosynthesis-related proteins. International poplar symposium IPSV, Orvieto (Italie).
 Lelu-Walter M-A., Grondin C., Bonhomme L., Vallance M., Morabito D., Label P., Teyssier C. (2010) Increased gealing agent concentration promotes somatic embryo maturation of hybrid larch (Larix xeurolepis): A 2-DE proteomic analysis. IUFRO Forests for the future: sustaining society and the environment, Séoul (Corée).
 L. Bertheau L., F. Chefdor F., F. Héricourt F., G. Guirimand G., V. Courdavault V., C. Depierreux C., D. Morabito D., F. Brignolas F., S. Carpin S. (2010) Subcellular localisation of HPt proteins and research of Response Regulators involved in the osmosensing signaling pathway in Populus. XVII congress of the Federation of European societies of plant biology (FESPB), Valence (Espagne). 
(Année 2009)
 Teyssier C., Grondin C., Paques L., Bonhomme L., Morabito D., Vallance M., Label P., Lelu-Walter M-A. (2009) Increased gelrite concentration improves somatic embryo maturation in hybrid larch. Tree Biotechnology, Whistler (Canada).
 Bonhomme L., Monclus R., Vincent D., Lomenech A.-M., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2009) Proteomic analysis of eight Populus ×euramericana genotypes: genetic variation in drought response and in water-use efficiency involves photosynthesis-related proteins. Plant abiotic stress tolerance, Vienne (Autriche).
 Bonhomme L., Monclus R., Vincent D., Claverol S., Lomenech A.-M., Labas V., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2009) Genetic variation and drought response in the leaf proteome of two Populus ×euramericana genotypes cultivated under contrasting experiment locations. Plant abiotic stress tolerance, Vienne (Autriche).
(Année 2008)
 Bonhomme L., Labas V., Vincent D., Plomion C., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2008) Impact of water deficit on the leaf proteome of 2 Populus deltoides × P. nigra grown in glasshouse or in nursery. XVIth Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB), Tampere (Finlande).
 Durand Th. C., Morabito D., Planchon S., Sergeant K.,  Carpin S., Label Ph., Hausman J-F., Renaut, J. (2008) Common and specific features of the poplar response to drought or heat stress. Proteomlux : International Conference on Proteomics in Plants, Microorganisms and Environment, Luxembourg (Luxembourg).
  Durand T., Renaut, J.,  Carpin S., Albéric P., Bailliff P., Label P.,  Morabito D., Hausman, J-F. (2008) Proteomic and physiological changes in leaves of poplars submitted to zinc or cadmium constraint. Plant Proteomics in Europe, Cordoba (Espagne).
 (Année 2007)
 Teyssier C., Grondin C., Bonhomme L., Morabito D., Vallance M., Label P., Lelu-Walter M-A. (2007) Towards a better understanding of conifer somatic embryo development by proteomic analysis. Tree Biotechnology 2007, Ponta Delgada (Portugal).
 Durand T., Renaut J., Carpin S., Label P., Morabito D., Hausman J-F. (2007) Physiological response and proteomic changes in poplar cuttings during and after a heat constraint. Gordon Research Conferences “temperature stress in plants”, Ventura (Californie, USA).
 (Année 2006)
 Durand T., Renaut J., Carpin S., Golan-Goldhirsh A.,  Label P., Morabito D., Hausman J-F. (2006) Effect of heavy metals (Zinc and Cadmium) on the leaf pattern of poplar cuttings. Proteomlux, Luxembourg-Kirchberg (Luxembourg).
 Bonhomme L., Brignolas F., Morabito D. (2006). Impact of drought on the protein expression patterns of 2 hybrid poplars contrasted for their leaf carbon isotope discrimination. Proteomlux, Luxembourg-Kirchberg (Luxembourg).
(Année 2005)
 Durand D., Giovanelli A., Carpin S., Lalanne C., Depierreux C., Plomion C., Rachi M.L.,.Label P., Morabito D. (2005) Effect of drought stress followed by a rewatering period on physiogical parameters and the proteome of Populus x canescence (clone 717-1B4) . Interdrought II, Rome (Italie).
(Année 2003)
 Morabito D., Caruso A., Carpin S., Carli C., Laurans F., Depierreux C., Kahlem G., Label P. (2003) Hydroponic culture of Populus tremula X P. Alba clone 717-1B4: obtention of radial growth and application of water stress. Tree Biotechnology, Umea (Suède).
 Caruso A., Chefdor F., Carpin S., Depierreux C., Delmotte F., Kahlem G., Morabito D. (2003) Identification and characterization of three mRNA Transcripts differentially expressed in response to osmotic stress in Populus euramericana. Tree Biotechnology, Umea (Suède).
(Année 2000)
 Depierreux C., Morabito D., Carpin S., Courtois M., Delmotte F., Kahlem G.  (2000) Effect of water stress on growth and polypeptide pattern of Populus tremula x Populus alba (clone 717-1B4). Flowering, peroxidases and the environment, in Integrated plant systems, Morzine (France).
 Caruso A., Morabito D., Carpin S., Delmotte F., Kahlem G.  (2000) Water response and identification of genes induced by PEG 6000 in leaves of Populus grown in hydroponic conditions. Flowering, peroxidases and the environment, in Integrated plant systems, Morzine (France).
(Année 1999)
 Caruso A., Morabito D., Guerrier G., Kahlem G. (1999)  Isolation and identification of mRNA species related to the response of Populus euramericana clone “Dorskamp“ to drought by Differential Display technique. International Poplar Symposium II, Orléans (France).
(Année 1996)
  Morabito D., Moses M.S., Bray E.A. (1996) Endogenous versus exogenous ABA effects on gene expression. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists, San Antonio (Texas, USA).
  Morabito D., Moses M.S., Bray E.A. (1996) Endogenous versus exogenous ABA effects on gene expression. Gordon Conference Cellular basis of adaptation to salt and water stress in plants (Tilton, Angleterre).
(Année 1995)
 Morabito D., Jolivet Y., Mills D., Prat D., Dizengremel P. (1995) Comparaison of the salt tolerance of clones of Eucalyptus microtheca growing in greenhouse and in vitro. First Israelo-Arab Scientific Meeting, Paris (France).
(Année 1994)
 Morabito D., Jolivet Y., Prat D., Hourmant A., Dizengremel P. (1994) Mechanisms of salt tolerance in Eucalyptus microtheca. Plant Sciences, Saint Malo (France).
(Année 1992)
 Prat D., Morabito D., Zegzouti R., Burczyk J. (1992) Genetic diversity revealed by two dimensional electrophoresis in Douglas-FIR. International symposium on population genetics and gene conservation of forest trees, Carcans-Monbuisson (France).
(Année 1991)
 Jolivet Y., Fernandes de Melo D., Silva lima M., Morabito D., Dizengremel P. (1991) Effect of salinity on malate metabolism in mitochondria from NaCl-sensitive and NaCl-tolerant cultivars of Vigna unguiculata. Plant Sciences today, La Colle sur Loup, (France).
 Morabito D., Mills D., Prat D., Joly H, Jolivet Y., Dizengremel P. (1991) Response in vitro of clones of Eucalyptus microtheca clones to salinity. Plant Sciences today, La Colle sur Loup (France).