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INSPE Price List

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Here you will find the price list of INSPE training courses for SeFCo trainees.

Subject to modification after decision of the University’s Administrative Board.

Reminder: Continuing education trainees are not subject to paying the CVEC

Individual prices M1 MEEF primary education, secondary education and Educational Supervising (EE) Up to €800 (excluding registration fees) depending on situations
Price M1 MEEF primary education, secondary education and Educational Supervising (EE) €4,500
Individual prices M2 MEEF primary education, secondary education and Educational Supervising (EE) Up to €800 (excluding registration fees) depending on situations
Price M2 MEEF primary education, secondary education and Educational Supervising (EE) €5,300
Individual prices M2 MEEF Training Practices and Engineering (PIF) Up to €800 (excluding registration fees) depending on situations
Price M2 MEEF Training Practices and Engineering (PIF) €5,300

As well as university fees: see the dedicated website section

For more information on the study of your application file, please complete and return the form corresponding to your situation available on this page