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Makhokh H, Busont O, Larcher M, Lamblin F, Chefdor F, Depierreux C, Destandau E, Carpin S, Héricourt F (2023) A yeast osmotic reporter system as a tool to identify biostimulant for plant drought stress tolerance. Current Plant Biology, 41:100430


Malik S., Kumaraguru G., Bruat M., Chefdor F., Depierreux C., Héricourt F., Carpin S., Shanmugam G., Lamblin F. (2024) Organic extracts from sustainable hybrid poplar hairy root cultures as potential natural antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents. Protoplasma, 261: 1311-1326

Cartereau A., Bouchouireb Z., Kaaki S., Héricourt F., Taillebois E., Le Questel J-Y., Thany S. (2024) Pharmacology and molecular modeling studies of sulfoxaflor, flupyradifurone and neonicotinoids on the human neuronal α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 492: 117123

Chafik Y., Hassan S. H., Lebrun M., Sena-Velez M., Cagnon B., Carpin S., Boukroute A., Bourgerie S., Morabito D. (2024) Biochar characteristics and Pb2+/Zn2+ sorption capacities: the role of feedstock variation. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 21: 9829-9842


Laffon M, Bruat M, Chefdor F, Colas C, Heng S, Sena-Velez M, Larcher M, Héricourt F, Depierreux C, Morabito D, Destandau E, Carpin S, Malik S, Lamblin F (2023) Hairy root induction in hybrid poplar (Populus tremula x Populus alba) for sustainable growth and specialized metabolites production with antioxidant activities. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 156: 2

Mongès A, Yaakoub H, Bidon B, Glévarec G, Héricourt F, Carpin S, Chauderon L, Drašarová L, Spichal L, Binder BM, Papon N, Rochange S (2023) Are histidine kinases of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi involved in the response to ethylene and cytokinins? Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact, 36: 656-665

Makhokh H, Lafite P, Larcher M, Lamblin F, Chefdor F, Depierreux C, Tanigawa M, Maeda T, Carpin S, Héricourt F (2023) Searching for osmosensing determinants in poplar Histidine-aspartate Kinases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24: 6318

BUSONT O, DURAMBOUR G, BERNARD S, PLASSON C, JOUDIOU C, BAUDE L, CHEFDOR F, DEPIERREUX C, HERICOURT F, LARCHER M, MALIK S, BOULOGNE I, DRIOUICH A, CARPIN S, LAMBLIN F (2023) Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) root extracellular trap, structural and molecular remodeling in response to osmotic stress. Cells, 12: 858


DJEGHDIR I, CHEFDOR F, BERTHEAU L, KOUDOUNAS K, CARQUEIJEIRO I, LEMOS CRUZ P, COURDAVAULT V, DEPIERREUX C, LARCHER M, LAMBLIN F, HERICOURT F, GLEVAREC G, OUDIN A, CARPIN S Evaluation of type-B RRs dimerization in poplar: a mechanism to preserve signaling specificity? Plant Science, 313: 111068


BIDON B, KABBARA S, COURDAVAULT V, GLEVAREC G, OUDIN A, HERICOURT F, CARPIN S, SPICHAL L, BINDER B, COCK JM, PAPON N Cytokinin and ethylene cell signalling pathways from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Cells, 9: 2526


HERICOURT F, LARCHER M, CHEFDOR F, KOUDOUNAS K, CARQUEIJEIRO I, LEMOS CRUZ P, COURDAVAULT V, TANIGAWA M, MAEDA T, DEPIERREUX C, LAMBLIN F, GLEVAREC G, CARPIN S New insight on HPts as hubs in poplar cytokinin and osmosensing multistep phosphorelays: cytokinin pathway uses specific HPts. Plants, 8: 591

DAUDU D, KISIALA A, WERNER RIBEIRO C, MELIN C, PERROT L, CLASTRE M, COURDAVAULT V, PAPON N, OUDIN A, COURTOIS M, DUGE DE BERNONVILLE T, GAUCHER M, DEGRAVE A, LANOUE A, LANOTTE P, SCHOULER C, BRISSET M-N, EMERY RJN, PICHON O, CARPIN S, GIGLIOLI-GUIVARC'H N, CRECHE J, BESSEAU S, GLEVAREC G Setting-up a fast and reliable cytokinin biosensor based on a plant histidine kinase receptor expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biotechnology, 289: 103-11


CHEFDOR F, HERICOURT F, KOUDOUNAS K, CARQUEIJEIRO I, COURDAVAULT V, MASCAGNI F, BERTHEAU L, LARCHER M, DEPIERREUX C, LAMBLIN F, RACCHI ML, CARPIN S Highlighting type A RRs as potential regulators of the dkHK1 multistep phosphorelay pathway in Populus. Plant Science 277: 68-78.


