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The SEFCO Team is here to Guide You

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Universities, with their expertise regarding degrees in higher education, support you throughout your VAE (accreditation of prior experiential learning) process.

The SEFCO team guides you through all administrative steps needed to make your project a reality, we advise you on the appropriate funding solution for your situation, and helps you arrange your dissertation file in person and/or remotely based on the expectations of the required skills, with the help of our pedagogical experts, each of whom is a specialist in their own field.

We also organise a mock oral exam under the conditions of the jury that aims to provide useful comments and corrections to your viva and we support you after the jury if necessary. 

Most requested degrees in VAE

  • Professional degrees 53%
  • Master’s degrees 26%
  • Bachelor’s degrees 12%
  • Engineering degrees 9%

Results of VAE Jurys over the Last Two University Years

  • Number of jury viva 86%
  • Complete validations 74%
  • Partial validations 16%
  • Refusals 5%