Information subject to further government action related to the health crisis. (
Conditions of Diploma
Conditions of diploma level for MEEF (Careers in Teaching, Education and Training) Master’s Degrees in primary education, secondary education and educational supervising.
The MEEF Master’s Degrees in primary education and in educational supervising are open to all persons with a level 6 diploma (former level II, Bachelor’s degree or equivalent), whatever their study field. MEEF Master’s Degrees in secondary education may require special bachelor’s degrees in order to answer the prerequisites for an admission in first year (M1).
For applications for the Master’s Degree in Training Practices and Engineering (PIF), visit the following link:
And fill out the Master PIF form.
It is possible, if the conditions of access are not fulfilled, to apply for an Accreditation of Personal and Professional Learning (VAPP), provided that you can prove a professional, personal or volunteer significant experience in the educational field concerned. This application will be submitted to the educational commission for approval.
This VAPP file can be delivered on demand by the SEFCO and is available from 13 April 2022 pour Master’s degrees in primary education and in educational supervising.
Applications for MEEF Masters in primary education ("1er degré"), educational supervising and secondary education ("2nd degré") will be open between 22 March and 18 April 2023.
If you own the requested certification or an equivalent:
- Apply for the training on MONMASTER
- Wait for the definitive educational answer from the academic division (answer notified by email)
If you do not own the requested certification:
- Apply for the training on MONMASTER
- Request a VAPP file by email at the SeFCo
- Wait for the definitive educational answer from the academic division (answer notified by email)
For 2nd years of MEEF Master's degrees in primary education, educational supervising and secondary education, application dates vary according to their fields of study.
Applications for the MEEF PIF Master's degree will be open from 27 February to 23 March and from 3 May to 6 June 2023.
INSPE MEEF PIF application platform
Applications are a mandatory step to enter one of the 6 training sites of the Orléans-Tours academic authority.
There will be no appeal against the attribution of assignments at INSPE's academic sites.
University application platform for MEEF 2nd year degrees
Competitive Exams
The registration to the competitive exams is independent from the registration to the INSPE Centre-Val de Loire training courses.
Applicants who meet the conditions to take the recruitment competitive exams for primary school teachers, senior school administrators (CPE), or secondary school teachers will have to register online on the Ministry of Education’s server on the following website:
Derogatory measures for competitive exams:
Parents of 3 children and/or high-level sportsmen and women registered on the Ministry's lists are exempted from the Master's degree requirement to register for the competitive exams.
However, owning a Bachelor’s degree, specific or not, or an equivalent is mandatory to register in a MEEF training course.
Information on the 3rd competitive exam:
The 3rd competitive exam is open to all people with at least 5 years of professional experience in the private sector (see access additional conditions on the following website:
An email with the procedure and the registration or re-registration file will be sent to all people who contacted us. Depending on the study of the files of the continuing education trainees, registrations are likely to take place from July to October.
Continuing education trainees are not concerned with the CVEC payment.
The RSE (special student regulations) is applicable only for students in formal education since people in apprenticeship, in a resumption of studies or in continuing education benefit from special regulations.