DAUDU D, ALLION E, LIESECKE F, PAPON N, COURDAVAULT V, DUGE DE BERNONVILLE T, MELIN C, OUDIN A, CLASTRE M, LANOUE A, COURTOIS M, PICHON O, GIRON D, CARPIN S, GIGLIOLI-GUIVARC'H, CRECHE J, BESSEAU S, GLEVAREC G CHASE-Containing Histidine Kinase Receptors in Apple Tree: From a Common Receptor Structure to Divergent Cytokinin Binding Properties and Specific Functions. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1614.


Héricourt F., Chefdor F., Djeghdir I., Larcher M., Lafontaine F., Courdavault V., Auguin D., Coste F., Depierreux C., Tanigawa M., Maeda T., Glévarec G. and Carpin S. Functional Divergence of Poplar Histidine-Aspartate Kinase HK1 Paralogs in Response to Osmotic Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17: 2061-2079.


Bertheau L., Djeghdir I., Fourreau E., Chefdor F., Glévarec G., Oudin A., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Courdavault V., Héricourt F., Auguin D., Carpin S. Insights into the involvement of B-type RRs in the osmosensing signaling pathway in Populus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 94: 244-252.


Bertheau L., Miranda M., Foureau E., Rojas Hoyos L.F., Chefdor F., Héricourt F., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Papon N., Clastre M., Scippa G.S., Brignolas F., Courdavault V., Carpin S. In plantavalidation of HK1 homodimerization and recruitment of preferential HPt downstream partners involved in poplar multistep phosphorelay systems. Plant Biosystems 147: 991-995.

Héricourt F.*, Chefdor F.*, Bertheau L., Tanigawa M., Maeda T., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Larcher M., Depierreux C., Bénédetti H., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Carpin S. Characterization of histidine-aspartate kinase HK1 and identification of Histidine Phosphotransfer proteins as potential partners in a Populus multistep phosphorelay. Physiologia Plantarum 149: 188-199 (* co-premiers auteurs).


Bertheau L., Chefdor F., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Depierreux C., Morabito D., Brignolas F., Héricourt F., Carpin S. Identification of five B-type response regulators 1 as members of a multistep phosphorelay system interacting with Histidine-containing Phosphotransfer partners of Populus osmosensor. BMC Plant Biology 12: 241-254.


Chefdor F., Bénédetti H., Depierreux C., Delmotte F., Morabito D., Carpin S. Osmotic stress sensing in Populus: Components identification of a phosphorelay system. FEBS Letters 580: 77-81.




  • Novembre

Organisation du Workshop CEFIPRA franco-indien, Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans

Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

"Multistep Phosphorelay (MSP) and drought perception in Poplar: overview and future prospects"

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

"Searching for osmosensing determinants and possible ligands of Histidine Kinase in poplar: toward application in plant drought tolerance"

Conférence du Dr Frédéric Lamblin

"The Root Extracellular Trap of black poplar (P. nigra L.): characterization and functional approaches"

  • Juillet

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Annual congress of SFBBM, ENS Lyon, France

"Searching for osmosensing determinants and possible ligands of membrane histidine kinases in poplar"



  • Decembre

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Colloque RTR MiDi2, Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans, France

" ProBioSec Project"

  • Novembre

Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

Australian Society of Plants Scientits Conference, NABI-CIAB, Hobart, Tasmania

"Insight in poplar MultiStep Phosphorelay (MSP) signalling pathway"

  • Octobre

Conférence du Dr Sonia Malik

Conférences Le Studium, Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans, France

"Biotechnological methods for the sustainable production of natural compounds from poplar under controlled environmental conditions. Plant rediscovery with advanced tools for well-being applications"

  • Juin

- Conférence duDr Sonia Malik

PSE Young Scientist's Meeting, Paris

"Sustainable hairy roots, hydroponics and aeroponics culture systems as a tool for the production of poplar bioactive compounds under controlled environmental conditions"

- Conférence du Dr Frédéric Lamblin

Workshop on cosmetics, Cluj-Napoca, Roumania

"The CosmetoPop research project"

  • Janvier

Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security, NABI-CIAB, Mohali, India

"Agroforestry to mitigate drought threats by an efficient stress signalling pathway: Poplar MultiStep Phosphorelay as model"



  • Octobre

Conférence de Hanae Makhokh (doctorante)

34ème colloque Biotechnocentre, Ferme de Courcimont, Nouan le Fuzelier (45), France

"Caractérisation d'osmosenseurs de peuplier : recherche de domaine fonctionnel"

  • Février

Conférence du Dr Sonia Malik

Cosmetosciences Conferences, Amphi Blaise, Polytech site Vinci, University of Orléans, France

"Biotechnological production of specialised plant metabolites"

  • Janvier

- Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Link Workshop on Sustaining food production under environmental stress, NABI, Mohali, india

"Multistep phosphorelay as a drought perception pathway in the poplar agroforestry species"

- Conférence du Dr Sonia Malik

Senior researcher in CosmetoPop project

"A brief overview of my research activities in biotechnological production of plant specialized metabolites: a case study of shikonin derivatives"



  • Octobre

Conférence du Dr Kris Vissenberg

Senior researcher in department of Biology, University of Antwerpen (Belgium)

"Control of root hair growth and development by auxin and kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana"

  • Septembre

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Colloque INRAE "Innovative abiotic stress management", INRAE Orléans, France

"Projet ProBioSec : recherche de biostimulant pour la tolérance des plantes à la sécheresse à partir de feuilles de peuplier"

  • Février

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Workshop inter-projects Végépolys Valley "innovation pour la transition agro-écologique en région CVL", on line

"Présentation du projet ProBioSec dans le cadre de la coalition Innov'AgroEco"



  • Novembre

Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Thematic Workshop Végépolys Valley : valorisation des co-produits du bois pour la nutrition et la santé des plantes, on line

"Projet ProBioSec : recherche de biostimulant pour la tolérance des plantes à la sécheresse à partir de feuilles de peuplier"

  • Septembre

Conférence du Pr Nicolas Papon

Professor in the lab Respiratory Fungal Infections, CHU-Université d'Angers

"Evolution des systèmes de signalisation cellulaire à relais multiple de phosphorylation"



  • Decembre

Conférence du Dr Claire Rosnoblet

Researcher in Monoxyde d'azote et Réactions de Défense team, UMR Agroécologie (Dijon)

"Caractérisation fonctionnelle de la protéine Cdc48 dans la réponse immunitaire induite par la cryptogéine chez le tabac"

  • Mai

- Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

Programme Erasmus, University of Florence (Italie)

"Multistep phosphorelay system, a signaling pathway between growth and drought tolerance"

- Conférence du Dr Roberto de Philippis, DAGRI, University of Florence (Italie)

UFR Sciences et Techniques, Université d'Orléans

"Exploitation of microbial photosynthesis for environmentally sustainable biotechnological processes"

  • Avril

- Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

EMBO Symposium, Grand Hotel, New Delhi, India

"Stress sensing in tree species"

- Conférence du Dr Sabine Carpin

Workshop ICGEB, New Delhi, India

"During drought, how to choose between growth and tolerance?"

- Conférence du Dr François Héricourt

Workshop ICGEB, New Delhi, India

"Perception of drought in poplar: search for osmosensor and its ligand"



  • Novembre

Conférence du Dr Françoise Chefdor

Salle de conférences, LBLGC, Université d'Orléans

"Highlighting type A RRs as potential regulators of the dkHK1 multistep phosphorelay pathway in Populus"

  • Septembre

Conférence du Pr Ashwani Pareek, University Jawarharlal Nerhu, New Delhi (India)

Expert days, Hôtel Dupanloup, Studium Orléans, France

"Towards improving abiotic stress tolerance in rice"